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Herb-scented Log
Somewhere, in a room, or on the person of a certain someone...

(You can't use info gathered here, unless you physically acquire, or study the journal.)
(This note was put here to give me peace of mind.)

Quote:These pages seem a bit crammed for space...

Adventure Log

New Reading Material
A bunny requested new research papers from an alchemist, mechanic or a mage.
Quest Completed by an unknown Onigan on 5/33/333.

Skull beats Luck
A Skull Knight wishes to quench his thirst for battle, before he will answer any further questions. I should find somebody who could fight in my stead.
Quest Status unknown.

Snake Turf!
I was clearing a crypt, when I encountered two people, who claimed that the crypt was 'Snake Turf,' as loudly as they lungs allowed them to proclaim.
...I have a feeling that I'll be seeing them more often.

Salvaging the situation.
...Ard had to deal with the Salvage Foxes.
For what reason, it's definitely for the gain of herself...
It's for my sake that I try not to interact with the foxes further.

A Grave Mistake!
I have entered a graveyard at Law's End...
...Awfully ominous, it was. A dead tree, with corpses hanging from it probably caused tha aura, as it was otherwise calm.
I wandered further in, but I was stopped by an eyepatched man, who informed me that I was tresspassing.
I took his offer to give my money to him and I was let go.
Was this the right choice?

Hedge of the Earth
At the arena, I met an Energetic Wanderer, who was training his body with but exercise, warming up for a fight, I'd imagine...
...I talked with him to pass the time and as he learned more about me, I learned more about him. I wonder if I should try that olive, spinach and tomato soup...
...He said we'll meet again. Perhaps that's why I'm recording this...

Disturbance at the Sanctuary!
An injured fool decided to pick a fight with a Serpentine Patriach, over family...
...I stood back, and he led himself down a two-way road of either death or suffering...
...Also, an awfully bizarre wyverntouched that seemed to change on a dime attempted to operate on Ahote...

Ard encountered Warrick and did what was completly natural:
Go full fangirl. ...Welcome to Sigrogana, Robin.

Fight or Flight
...That's the question. Do I confront Willow, or do I continue to run away?

The Fool
At the arena, many people gathered to fire lightning at the heavens...
...It was a liar's day prank, though the lightning was grand...
...Then I participated in an attack against the undead, to acquire the prizes from the ticket...
...The prizes are rather... odd.
Then, I went to cellsvich, along with the crowd. We played a game called 'Who has a gun?' but the game was rigged, for everyone has a gun!
Somebody killed one of the hosts with a finger gun!
The moon is falling upon us!
We're floating in the air!
Everything is spinning!
Somebody became a moon!< br> We finally redeem the tickets...
...Then Furuta entered. The naga was fueled with candies and blew a hole in the door...
...So, what's the prize?

Drink from the Goblets!
8/15/334 ~ 10/20/334
As I and a group of people (Mariona, a small Lich, Frost, a Day-Dreamer, Vincent, a mage and Roan) were sitting around a campfire, an ambush occured! Thanks to the efforts of my allies, I fought them off. Sadly, Roan got kidnapped! The first search was a failure. As it turns out, there was a field of traps northwestward! We passed the field of traps, thanks to the Mage's Stone Dragon (And my prayers to Mercala.)
Encountering a ditch with carapace and orange scraps, it looked like there was hope...
The Lich hopped down and found a dungeon...
We prepare to raid their cavern...
...And come across a legendary knight! But the meeting was short-lived...
...As the other parties fought, Lucky(?) lockpicked a way in...
...We marched onwards, stealthily.
We found a room, presumably where hostages were kept.
I *as us*****
Then, we rescued Grey...
Quest Completed 10/22/334

Cat out of the Bag
In Cellsvich, there was an ominous cloaked man, whom I judged at first to be simply just that.
How stupid of me.
...It's traling off...

How long has it been, since the rebuilding?

Hat got your tongue?
As I entered the arena, I came across a rather... odd Lich.
He was a VERY strange fellow, mind you. His mannerisms, his tendacies to rant...
...I almost doubted whether or not I'm awake. But I'm sure that writing this down will help confirm that I have been through this.
After all, I've been through plenty of strange events.
...Rubber Snakes, too.

Bear-chested, bear-handed.
I've decided to go to the forest, alongside Red and Yakin, to...
...Camp? Maybe. All I know is that next, Yakin decided to wrestle a bear.
Though he lost, I learned something new about my own home.
...Still, I don't think I'm the type for wrestling.

