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The Leaderboards [August 2021]
Hear, hear, hear, hear!

Blood on the sand, and trickling down your faces-  The Arena's seen some real enthusiasm this past month!  Vincent Kalt took a convincing victory, crushing his opponents with not only the brute strength of his fists but the supreme skill and prowess that comes with his training.  It's hard to stay cool fighting such an ice guy!  Gahahaha!

But we hear you.  You want more; you're not satisfied with matches that go too fast, with brawls that are so controlled-  We hear you.  By Tarson's order, we'll be instating a DOUBLES bracket for this term of leaderboards!  If you can't find a friend, get ready to make one, and brawl, brawl, brawl!

There are some new changes!  We decided to up some of the stakes;  If you make some big scores, or place in the top rungs, you'll get a custom tune-up from our own smiths here at the Arena;  And the one placing in the top'll get their portrait put up on the wall of the arena.  Fight for that honor, and show us your guts!
[Image: LeaderboardEmblem.png]
Now, a load of y'all have already fought, but I'll go'en repeat the spiel! The Leaderboards are a system designed to foster y'all'ns getting together and clashing in much the way we do in tournaments.  All the rules that apply at Badlands tournaments, apply here.
If'n ye wanna organize a match, look yer match partner up on the leaderboards, and point him out, and we'll send a message from you to him ASAP to get them to come see ya. Ya get one "Victory point" if'n ya lose a match, and ya get two if ya win it.  Here's the catch:  Each fighter pairing can only fight one match per season.  So make sure ya fight against lots of different people!

And in addition to the 'special rewards' we offer up to the top eight? We've got somethin' special to anyone who shows a dedication to the craft and keeps to that Arena spirit!
-Hale "Headhunter" Storm
[Image: LeaderboardBanner.png]
OOC notes: Once you're registered by adding your name to the list, you can contact anyone registered here on the forum, asking to get a match with them. ICly, you'll be paging them through the Badlands Arena for these services. You can fight any other registered fighter

In each self-regulated match, healing potions will be limited to:
  • One PR-Hi or one PR-Regenerative per match per person. Stabilizers, Regeneratives, Hi-Potions, and PR-Stabilizers are banned. This includes potions granted by class features. Other item belt items are fair game(unless noted below.)
In each self-regulated match, the following healing abilities are prohibited:
  • All Mercana.  Namely:  Graft, Malmelo, Phoenix, Second Chance, Healing Discharge, Water Dragon (Used for healing), Refreshing flow, Mercalan Mists, Needle, AND the Mend/Miracle staves. Non-healing staves are allowed.
  • Ki Healing (aid, meditation)
  • Nature Healing (Gentle garden, cherry blossom)
  • Void Healing of any kind.(Void Elixir)
Furthermore, 'elimination' rules are in effect. This means that if all PLAYERS are eliminated on a side, the win goes to the other. This is to account for summons such as youkai and engineer bots, which can continue fighting after their controller dies.

Matches must be held in normal, not stylish. Matches cannot be fought with items or statuses unavailable to the common player engaging in spars. This is subject to discretion, but includes using bugs and exploits and receiving external assistance (ie: another player joining mid-match). In order for a match to qualify, all of these rules must be followed, and both participating players must report results to a participating event runner, alongside two logs- A separated battle chat log, and RP log spanning the time of the match. Reporting this does not have to happen in game, and can instead be done by forwarding the information to one of the participating runners.

Conditionally, this can be waived so long as there are no disagreements between both parties regarding the outcome of the match.

Should a player refuse to submit results after a match, attempt to falsify or change the results of a match or otherwise disregard or the rules, they will be disqualified.

In order to register, leave a method of contact in this forum post or on the official Badlands Leaderboards server, and what characters you're entering with. For each character, leave a short bio, as shown. if you have more than one character in the top spots, you will only receive the bonus rewards for being in the top eight once. Note, you can only have ONE character per division, and each registered character can only fight another registered fighter ONCE. However, the same character can appear in multiple divisions.

