08-06-2020, 11:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-13-2020, 11:30 PM by Jupiter_Storm.
Edit Reason: Added new player information.
World of Moorcraft - a D&D 5th Edition Campaign
by Jupiter Storm, co-authored by Meep
Introductory Video (Use 720p+ for best performance)
A project nearly 2 years in the making with its fair share of ups and downs; I am finally pleased
to release the new, hopefully improved version of what some will remember as 'Bracken Moor' -
however, a significant amount of lore development and nomenclature changes were implemented
during my extended hiatus. As such, the province is now referred to simply as the South Moors.
Now fully adapted for use with the Dungeons & Dragons: 5th Edition system, complete with its
own bespoke rules, tailored specifically for adventures within Sigrogana Legend 2, I am eager to
invite committed and sober roleplayers from the community to enjoy a classic sword and sorcery
adventure inspired by Arthurian Legend, Tolkien's Middle Earth and Devourer of Souls' own SL2.
FOR APPLYING CHARACTERS - Due to some queries I have received regarding what characters you
could potentially 'bring' - please note that you do not have to fit into the setting, because your
character is an adventurer from outside the place. Where your character is from and what they
do has no bearing on this. The adventure is open to knights, engineers, mages, and ninjas alike!
FOR NON-EXPERIENCED D&D PLAYERS - You do not require any previous experience with the D&D
system to play this. There will be a tutorial session and plenty of help provided if you are unsure!
Below, you will find two links - one to the D&D 5th Edition Basic Rules, for which this system is
entirely compatible without needing to fork over £30.00 for the Player's Handbook. The other
is a 95 MB download for the current adaptation, suited for play within the rich world of SL2 that
we all fell in love with. You will require a PDF Reader to view both. Internet Explorer works.
World of Moorcraft D&D 5e Character Supplement v1.1 (PDF):
Dungeons & Dragons: 5th Edition Basic Rules (PDF):
A Missive from Southern Kysei
Throughout the Empire and further afield, a letter is found nailed to public tavern noticeboards within
every major city. The document bears an official seal and leonine watermark that some adventurers may
find familiar, while those who attended a very specific Midsummer Festival in the Imperial Calendar Year
of 348 may recognise the gilded, red livery and broad kettle helmets of the soldiers responsible for their
distribution - who could be seen from time taking brief periods of rest between their travels within such
taverns, making merry and availing themselves of the cheapest local ale that money could buy.
![[Image: Recruitment_Letter_Framed.jpg]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/740770723823616030/740997452446040114/Recruitment_Letter_Framed.jpg)
The Plot & the Setting
DISCLAIMER - (Potentially) Non-Canon Content
What the Southern Moors precisely is, due to the vagaries of lore which we are working with
in Sigrogana Legend 2 cannot be precisely expressed in canonical terms. If you are interested
in this campaign, I shall operate under the impression that you do not care for exactly how it
fits into the world. This plot can, and should, affect your character's personal story.
While Devourer of Souls has kindly given approval for my use of the location, there is very
limited information beyond this regarding the spread of civilization beyond the major cities.
I like to imagine that this is by design - to offer us, as players, a degree of creative freedom
when it comes to story-writing, provided they do not go against the established lore.
To this end, through reasonable inferral, let us suffice to say that the South Moors exists as
a collective of vassal provinces of Chaturanga, situated to the far south of the continent; it
is so named due to the terrain consisting primarily of low-lying coastal fens, forestry and
riverlands. It is thus a descriptive 'regional' designation rather than an 'official' name.
A Perpetual State of High Adventure
Resting so far from its parent nation, the majority of the provinces have veered towards a more
'rustic' way of life; one in which technology plays a very limited role, but has not been entirely
forgotten. Like any backwater province located at the borders of a nation's territory and distal
to any prompt military support from global superpowers, the people often have to contend with
their share of raids from hostile monsters and megafauna - protected by a drafted militia.
Brigands and less-than-savoury cults are seen to roam the countryside, freely and unchecked.
The main centers of commerce and trade are fortified by castles, serving as centralized bases
for the local military - from these, a Duke is able to exert their influence over smaller fiefdoms
neighbouring the territory. Reinforcements can be expected within a few days, at most.
For the most part, the local Yeomanry and elite divisions of 'Noble' Knights (some who take their
vows of honour more seriously than others) are adequately equipped to deal with the majority
of threats that come their way. From time to time, however... Supernatural forces rear their
ugly heads - forces for which faith, steel and the occasional spell from a hermit hedge wizard
are not quite sufficient to handle. This is where you, as Adventurers, come in.
Beyond the ever-present threat of looming evil, however, a relatively backwater region such as
the Moors offers a wealth of opportunity for those looking to make a name for themselves. Vast
swathes of land remain seldom-travelled, hiding both mighty beasts and ancient ruins of a bygone
age alike. A handful of token expeditions are mounted every once in a while, yet most are never
heard from again - those who do return are half-mad, spinning tall tales of living forests, pagan
spirits and cruel-faced guardians who delight in the wholesale murder of 'civilised' folk.
![[Image: Grovemaiden_Framed.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/740999607143891104/741024340794933359/Grovemaiden_Framed.png)
The Enlistment Process
Why Should I (Not) Join?
Now to lower the mood. If I have to sell this adventure to you in words, then you probably
won't get very much out of it all. It would be simpler to lists the reasons not to:
1. You will be expected to familiarize yourself with a significant amount of content,
both for playing the system and for creating a character that may not necessarily
represent, in accurate terms, the sheer power level of your fully-geared character.
2. This adventure will be roleplay-driven. If your response to situations is to post a
single face icon or make a memetic remark, you will either miss out on important
content or provoke a horror encounter that wipes your character from existence.
