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Blade Dancers Tournament
"This town ain't got enough action. It ain't got enough. . . swordsmanship."

Within no more than a few minutes' worth of time, flyers are spread throughout Cellsvich, its forest, the arena, Dormeho, the goblin tunnels, the burnt down Mallus forest and the jammer cave for all to see, though there's no guarantee that all of them will survive.

Your friendly neighborhood Felidae, Colby Lopiccorby, also known as the Madcap Felidae, the soon-to-be King of Swordsmen, the one who runs into a fight to the death on his third fight ever after returning to Sigrogana, the one who spends most of his time drinking, fighting, admiring swords/swords(wo)men, the one with a sword fetish, is hosting a tournament!

Only Swordsmen (yes, swordswomen too, but swordspeople are vastly referred to as swordsem) are allowed -- swordsmen of -any- kind, as illegitimate as your type of swordsmanship may sound! -- Except swordsmen who are quite literally trained to hard-counter other swordsmen and can't actually do much else, in which case that's cheating (looking at you, sword-wielding Dullahans who may as well be used as walls for Cellsvich because anyone who tries to hurt them will end up breaking even their divine weapon.)
In this tournament, Colby himself will participate because he hates just watching, but if he wins, 2nd place will get 25k Murai instead of 50k and that's it.
No, you can't simply get a sword and not use it in the slightest and then proceed to claim that it's your style of swordsmanship.

This is a one-versus-one tournament that will happen on 18th of May (Saturday) at 2PM EST. The prize is 50k murai and you'll be considered the best swordsman ever! At least in Colby's book. And you get bragging rights. Ain't it great?
Mind that you aren't allowed to inflict serious injuries. Also, potions (no, you can't stack PR potions) and other similar stuff (e.g. throat-openers) also aren't allowed. You also can't drug yourself to become stronger prior to the fight, thank you very much (this excludes Vampires and their blood-related powers or other similar individuals who may need to prepare prior to their fight or else they can't fight at their fullest).

If you want to sign-up, just write down your name, age, alias and race, and send it to Colby. (ooc: just write your stuff in a pastebin and DM me the details).

Failure to appear within ten minutes after your fight is supposed to begin will result in auto-loss and disqualification. Of course, brackets, location of the tournament (definitely on Sigrogana) and whatnot will be decided as more people sign-up, and you'll be given the details shortly before the tournament begins (about one OOC day prior).
Sign-ups close on 17th of May (Friday). --
some people asked me some stuff so i'll clarify it here:

1) no you can't rename gun to sword and pretend it's a sword
2) technically you could rename your tome to sword but if you're caught fighting like a mage you're disqualified
3) subclasses don't matter. as long as you're a swordsman, you can use magic, youkai etc. to supplement your swordsmanship
5) if you don't think your thing would work then it probably wouldn't, just use common sense and if common sense really doesn't work then ask me. I honestly can't list everything that would and wouldn't work here, there'd be a thousand things to think of.
Alright, guys! So, I've settled on something. A lot of you guys are taking this tournament far too seriously and asking me quite stupid things. "Can I use Eclair?" "What if I'm not a swordsman but use a sword?" "What if I'm Kinu?"

Here's the deal. I'm no longer allowing renamed weapons. I don't care for your subclass, but your main weapon in combat must be a sword. No, not a tome renamed into a sword. A real sword. I don't care what kind. I'll request a screenshot and everything.

Additionally, you have to stick with one single build and itemset throughout the entire tournament. This means that you cannot change builds just to counter somebody.

I don't care for the build and race. Be a full tank, if you'd like, but you must use a sword. A real sword. If you're caught trying to find holes within this rule, you'll be disqualified.

Use common sense.
If you fail to understand this simple rule and/or -still- have questions to ask, the question must either be logical and actually useful, or you're just trying to find holes within the tournament. It's not -that- serious.
Just so you guys know, you CAN use subweapons and subclasses, but your main thing should be swords, and your main weapon has to be a sword. I'll check to see if it's a renamed weapon before the tourney begins, so don't lie.
As of an hour ago or so ago, signups have closed.

The tournament will happen tomorrow (Saturday) at 7PM (United Kingdom time) inside of the arena right next to Cellsvich's Mage's Guild (says UNDER CONSTRUCTION). Once you enter, go upstairs to enter the actual house, and then go up once more to enter the second row of arenas. The arena we'll use is the one to the top right with the two swords clashed against eachother, made by me. is how the arena looks like.

Brackets will be as following:

Round 1: Alaster VS Ael
Round 2: Genos VS Lee/One-Eyed Swordsman
Round 3: Gallahan/Damaged Dullahan VS Delphia/Joker
Round 4: Shiva/Ice Bitch VS Colby/Madcap Felidae

Malik, Gyrdoun, Arima and Falcen go straight into round two as to not avoid awkward 3-players confusion at the end.

Make sure you come and watch if you've got the time! Thank you!

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