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City of Heroes
A jester. Chose to go without the neck ruffle to instead have a big ol' cape.

[Image: LOTH7uU.png]
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
Some character concepts work better in City of Heroes, while some don't. While I could have Felhart jump out of a fairtytale, or have dimensionally traveled, or whatever reason I want to give, it won't be as satisfying as a character I can make work into the setting more... smoothly.

I was trying to think of how I could have my Old School Runescape character, Dour Knight, work in City of Heroes- he's a member of the Kinshra, an order of knights who worship Zamorak, an evil god. My character wears black armor- low level armor, but damn if it doesn't look cool- and uses the colossal blade, which isn't amazing, but it's not terrible:

[Image: KJI4YN0.png]

In City of Heroes, there's an organization of a street gang of Satan-worshippers, the Hellions. They're low level mobs, but nonetheless I thought it would be both funny and interesting to have a character be a deranged member of their gang who also cosplays as a knight. Thus, I designed Low Knight (to both represent the "low" depths of hell, and to be meta about the low status of the hellions):

[Image: 0eToNQK.png]

[Image: rteqy9G.png]
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
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Bubsy, from Bubsy. I stole the first part of his description from the SNES instruction manual.

[Image: QH4w8zN.png]

[Image: YYIAHBp.png]
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
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Was playing with Zy today, got this good screenshot on the water tower:

[Image: Wmq49j3.png]
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
Boost Pak, a random player I found, pointed out we both were shirtless/twins! I asked him to flex with me.

[Image: 2TkNf0b.png]

In the waitin' room with Polk.

[Image: ny93zx7.png]

Tubin' in the city river.

[Image: fJxQvuB.png]
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
[Image: NwLB86Q.png]

At a Better Angle
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I should try to get back into this..
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[Image: zyHnGFo.png]

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[Image: Ot0TdTZ.png][Image: LjQhEvX.png]
I couldn't quite capture Petunia's empty, cold expression, but thankfully I could replicate her complete disregard for non-plant life.
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  • Sawrock
[Image: LkS5QFq.png]

Spikesmith (by Zy) and N-355 (by me)!
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]

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