3. I am the one DMing this plot arc. I am not everyone's cup of tea. You might have
reasons for not wishing to interact with me or my characters, and that is fair, but,
please do be aware that you should expect more of the same from this story.
4. This is not an Anime adventure. The character art does not define the setting.
Realistic physics and certain mature themes will be apparent from the outset.
5. Some of the concepts and features you will encounter in this adventure are not
necessarily part of Sigrogana Legend 2's canon lore - but I have tried my best. If
this is something that is likely to bother you, then this won't be for you, since for
the sake of my own muse, the content will not be altered so that it 'fits better'.
6. I operate on a GMT (London) timezone, and as such the timings of events will
be potentially quite 'early' for those in America, or very 'late' for those in Asia.
Because of work and University commitments, these timings will be inflexible.
What will I need for this?
By necessity, the quests will be structured differently to other events that you might be used to,
being as I do not possess the necessary tools for creating massive, seamless encounters. As such,
there are a number of things that I will require from you, in order to make my life as a DM easier:
- Discord Voice Chat -
When you join, there will be a server channel for management, announcements and comms.
You will not be required to use a microphone if you do not want to, however in order to
make a lot of DM-based decision making easier, I will need to talk to you, and you will need
to hear me. Prior experience shows that battles can otherwise take many hours.
- Gmail -
The character sheets we will be using are derived from Google Sheets, and I will need to have
my own copy of yours. You will need to be able to edit your character sheet on the fly, during
adventures. Do not be intimidated! I will talk you through all of this, in our first session. I will
also be free to work through any problems you have with the technology, and your character.
- Homebrew -
Yes, some of you familiar with D&D will understand this term. I will be reviewing any homebrew
content if you wish to use it, but my ruling will sadly be final on this matter, for fairness' sake.
- Pets & Companions -
Should you intend to play as a Summoner or Engineer or otherwise use some manner of spell or
abilities that allow you to play as a companion, you will require a second game key or a Pet
Kit - I can provide the latter, but not the former, as I will have a lot of keys to control
already, in order to represent both the monsters and any NPCs.
Let me innn! How do I join?
If you're still here after my ceaseless attempts to dissuade you from actually participating...
I have long considered what might be the 'best' way to determine the unlucky twelve who'll
have to contend with my story, given the reputation such event arcs have for 'cliques'. The
fact of the matter is, there isn't a fair way that will appeal to everybody, so after a lengthy
discussion with Meep regarding this subject, we have decided to ask for In-Character Apps.
From the letter at the beginning of this post, your character has an address to which they
can forward their application. Send this to me via Discord DMs - Jupiter #4324. Please do
not expect an immediate reply, since I am not one to foster false hope or show favour.
Alternatively, your character can speak with Marshal Stanhope by way of an interview /
an opportunity to ask any questions they may have. If you wish to visit the Yeomanry Office
personally, I have attached a map of directions below. Please note this map is OOC, being
as the South Moors are not in Alstalsia, but Kysei. The location is solely for aesthetics.
The interview is informal. If you feel for any reason that your character did not do well,
there is nothing stopping you from considering the parts you felt went 'badly', and coming
back the next day... Or posting an IC application, armed with better knowledge.
Again, there is no 'fair' way to do this. This is the least-worst method that we have
been able to come up with that gives everybody a fair chance. The limit of twelve is
solely due to the constraints of managing large groups in this sort of system, without
the tools available to Event Admin personnel. Additional slots will open, in time.
Structure of Applications
What exactly are you looking for, Jupiter?
First of all, in order to keep this as fair as possible, I will not be showing personal bias
to anybody - regardless of our history or our associations with other people that may
have at some point or another 'burned a bridge' between us (it didn't, for me).
There will be no formal structure or questions to answer. What you put in your character's
letter is entirely up to you, as is what you decide to say or ask in a face-to-face interview.
If writing a letter, it may help to start you off by including the following information:
1. Who your character is - introduce yourself to Robert. You don't have to be friendly.
2. What they do, and what made them choose that path. Please don't send a backstory.
3. Consider what they might do with land or a title. Please don't free the peasants.
4. How well do they play with others? They don't have to, if there is a good reason.
5. For what reason does the character seek adventure? Good or evil, it matters not.
The way I will be building the first twelve members of the party shall be based solely
upon whether I think that you are sincere about doing this - your characters will face
many scenarios that could potentially challenge their core values and cause drama,
if handled poorly OOCly, or if the character's concept is not 'grounded', so to speak.
Who you are within the community will have no bearing on whether you are selected.
Your character's class will have no bearing on whether you are selected, either - the
adventures will be structured in such a way that any shortcomings the party may have
can be overcome by hiring NPCs, calling in favours or learning non-standard tricks.
You may also apply with a character whose race is not written in the character supplement.
The sole reason I did not add them was sanity alone - I will add one you play, if it is not there.
With all of this in mind, the applications are strictly IC only. I am looking for effort, to
judge your sincerity. I am looking for characters with a realistic reason to look for a new
quest. Evil characters are welcome, provided it is tasteful and well-rounded cruelty. And
finally, I will give advantage to characters who have done a bit of background research.
New players will have priority consideration if equally weighted against older players.
This is being done to ensure that those people who joined this game looking for heavy RP
but have not managed to integrate themselves with the community yet, receive exactly
what they came for - without having to meet the 'right' people to develop a reputation.
You have 14 days, starting now - Good luck!
We shall start building character sheets as of the 22nd August.
Discord Server - https://discord.gg/fve85En - For group discussion.
My Discord - Jupiter Storm#4324 - For any questions!
![[Image: House_Banner_PNG.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/740999607143891104/740999667944259675/House_Banner_PNG.png)