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Corner of Restraint Order Requests
Quote:You quietly slip through the door, and take in the bare, wooden room before you. A single, unoccupied wooden chair stands in the middle of the room. You look at the single piece of furniture, mentally questioning as to why you could no longer just waltz up to a Guard and request a restraining order.

'We've had quite a bit of requests, and most of the time, the Guards were either too busy or forgot about what they were reporting.' You recall, from asking the Guard just outside this room. 'The Captain didn't think that making them hold a bunch of papers for it was a good idea either. I guess this was the best he came up with.' The Guard shrugged.

Setting your thoughts aside, you take a deep breath and walk in. Might as well get this over with, you figure, taking a seat in the only chair that occupied the room. Two seconds after you seated yourself, a square-shaped light softly illuminated the center of the wall ahead. Judging by the shadow of a human in the light, you believe that it's a window.

"Greetings, citizen." An androgynous voice greets you, though it seems like the voice is coming from all over the room. "We apologize for the strange setup, but rest assured, we only wish the best for the safety and privacy of everyone involved." You can hear the faint sound of a pen clicking, briefly accompanied by what seems to be writing upon a parchment. "You are here to request a restraining order, correct? In that case, I just need to ask you a few questions."

Due to how many pleas for Restraining Orders weren't actually answered, I've decided to have a topic for people to throw in their requests. Two things you should follow:

1. No one except the character who's doing the request, anyone they spill it too, or the Guards will know about the request they put in. Anyone trying to metagame this knowledge will be punished.

2. Do not bother me or anyone else about your request. I will check this on a daily basis. If I apparently delete your post, that means I've either taken care of it or rejected it.

3. To send in a request, (have your character) fill in the following questionnaire:
Quote:Who is making the request:
Who are you requesting a restraining order against:
Why are you requesting a restraining order against them:
Is there anything else you would like to add:
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
Quote:Who is making the request: Airi Carissa Limwell the second

Who are you requesting a restraining order against: Rudy

Why are you requesting a restraining order against them: Harassment, defamation, trespassing and just generally being a repeat child molester.

Is there anything else you would like to add: I still don't get why he's not in jail.
((OOC question:

1. No one except the character who's doing the request, anyone they spill it too, or the Guards will know about the request they put in. Anyone trying to metagame this knowledge will be punished.

How does a restraining order work if the one the order is against doesn't know there's a restraining order?

Restrained person: Hi.

Just saying, doesn't the person the restraining order is for kind of NEED to know?))
*loud burp*
"[url=' Wrote:Ranylyn » Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:01 pm[/url]"]((OOC question:

1. No one except the character who's doing the request, anyone they spill it too, or the Guards will know about the request they put in. Anyone trying to metagame this knowledge will be punished.

How does a restraining order work if the one the order is against doesn't know there's a restraining order?

Restrained person: Hi.

Just saying, doesn't the person the restraining order is for kind of NEED to know?))
Quote:A request for a restraining order and the restraining order itself are two entirely different things. If the actual order is placed, people will be notified. Anything in this topic is a request, which the populace does not need to know about.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
Who is making the request: Atsuo Brown
Who are you requesting a restraining order against: Mr. Ina (Male with purple hair, whom is a mechanation.)
Why are you requesting a restraining order against them: death threats, attempted murder.
Is there anything else you would like to add: He said if I told anyone about him attempting to kill me, or if I did not do the favors he asked he'll kill me, and make sure of it.
Who is making the request:
My name is Ashleigh Summers, and might I add I ferel incredibly threatened by this set up. I've deployed a turret for my own safety. Hope you don't mind. Well, actually, I don't care if you mind, it's staying.

Who are you requesting a restraining order against:
There's two. The first is a sociopath who seems to go by the name of "Envy." The second is apparently her boss, "Airi."

Why are you requesting a restraining order against them:
Envy seems to go around verbally absuing people and picking fights. After numerous incidents, I threatened to press charges, and the other one attacked me in front of a bunch of witnesses. I don't want these two anywhere near me; they seem incredibly petty and I feel unsafe. Yet, apparently their antics are accepted since they remain unjailed. If you're not going to keep them away from everyone else, at least keep them away from me, please. I don't usually leave my home unless I have anything important to do, so it shouldn't be too hard, right? My village is to the southeast of Cellsvich's main gates. Just keep them away from there, thanks.

Is there anything else you would like to add:
Why are there no on-duty guards stationed at a place ENCOURAGING ARMED COMBAT? An active group could have prevented these inidents from ever occurring. A lone bookworm like me shouldn't be forced to defend herself against seasoned professionals while she's still learning how to shoot a gun! The only guard present last time was off-duty and with his son. That's not exactly safe! I get that consented spars are completely acceptable, but that's no excuse to let thugs run rampant assaulting whoever they please. I am neither impressed nor inspired by the lack of guard presence.
*loud burp*
Who is making the request: Taro Hayakawa.

Who are you requesting a restraining order against: Isidore

Why are you requesting a restraining order against them: Isidore has made threatening behavior towards Taro by requesting him to come with her to a private place. The boy felt very terrified of the woman and her actions.

Is there anything else you would like to add: I am filing this on his behalf. It seems that Schnee Todd witness these events as well and 100% collaborates with the above.
[Image: b89f62f8ce.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_m7g6clz79C1rpqqpz.gif] I'm also still Batman.
((This is my first time doing this, if this get's placed in a different spot, i do apologize and i hope you will understand))

Who is making the request: Saitos Storm Zenthir

Who are you requesting a restraining order against: Krono ((Half-Naked Red clothed Bandit))

Why are you requesting a restraining order against them: Harrasment, Trespassing on Property, Threatening to Kill.

Is there anything else you would like to add: Witnessess have seen the 'Threatening', heard from friends ((Icly)) about the Trespassing and Harrasment, well that's self-explained.

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