Decisive Battle
On this day, Ard has defeated Alex in a very important duel.
The terms; If Alex wins, she'll stay off to the sidelines,
If Ard wins, she'll be alongside Alex in...
...Restoring Gold? Perhaps...
...I am simply recording this for the sake of memory.
Nothing more.

The Journey Begins
On this day, the Blue-Cloaked Stranger has given up on adventuring.
In his stead, I, Robin Clarke, have decided to continue his journey.
I should probably rest up, before the adventure truly begins.

Wooden have it any other way.
As I decided to bite the bait and enter Captive Moon's quarters, I found myself in a strange forest. The world didn't exactly work right there. I took it upon myself to act as 'protector' for Ard as madness took hold...
...Madness would be an understatement as soon as I got to the bar.
Never order a drink. That's my warning.
Then, I got a look at my dreams...
...I have to better myself. For the Order, for the Voice, for Mercala.
I can't let this opportunity slip by.

Sayonara, Sigrogana
Today, I have left Sigrogana,
Today, I have left Sigrogana, for good, and chosen to join a rebellion.
Admittedly, this was a rash decision. I am at odds with their leader,
in no small part due to not only their faithlessness,
but their disrespect for property.
But I guess he is a rebel, after all.
You need a rebel to lead a rebellion.
The first part of this campaign;
taking over Law's End and cutting off the Mage's Guild.
...If, I do realise his goals are not mine, I will not hesitate to leave.
Betraying, on the other hand, is a different story.

Remember. You are not alone in this struggle.

Luke, Robin.
On this day, I have been given another appearance.
Though, outside of the home, I am Luke, I must remember that among those I can trust, I am Robin. I must not forget myself. Though I might gain something from Luke, I must not forget who I am.

The journal continues.
My past haunts me every day, and it's the form of a journal I can't let go of.
The entry is written rather sloppily, or relatively so, anyway.
Some words may have been misspelled.

Quote:What a weak.
I don't know why I'm writing this dowvn. MayBe I want to Look back and l[strike]o[/strike]augh. Perlnaps it's a call for help.
But latelY, I'[strike]w[/strike]ve begun feeling weak, dralmed. I kow it isn't vampires, beCause my nek is intact. Overextertion, maybe?
And [strike]and[/strike] so, perhaps it had to do with overexertion, using too much focos...
My past haunts me every day, and it's the form of a journal I can't let go of.
Quote:Getting Better
I've been getting better since I overexerted myself.
I'm still quite not ready to take on the world, but I've got the energy to get out of bed.
Though, honestly, this whole thing worries me.
What if I end up like this while I'm out on the field, or worse yet, I end up dying on the spot?
It's for the best that I stop trying to mess with magics beyond my power and knowledge.
I should also get plenty of sleep.
My past haunts me every day, and it's the form of a journal I can't let go of.
It looks as if this page was carefully cut out.
My past haunts me every day, and it's the form of a journal I can't let go of.
Quote:Good Grief
It was a day like any other. The sun shone over Cellsvich, as the rain cleared.
The stall was being scrubbed, idle chatter abounded and Gowwel was playing the part of "non-worshipper."
All was good. That is, until suddenly, well, a quadruple amputee hit the ground. All of a sudden, the mood darkened.
I attempted to treat him as he was, seeing as I could do nothing more. Besides, he looked like death warmed over.
...Perhaps it wasn't a smart idea to get too close. Thank Mercala I was warned...
He was deeply infected with parasites, to the point he was a living vector. He coughed up the bugs, eventually blanketing Cellsvich in a smog of them.
Why they did not go for me, I do not know (but I am thankful for).
Pyromancy and evacuation was required, in whatever order.
After I have ordered all the citizens to evacuate (or help, but they all decided to get out, a smart idea), an ominous fellow came.
In a stupor, I ordered them to run as well. A brief look over them, and I realized that it was about time I left.
So I did.
My past haunts me every day, and it's the form of a journal I can't let go of.
Quote:Ephemeral Encounter
Today was, something. I was fishing as I normally was.
Growing bored, I wandered about, until I happened upon an admittedly quite well-built building.
I walked in, admiring what I could, when I was then stopped by a group of people, who I believe were the owners.
"Vorv" offered a choice; Combat, or posing. Of course, that meant I had to pose.
I did. Admittedly, I might've been taking from a page I saw of an Onigan comic. It wasn't impressive, either way, as I was not let free.
Vorv, being more fluent in the art of posing, struck a most heroic and awe-inspiring pose. I don't think drawing or describing would do
it much justice. My pose fell short. In my moment of doubt, believing that those walls would be my grave, Vorv encouraged me.
So, I posed. Improvising, I realized the true (not really) purpose of the staff; to pose with. I held it out dramatically, while also adjusting
my legs. It seems that was powerful and inspiring enough for them to let me go. After we said our salutations, I left, my spirit re-ignited.
What was up with that elf? What kind of group did I intrude upon? Why do I feel like they were taken from an Onigan comic?
These questions, should be answered with time.
My past haunts me every day, and it's the form of a journal I can't let go of.
Quote:Grieving in a heated moment
It happened on a day much like any other. The stall was being cleaned, the square was abuzz with hustle, bustle and questionable subjects,
when Tosseau, of the Black Swan, delivered some news. The parasite terrorists (from here on out are called Black Falcon) have returned.
Joined with a friend and a sort-of-rival, we set off towards the forest (after checking the fort).
The situation was, to put it lightly, a bit hectic. The Guard has been fighting a group of said terrorists. A boy (who turned out to be deeply infected) was passed out.
As it turns out, he was a vessel for parasites. My intuition told me two things; to run, which I did not or to light them up, which I ordered my allies to do.
I was a fool. Parasites burst from him! As expected, most were burnt in the flames, but among them were those that still slipped through, colored red and agitated by the flames! Forcibly distanced (thank Mercala) by a Knightess...

