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Forums in 'Sigrogana Legend 2 (OOC)'
  Forum Threads Posts Last Post
General Discussion
A place to discuss the game in a general fashion that doesn't fit the rest of the forums.
359 4,498
Sawrock's Non-Serious Sug...
10-09-2024, 11:04 PM
by Sawrock
Balance Fu
"VAs are too strong!" "Evokers are too weak!" "Nerf Kinu!"
A place for all your ideas and woes regarding game balance.

Sub Forums:
Beta Fu
1,897 16,656
Sanctity for All (Except ...
10-10-2024, 10:24 PM
by Trexmaster
Have an idea for the game? Something you'd like to see improved? This is where you should post it.
Sub Forums:
Class/Race Ideas,
Quality-of-Life (QoL), and 1 more.
2,753 14,732
Hexer Rework Ideas
8 hours ago
by Autumn
Bug Reports
When you run into a bug, you can post it here. Yes. -When-.
Please make sure you read the rules!

Sub Forums:
Old Bugs,
Beta Bugs
4,280 13,756
Thunder Bolt Visual
4 hours ago
by AkaInuHime
Are you a gifted artist of some kind? Want to help contribute to the development of the game? This forum is for just such an occasion.
Used submissions will likely earn you in-game rewards.

Sub Forums:
154 749
Master of Puppets (Ruler ...
10-08-2024, 03:06 AM
by Poruku
Helpful guides for newer players on various things, including classes, builds, etc.
Sub Forums:
23 84
[Tool] SL2 Reckoning Calc...
06-17-2024, 06:01 PM
by FatherCrixius
Player applications for requests to play special characters, event ideas, etc. Read the stickies!
Sub Forums:
Character Applications,
Event Applications, and 1 more.
294 675
That which binds us
09-25-2024, 11:38 PM
by Maya

Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord