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The Mercalan domain of magic is said to be sourced by the living Goddess of Life, [[Mercala]]. The Mercalan domain is not only responsible for light magic, but it is also responsible for healing magic as well.
The Mercalan domain of magic is said to be sourced by the living Goddess of Life, [[Mercala]]. The Mercalan domain is not only responsible for light magic, but it is also responsible for healing magic as well.
Mercalan magic is often associated with the divine. [[Healing Magic|Healing magic]], formally known as 'Mercana' is one of the most Focus intensive forms of magic in existence. This means that the larger the healing project, the more Focus a healer will use. Healing magic does not require specific allegiance or faith in Mercala, but it certainly benefits from it greatly.
Mercalan magic is often associated with the divine. [[Healing Magic|Healing magic]], formally known as 'Mercana' is one of the most Focus intensive forms of magic in existence. Simply stated, this means that the larger the healing project, the more Focus a healer will use. General forms of healing magic does not require specific allegiance or faith in Mercala, but it certainly benefits from it greatly.
The usage of light magic is known as Solmancy. The usage of healing magic is known as Mercana.
The usage of light magic is known as Solmancy. The usage of healing magic is known as Mercana.

Latest revision as of 01:15, 29 June 2022

Magic is the manifestation of physical or otherwise metaphysical power through spells or enchantments, powered by Focus. Magic as a general rule is very fast when cast. Magic cannot aid in transferring a soul, and it also comes in various forms and branches, though magic is generally categorized in arcane (elemental, physical, knowledge) based spells or spiritual (spirits, curses, hexes, or spells relying on feelings and belief) based spells. Magic, however, cannot influence everything -- one of those things being Time itself.

Magic also serves a myriad of functions, many of which are not combat oriented.


Magic is believed to have come into existence at some unknown point since ancient times. It was only when the Gods crossed over to Sigrogana from The Void, however, that magic truly began to flourish.

Magic is commonly categorized into different domains depending on the element: such as water spells being categorized in the 'Aquarian' domain or light spells being categorized in the 'Mercalan' domain. Each elemental domain is said to be sourced by a specific God. However, the actual function and induction of magic stems from divine languages relative to specific divine entities, such as dragons, herons, and phoenixes. Certain spells are indeed sourced by a specific elemental God, but not all spells are, nor all domains of magic. Often times a categorization is simply just so.

Magic is cast and charged by expending the caster's own Focus, and not necessarily the God's Focus. This means that, generally, magic can be cast even if the related God is not present or even alive.

General Functionality

Magic is very complex, and harbors many forms of functionality. It should be noted that although a domain of magic does not require a God to source it or influence it (such as the General Domain), said domain(s) of magic would be weaker without a God cosigning it.


Sensing magic is entirely possible for many individuals. Due to how magic is fueled by Focus, it is generally reliable to sense magic through the Focus residue that is left behind. Certain spells require more Focus, making them easier to sense. Other kinds of spell require less Focus and thus makes them more difficult to trace. Certain tools and devices exist to make this easier, but nothing is better or more reliable than a Zeran sensing magic, due to their inherent sensitivity to it. Notably, large amounts of Focus can be sensed by just about anyone if it is concentrated enough in an area.

Every spell and every mage has a specific Focus signature tethered to their magic. Focus Signatures can be traced, and they cannot be spoofed or changed. They also cannot be hidden.


All beings who harbor Focus can learn magic, as long as they have the tools to do so. Magic is given form through the use of Spells, which are kept in tomes. Tomes are written in divine languages and high fonts. The more vocal the divine language (see: common), the more tomes use such language. Divine languages exist in many forms, such as Draconic, Heronic, and Phenexic. Draconic is the most common form of divine language when it comes to writing and learning spells, while Heronic is the most uncommon, due to the general rarity of the Heron race.

Although a special tongue is required to speak divine languages, a special tongue is not required to translate divine languages and thus cast spells. Even so, the actual process of learning spells and applying them is complex in of itself and requires years of practice and tutelage. It is, however, something people are very much capable of accomplishing.


The ability to cast magic is inherent to all beings who harbor Focus. As long as one knows how to cast spells, one can manifest magic through Focus. Spells are the recipe, while mages are the conduit; magic manifests through spells in physical form when the mage casts it, and then they release it. A catalyst (a held tome or staff) is needed for a mage to properly cast a spell at full power. Without a catalyst, a spell has less direction and a weaker form, and therefore a weaker effect. It is entirely possible to cast a spell without a catalyst, but this will delve deeper into the realm of sorcery and not just simple spellcasting. Sorcery is the method of casting magic without a catalyst, and is much more difficult to manifest as a result.

It should be noted that casting magic with a catalyst that is otherwise non-traditional or not physical is not possible (see: your laplaceNET PDA offered by Asago or your very own Soul).

Other catalysts of magic do exist, however, and they do not necessarily need to be tomes or staves (but the knowledge must still come from a tome).

Casting magic is usually understood well by a mage when casting from an elemental or arcane spell. However, more spiritually inclined spells or magic -- such as curses, hexes, or spiritual magic in general -- is less understood by the mage unleashing the spell. Typically, the mage would really only know the result, and not so much how the spell came to be or how it truly functions.

It should be noted that although magic has sources from divine or Godly beings, magic is typically fueled by the mage's Focus and does not require a God or divine being to be present. Gods provide the source, not the actual continued function.

As a general rule, spells require both somatic and verbal components -- but not all spells require the verbal component, or vice versa.


Generally, a single mage can evoke significant amounts of magic on their own, as long as they have enough Focus to do so. It should be noted, however, that strength comes in numbers. Not even the highly destructive Evokers can cause awesome forms of destruction. As an example, a single mage would not be capable of tearing down a mountain with Geomancy on their lonesome. Nor would they be able to level an entire city-state on their own as well.

The more skill and Focus a mage has, the more magic they can produce and the more spells they can cast. The limits, however, are very clear.

Defensive magic, such as magical barriers, also relies heavily on the casting mage. It is not possible for mages to exchange barriers or shields. Once a mage abandons their barrier or shield, it is dispelled. A barrier or shield will only last as long as the mage casting it harbors the Focus, and the more stressed the shield becomes (from attacks or lack of Focus), the weaker the shield becomes. The converse is also true: the more Focus a mage has, the stronger the shield is, although continued attacks on the shield will subsequently weaken the mage and deplete their Focus while trying to maintain it and re-fortify it.

Defensive magic which harbors an arcane element (such as fire, water, air, earth, etc.) cosigned by a Godly influence tend to be stronger, but they would also be subject to the same rules as elemental enchantment magic: if a fire shield is erected, it is more susceptible to an attack charged by ice or water.


A large portion of magic can serve a more practical and applied method that is not combat oriented. Many mages have come up with methods to magic that make life easier as a whole. As an example, the laplaceNET PDA provided by the Asago Corporation through their banks use a form of magic to power their PDAs and general wireless functionality.

Long-distance communication is also possible due to magic, however it is largely unreliable due to the weather. It is also not an absolute method, due to the tools used for such a method requiring fixed locations, much like portals.

It should be noted that, despite long-distance communication being possible in this way, other forms of long-distance communication (such as Telepathy) is not possible.

Other practical forms of magic exist in the form of familiars or magical pets, which can aid a mage in combat or other endeavors. These familiars are not unusual, and usually require the necessary knowledge to construct them, along with a specific inscribed Familiar Creation scroll to bring to 'life' for their intended purpose. Generally, the method to constructing a magical familiar exists in the Familiar Creation scroll, which details the method, steps, and the tools and ingredients needed to create one.

A newer and more complex form of practical magic is also in the form of Mechanation, or specially designed humanoid magical dolls fueled by magic and Focus.


Casting magic has a very clear weakness in that if the mage is Silenced or otherwise restricted, they will be unable to cast magic. As stated before, however, not all spells require a verbal component. Because of this, certain spells can still be cast even when unable to chant a spell.

