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League of Legends
I've been finding myself more and more often playing LoL these days with LadyLightning. I obviously play on the North American server and I'm here to invite my fellow Sigroganans to join me on the fields of justice. You can add my current account: AtomikClock and maybe we'll play some games together sometime.

Aside from that, what are your favorite champions to play as? Mine is Riven, although I'm not adverse to trying out others and messing around with them if I'm in the mood to change it up.

(Note: I typically play against Intermediate bots in Co-op vs AI but I'm more than willing to do PvP if that is something which interests you.)
"The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd."
^_^ My summoner name is MarethRavenlocke.

I tend to favour adcs and mages, and my favourite champion is Ezreal, though I'm generally at least
semi-competent in most roles. Except tanks. I'm not that great of a tank. If I'm playing support, I
tend towards the more mage-y support champions, like Sona or Morgana.
My own Summoner name is as usual MakeshiftWalrus (As it always is) and I mainly play jungle with Warwick or Amumu. I typically derp around with various other Champions like Draven, Urgot, Nasus and Jax as well. Also, I'm not very good. Like, at all.
Mine is KasaiKouga. Level thirty, I have the skill level of a gold III - V-ish player (on a good PC day). Uh, I'm pretty skilled with Jax (who's too OP for his own good), Yi (see previous parenthesis), Riven (when she's free), and a number of Top, Mid, Support and Jungle champions.

My junglers are Nocturne, Kha'Zix (working on him), and Vi (ohbby yes).
Mid? Zed, Akali and, a really safe pick, Anivia.
I can ADC with Draven, Lucian, or Ezreal (though he doesn't scale into lategame very well).
Support: Leona, Thresh, Nami.
Nasus is bae.
Farm4lief + Nasus = op Q.
[Image: pwVgvgc.jpg]

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