As an example:
Character: Ren Brown
Character Key+Slot: RenBrownest.slot2
Do you have your arena book?: No, I am a wanted criminal.(Disqualified)
What Division are you interested in: Singles.
What do the arena staff know about you?: I'm strong
Got any words for your competitors?(Optional): Quake in your boots, for our fight will be your last.
Contact: Pandos#6387 Contact:
For Double and above signups the registration is made by a single post, that outlines all participants.
Characters: Ben Rrown and Ren Brown
Character Keys+Slots: BenRown12.slot3,RenBrownest.slot2
Do you have your arena books?: Yes, but Ren Brown doesn't (disqualified)
What Division are you interested in: Doubles
What do the arena staff know about you?: We ARE the protagonists
Got any words for your competitors?(Optional): We're a pair of new faces to the arena, so please be gentle!
Contact: Pandos#6387 Contact:

For each battle you win, you will earn 2 Battle Points. For each battle you lose, you will earn 1 Battle Point. At the end of the month, you will earn 200 Murai for each battle point you've earned over the month; The top eight players of the leaderboard will earn an additional reward of ten raremetal, and a pick of any two weapon parts they desire.  However, to place in the top eight, you MUST earn three or more Battle Points.

In addition, characters exceeding 10 Battle Points will receive 2 Material Change Kits at the end of the season.

I can be contacted at Pandos#6387 via discord regarding questions, concerns, or any other matters relevant to the leaderboards.

For the month of August, 2021, there will be ONE division that players can sign up for!

A Doubles division.

The doubles division involves pairing up with another fighter and making the best of the fight! You can sign up either as a team, or if you sign up solo, the next post after yours that applies solo will be auto-sorted into your team!

Remember, you can have these fights any time you want within the month without needing an event runner or GM to supervise, but you can only fight each other registered combatant once and have to send in the results and logs to a participating assistant to have your Points tallied.

Leave your signups here. (and make sure to leave contact info if you want fights!)  Players can register a maximum of 1 character.

For this month, the participating assistants:

As a friendly reminder, the cutoff for this event will be one day before the end of the month-  August 31st, 11:55PM ET. Complete any matches and submit results before this time!

Also, we have a discord for facilitation. If you need a place to snag fights easier or to get helpers for the sake of submissions or simply asking questions:
Character: Lupine Brute (Karvan)
Character Key+Slot: Polkjm.slot2
Do you have your arena book?: Probably
What Division are you interested in: Doubles babyy
What do the arena staff know about you?: Might have seen me spar but mostly nothing
Got any words for your competitors?: Don't get me angry.
Contact: Polkjm#0329
Characters: Nautica & Avery Astenturf
Character Keys+Slots: latto.slot1 & MakeshiftMurk.slot3
Do you have your arena books?: Yes.
What Division are you interested in: Doubles
What do the arena staff know about you?:

"I've heard along the grapevine that they haven't lost a single fight together yet." - Anonymous Arena Goer

"The short-stack has a really large cat that yowls and shoots lightning while he's busy rattling his chimes and sending water flying out everywhere. He always seems reluctant to fight and he doesn't even use a real weapon, so why the hell is he signing up? Is he getting coerced into this?" - Anonymous Staff Member

"I swear if I have to apply ointments to the sickly kid one more time, I'll-... The Emperor give me strength. Sometimes she burns herself more than she does her opponents. If she makes it through her battles, it'll be a true miracle, and isn't she supposed to be some wealthy merchant's brat? Why she's even bothering here is a mystery." - Anonymous Staff Member

Got any words for your competitors?(Optional): "... Sorry. Cover your ears? ... And get a raincoat." "...And prepare to get smoked! You face the greatest flame magician known in the lands!"
Contact: Latto#4170 & MakeshiftWalrus#7604

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