A Silencing spell or effect on a person can either be a physical ailment, such as the throat closing up or become otherwise indisposed, or a magical ailment that is not necessarily physically affecting the target. This does not always mean that the target under the Silencing spell is unable to speak -- they are simply unable to cast spells requiring a verbal component.

Elemental Magic

Each domain of magic corresponds to an element. It should be noted that elemental magic does not 'evolve' into other elements. As an example, fire cannot 'evolve' into plasma.

It should also be noted that certain elemental gods do source elemental magic, but not all elemental magic necessarily stems from that specific elemental god, nor does a mage require a specific elemental god to cosign an elemental spell to make it function. However, elemental magic sourced from an elemental god is generally more powerful due to their divine influence on that element as a source.


The General domain of magic has no Godly source or influence, and is therefore generally weaker than other arcane elements or forms of magic. The General domain of magic serves as the basis for many convenient forms of magic, such as enchantments. There is no overall classification for General magic and often times the spells that fall into this domain are for the sake of convenience and not combat (but they can be used in combat if need be).


The Aquarian domain of magic is said to be sourced from the dead God of Water, Charachin and the dead God of Ice, Kraken. The Aquarian domain is also responsible for both water and ice magic archetypes.

Water magic has many uses due to its general versatility and how quickly it can adapt. Water magic can also be used to heal, although it should be noted that it cannot necessarily heal on its own. Ice magic also has many uses and is also as versatile as water magic, but ice magic is generally used to construct or give more solid form to something.

Water is often associated with adaptability, while ice is often associated with order.

The usage of water magic is known as Aquamancy, while the usage of ice magic is known as Cryomancy.


The Nerifian domain of magic is said to be sourced from the dead God of Fire, Nairyf.

Nerifian magic is often associated with power and chaos. It has no genuine secondary effects, though enough focused fire magic could cause something to burn.

The usage of fire magic is known as Pyromancy.


The Isespian domain of magic is said to be sourced from the unknown God of Earth, Isesip.

Isespian magic is often associated with truth. It has 'Gravity' and 'Magnetism' cited as secondary effects. 'Gravity' and 'Magnetism' works similar to each other; while 'Gravity' is used to suppress a target or adjust its position, while 'Magnetism' is used to draw a target in. It should be noted that 'Gravity' magic cannot be used to imprison a target or otherwise render them immobile, and that 'Magnetism' cannot perpetually stick a target to something for long.

Breaking illusions is something that Isespian magic specializes in due to Isespian magic's association with truth.

The usage of earth magic is known as Geomancy.


The Syphid domain of magic is said to be sourced from the unknown God of Wind, Sylph.

Sylphid magic is often associated with deception. It is one of the more flexible forms of elemental magic, serving many uses. Some of the uses cited include, but are not limited to, enchanting certain objects with a Sylphid base to make them fly or levitate, or can be used by mages to propel themselves into the air for a limited time (due to how Focus intensive continued usage of any elemental magic can be). There are certain functions that Sylphid magic cannot serve, however, such as providing oxygen where oxygen would not otherwise be present.

Illusions are also powered by Sylphid magic. Illusions are a special form of magic not categorized in any other way, due to its unique attributes and learning curve. Illusions tackle all five senses and makes things seem believable or 'real'.

The usage of wind magic is known as Aeromancy.


The Weather domain of magic has no clear Godly sources or origins.

There is no clear elemental association when one thinks of Weather magic. Although the most common usage of Weather magic is seen in the form of lightning, Weather magic can also borrow attributes from other domains, such as the Aquarian domain.

The usage of lightning magic is known as Fulgarmancy.


The Mercalan domain of magic is said to be sourced by the living Goddess of Life, Mercala. The Mercalan domain is not only responsible for light magic, but it is also responsible for healing magic as well.

Mercalan magic is often associated with the divine. Healing magic, formally known as 'Mercana' is one of the most Focus intensive forms of magic in existence. Simply stated, this means that the larger the healing project, the more Focus a healer will use. General forms of healing magic does not require specific allegiance or faith in Mercala, but it certainly benefits from it greatly.

The usage of light magic is known as Solmancy. The usage of healing magic is known as Mercana.


