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Unban Appeal
  • Game you were banned from: Sigrogana Legends 2

  • In-game name (key): CoconuttyDog

  • Reason you were banned: "For repeatedly gatekeeping, metagaming, harassment, and OOCly preventing others from being able to exercise their roles fairly."

  • The length of the ban, if you know: One Week

  • Who banned you, if you know: No Idea, never was approached before or after the sudden lengthy ban

  • Why we should unban you:
Well, its hard to defend yourself when you get slapped with a copy-pasted reason that makes no sense at all, and that lists things you can't even do, but I'll try to address thing with the little I have to go off of; the system message

Gatekeeping: The only role I have is of Ambassador in Meiaquar, and I fail to see how gatekeeping someone is even possible in the position I am. I didn't do any Ambassador work (or even much of RP at all) on said character for more than a month because there was no need for them to do any Ambassy work nor was requested to, so I worked in other projects instead.

Metagaming: I have no idea how I ever did this, in the tensest conflict we had recently, which was the execution of a character named Talia, everything used in that case was information obtained ICly, which the player, that accepted fully the situation, applauded me for. Due to the nature of it, their alt had to be involved as the Warden of Meiaquar post-death, and they found it amazing how there was bits of info missing, and that was because they knew I solemnly based myself on what my character did find IC, and that I kept myself distant of knowing anything about it OOCly. Every situation that happens I remind people to keep personal feelings out as much as one can from things, and to keep things going ICly, and there's more than enough proof of that.

Harassment: Huh? What when where?

OOCly preventing others from being able to exercise their roles fairly: I'm incapable of doing this, in any way, shape or form.

It sincerely feels that whoever handled this, doesn't know why you punish someone; to teach them a lesson on something they did wrong so they can improve and avoid repeating the same offense.

Otherwise you just leave the perceived perpetrators just confused and wildly trying to guess what even happened, alongside vast majority of the community.

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