...I think I blacked out. I remember next, the hospital. Holy water (which I should inquire about its creation) was the cure for an ongoing infection.
However, curing is a bit unpleasant. I may have squandered it a bit, but I kept one bottle.
[strike]I don't think I was needed there.[/strike]
I must not forget that the guards are human.
My past haunts me every day, and it's the form of a journal I can't let go of.
Quote:Summoned to Duty
5/28/338 (Very late happy new year?)

Today was a bit of a momentous occasion. Not only because I took a walk outside (assisted, of course), not only because I opened up to everyone,
but because I have made a deal with destiny. A contract with fate. I have become a Summoner. I am not sure of what Mercala's view are on them,
but I am sure that so long as I keep my virtues about me, and as long as I don't let them take me over, or I mistreat them, I should be fine.

It's a strange feeling, when I first walked through that door. Like I was in another world. To be exact, it was another world. A more peaceful world, but if these Youkai seek summoners, a boring world. Though I've made the contract with fate, I've now to decide who to make a contract with, to become a companion of, through thick and thin.

It's a confusing feeling. Tomorrow, I should head to the door my "teacher (of sorts)" mentioned...
...And I should remember to talk to those I trust about my inner struggle.
My past haunts me every day, and it's the form of a journal I can't let go of.
Being mindful about training

I've begun wondering how to recover from my mental crippling only now (or maybe earlier).
As the square prepared for an event at the Bravest Snack Stall (that Ard begrudgingly obliged), I saw a familiar face.
That face was of my student, of sorts, Lialack. After a brief moment of mistaken identity, I was then lead off, so that I could catch up,
and give her the news on what was going on lately. I'm mostly recording for memory's sake (Also because I haven't written in a while. Don't want to get rusty!).

She suggested some brain-training exercises to help with my memory, and to perhaps heal some of the damage to my mind.
I talked to her about what was happening lately, to clarify on what their letter said on "anti-vampire sentiments."
She's become rather pious in my time away. It's actually quite nice to see studies bearing fruit...

I really hope I haven't neglected anything.
My past haunts me every day, and it's the form of a journal I can't let go of.
Quote:Training one Another
Remind me to record ASAP.
Anyway, it was a quiet day, as usual. The square hustled and bustled. I was currently leaning on my staff, when I heard someone (from then on referred to as Vislan in need.)
Or, so I heard. I felt like I needed to help them, regardless.
So, as a priest of the Ivory Pilgrims, I suggested to bring him to the monastery, and so we were off.
I offered to answer any questions, but unprompted, I explained the Ivory Pilgrims, and the Monastery.
Afterwards, I think I did a sort of evaluation. For some reason, it feels strangely familiar.

And there'll be a dinner when we both head home, cooked by Yaeko herself!
I could go on and on about her, but I'll stay my hand.
My past haunts me every day, and it's the form of a journal I can't let go of.

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