The Huggessoan domain of magic is said to be sourced by the enigmatic God of Antilife, Huggessoa.

Huggessoan magic is often associated with the divine. Not much is known about Huggessoan magic, though it is often used as the main font by less than scrupulous individuals seeking to harm others. Huggessoan magic is perhaps one of the most difficult to understand forms of elemental magic.

The usage of dark magic is known as Altermancy.

Arcane Magic


Enchanting is the intentional enhancement or application of an effect on a person or an item. Enchanting requires a specific catalyst to be performed. The catalyst serves as more of a lens than the actual source of power for the spell, and successfully combining the catalyst with the item via enchantment will enhance the target of the enchantment spell. Various forms of enchantments exist that require a specific catalyst, and failure to succeed in the enchantment spell will make the catalyst dissipate into Focus, due to the amount of power required to successfully enchant something.

Examples of enchanting can be found throughout the world. Enchantments used to keep things warm or cool, or to keep things hovering for easier transport. Most enchantment is used for the sake of convenience and serves important functions in daily life.

Combat enchantments also exist as well. Enchantments that call upon the elementals to enhance combat prowess or strength of will exist. However, this usually comes with a caveat, such as weakness to an opposing element. The logic behind this is that if you enchant yourself with a fire enchantment to increase your physical strength, it is only logical that a cold wave of ice will calm the flames of your enchantment and hurt you more in the process. Other forms of combat enchantments without such associations exist as well, usually from the Mercalan domain. Such enchantments increase your natural abilities or physical speed.

Other combat oriented enchantments can affect the field of battle directly. Although not necessarily for battle, such enchantments often are used for battle anyway.

Summoning Magic

Summoning Magic is a special form of arcane magic that draws upon the assistance of otherwordly spirits known as Youkai. Youkai are bound by a specific mystic contract with a Summoner, often times taking physical form on a Summoner's body (such as an arm, leg, or head). For more information, please visit the Youkai page or the Summoner page.

Occult Magic

Magic can be applied in other ways that are not for the sake of convenience alone or specifically reliant on the arcane elements. These forms of magic are known as Occult Magic. Although the term inspires some fear or concern, not all Occult Magic is inherently evil, merely categorized for the sake of ease or not easily understood.

Spiritual Magic

Spiritual Magic or otherwise known as Spiritualism is an esoteric and often times occult form of magic that is not readily understood even by the mages who cast them. Spiritualism is usually associated with spells fueled not by knowledge or practice, but by feelings or belief. Faith also falls into this category.

Curses, hexes, or spells that otherwise deal with spirits (not the soul) are usually charged by the manifestation of negative feelings in the mage. The mage does not understand how the curse, hex, or spell takes form, they only understand the result. Spells who also have a curse or hex tied to its effect generally draw upon the Huggessoan domain, and other arcane elemental domains as necessary, but are not reliant on them. Mages with the moniker of Hexer are the most common practitioners of Spiritual Magic.

Faith based spells or otherwise known as prayers are entirely charged by belief and feelings, whether positive or negative. The mage would equally not be able to understand how such magic works, and instead can only understand the result of their prayer. Faith can heavily benefit other forms of magic as well, such as healing magic from the Mercalan domain. Although faith is not necessary for one to use healing magic, it greatly benefits from it.

Spiritualism can also be used to perceive spirits, the paging residue of the deceased. A spiritualist can take on the role of an exorcist, and purge or guide the spirit to Lazarus. They can also take on the spirit into their own body, though this can run some risks if the spiritualist is not careful enough.

Blood Magic

Blood Magic is the intentional manipulation of blood. It is extremely uncommon due to the ethics surrounding the manipulation of blood. Due to this, blood magic is not readily understood nor learned, but likely follows the same principle of learning, casting, and applying as all other schools of magic. Even so, blood magic as a school of magic is heavily underdeveloped.


Necromancy is debatably the most controversial and unethical practice of magic in existence. Illegal in all civilized locales, Necromancy is the intentional reanimation of dead bodies to serve a physical purpose (such as terrorizing, or attacking). Necromancy is exceedingly rare and difficult to acquire knowledge of, due to its high-level of danger and undesirable effects.

Advanced Magic

Advanced Magic is generally categorized as spells that transcend simple or intermediate spells. Advanced Magic is usually seen as Invocations or special forms of magic such as Rune Magic. Akashic Magic is also a form of Advanced Magic, although this form of magic is even less understood than Huggessoan domain magic.


Invocations are special, advanced spells that have a pre-determined chant that must be uttered before cast. The Invocation is already pre-set and cannot be changed, as it already serves a specific function, much like every other spell. The key difference is the chant, which is charged with great power. Through this great power, intense focus, and preparation can an Invoked spell cause great effects and devastation. Invocations are incredibly powerful, and come in different levels. The higher the level, the longer it takes to prepare and ultimately cast the spell.

Moving or being moved (except through teleportation, such as the 'Blink' spell) will immediately interrupt an Invocation. Being Silenced in any way will also interrupt an Invocation.

Learning to use Invocations require years of practice and plenty of Focus. Furthermore, they require an appropriate catalyst to truly release their full power.

Rune Magic

Rune Magic relies on specific instructions and inscriptions with a finite amount of Focus to serve a specific arcane purpose (usually elemental or physical). Runes cannot be used like enchantments, which can serve a specific purpose but are generally reliant on outside Focus (as in, they cannot be used to refrigerate something or keep things warm like enchantments do indefinitely. They are not self-sufficient). Instead, Rune Magic will always serve that function until the Focus runs out or it has executed the intended function. As such, Rune Magic is primarily used for combat.

Unlike spells, Rune Magic requires other tools to successfully execute, such as dust which is cast out and then Focus to not only charge the Rune but also shape it. Runes can be combined into larger, more complex runes to create effects that can detonate in tandem, making them potentially very powerful. Rune Magic requires preparation, however, and their reliability has often been cast into question due to their low power compared to Invocations. They can also be shattered by outside forces, and Runes must always be cast onto the field, seen by all.

Fortunately, Runes can be moved as necessary, although not entirely freely. Runes must follow a linear, finite path, and cannot always travel long distances in one go.

Rune Magic is susceptible to Silence effects because certain spells required to charge Runes require a verbal component.

Void Magic

Void Magic is seen as extremely taboo in most of society. Void Magic specifically draws upon energy from the old realm of the Gods, known as The Void. Void magic is heavily unpredictable, but also very powerful. Irresponsible and unprotected usage of The Void can lead to a condition known as Void Poisoning. Void Magic is usually associated with teleportation and can be very Focus heavy.

Akashic Magic

Akashic Magic is the most clandestine form of magic that cannot be learned, cast, or applied by just any mage. Only a mage of incredible power, Focus, and mental fortitude can cast Akashic Magic. Even then, Akashic Magic takes an incredible mental toll on the mage that casts it. Akashic Magic generally manifests as its own domain outside of the arcane elements, and is described as a burning sensation, much like fire magic. Akashic Magic can be accomplished by specific kinds of Evokers, but they suffer burn out and mental stress as a result.

Akashic Magic has been cited as otherworldly and exceedingly rare. Only a specific kind of race known as a Lich is able to consistently cast Akashic magic without hinting to any mental strain.


The intentional creation of magical spells, Invocations, et cetera is not a simple feat. It is a feat that takes years upon years of practice, understanding, and research.


Spellcraft is how spells come to be, and how most magic is given its physical or metaphysical form. The creation of a spell is generally a life-long ambition for any mage. The longer-lived the mage, and the more time spent in creating magic, the more successful said mage will be. Like all spells, they must be written in high fonts and divine languages. A spellcrafter's understanding and knowledge on these divine languages must be fluent and well-practiced. It is not enough to simply be able to read the language, but understand it as well.

Much is the same for any other kind of spell out there, even special forms of magic such as Invocations and Rune Magic.

It should be noted that all spells created must be crafted in a specific way to achieve a specific, desired result. Spells cannot have 'diverse' effects, or effects that can change upon a whim.