This is just my personal wishlist and what I observed could be changed or shrunk to give way for new, cooler things.
Depending on the Kensei's Critical Hit, the animation's speed would be higher. Admittedly, the only reason I'd use Lightning badge over the other badges is how cool it is to just blitz through an enemy in the blink of an eye.
Additionally, range starting maxed more often than not makes you take your turn faster. Having to always increase the range by 2 is very inconvenient, so it would be an improvement.
![[Image: image.png]](
Over time, Two-Hand Katanas have and will always be more optimal. This is mostly to let more themes flourish with Kensei without ruining their core gameplay.
And finally, new things! Or er, "new".
Please go easy on my balance-fu, I'm a new player.
- Absolute Death/Fear/Pace --> Reiatsu
Quote:Reiatsu (3 Ranks)
By utilizing the art of spiritual pressure, the Kensei can addle their opponent's minds and forms. On use, targets all enemies within 1 range of you, and depending on which spiritual energy your opponent is inflicted with, this skill will have different effects:
Rank 1: Touki - Absolute Pace
Rank 2: Sakki - Absolute Death
Rank 3: Kenki - Absolute Fear
- Sacred Art Elemental ATK scaling --> Kensei LV + 10 scaling.
Quote:Sacred Art (2 Ranks)
Kensei often utilize multiple techniques in succession, turning their swordplay into an art rather than a skill.
When you deal damage to an enemy using a Kensei Offensive Skill, the next Kensei Offensive Skill this turn does not require FP to use, and if it hits the enemy, it will deal elemental bonus damage based off your Kensei LV + 10, which ignores protection. (Each Kensei Offensive Skill uses an unique element; If you have a Starsign, its element will be used instead).
- Kagekiri, Toiken, Hirazuki, Raijinken, Sharenzan --> Can critically hit, their ranges start maxed (similar to Korkenzieher and Chaser, but can be shortened) and Animation Speed is increased by (Critical Hit - 25)%.
Depending on the Kensei's Critical Hit, the animation's speed would be higher. Admittedly, the only reason I'd use Lightning badge over the other badges is how cool it is to just blitz through an enemy in the blink of an eye.
Additionally, range starting maxed more often than not makes you take your turn faster. Having to always increase the range by 2 is very inconvenient, so it would be an improvement.
- Toiken --> Its range of effectiveness should be THICCer.
![[Image: image.png]](
- Katana Master --> Also works with Bows and Spears. This now checks every round, in case you lose this to a dispel effect, or enter a fight in the middle of it.
Over time, Two-Hand Katanas have and will always be more optimal. This is mostly to let more themes flourish with Kensei without ruining their core gameplay.
Quote:Katana Master (1 Rank)
Needless to say, Kensei are masters of the katana. At the start of every round, if you do not have Katana Master active: If you have a Katana weapon, and don't have other weapons, aside Polearms or Bows, gain a permanent status that boosts the power of your Katana weapons, Sakki, Touki and Kenki. This boost is lost if you swap weapons.
- Counter Edge --> Should deal its bonus damage separate from Riposte's damage.
Quote:Counter Edge (3 Ranks)
Kensei are known opportunists, exploiting gaps better than anyone. Attacks made through Riposte and Sheath Sword deal a separate instance of bonus damage (based on Rank) of your weapon's damage type, which ignores protection.
- Yomidori --> Should be a stackable defensive passive, and have an extra effect.
Quote:Yomidori (3 Ranks)
Yomidori is the act of predicting your opponent's movements with such precision that it becomes akin to mind-reading. When you are attacked by a person who has already attacked or damaged you this turn, your opponent grants or empowers a permanent status named Yomidori by LV X (X = Rank), which grants an additional +LV% trigger rate for parry skills against the causer.
Additionally, there is a LV/2% chance for damage dealt from their attacks, skills or spells that are not evaded or a glancing blow become a Glancing Blow. (This will remove the status and put it on a 1 round cooldown).
- Tekagen --> Remove this. Make it a Trait anyone can pick.
And finally, new things! Or er, "new".
- Oarashiken
Quote:Oarashiken (5 Ranks)
You are the storm that is approaching. Sheath your sword and focus your spirit, using 6M+ and gaining Kenki Meditation for 2 rounds, which heals 8% of your maximum HP and FP at the start of the round, and disables Riposte for the duration.
If you use the skill while under Kenki Meditation, it will cost 3M, and you will teleport to all enemies, slash through each of them 4 times in random directions. Each slash ignores evasion and protection, and have a 50% chance of applying Kenki, Touki or Sakki to them for 5 rounds (If the status is not active). Then you will return to your original position, facing away from the last enemy you attacked.
If you activate Hidden Cut while under Kenki Meditation, it will consume the status and increase the damage by 20% (+10% per Sakki, Kenki or Touki) of their missing HP (halved against players and bosses).
- Yamasakeru
Quote:Yamasakeru (5 Ranks)
A strike to rend mountains and hearts alike. Sheath your sword and focus your spirit, using 6M+ and gaining Touki Meditation for 2 rounds, which heals 10% of your maximum HP at the start of the round, and disables Riposte for the duration.
While in Touki Meditation, if you use this skill again, it will only cost 3M. You will shoot forward to the battle border directly infront of you, and any enemies, tiles or constructs in the path of a 5 wide range line will be destroyed in a flurry of mountain-rending strikes. Enemies will also be knocked down, or knocked airborne if they cannot be knocked down.
If you activate Hidden Cut while under Touki Meditation, it will consume the status and create Pillaged tiles in a huge circle area around the targets, making it impossible to create new tiles, for 5 rounds.
- Zettai-tekinashi
Quote:Zettai-tekinashi (5 Ranks)
Kill the unwise before they notice their spelling mistake. Sheath your sword and focus your spirit, using 6M+ and gaining Sakki Meditation until your next round, which heals 10% of your FP at the start of the round, and disables Riposte for the duration.
If an enemy attacks you while you are under Sakki Meditation, you will draw your blade and counter-attack with such power that it deals no damage but marks the enemy with Shindeiru for 3 rounds (LV = 200% of their maximum HP). Once the status expires, the opponent will take LV physical slash damage that ignores protection and evasion.
Against non-monster enemies, it will inflict Delayed Damage for 3 rounds instead. (It starts at LV0, and every time the opponent takes damage, it will increase the LV by a random amount between 1-50% of the damage taken. Once the status expires, they take the damage. If the LV is above 150, it will also ignore protection. Max. LV = 200.)
If you activate Hidden Cut while under Sakki Meditation, it will consume the status and immediately trigger any Shindeiru or Delayed Damage the enemy has, but it will only deal 25% of its original damage.
Please go easy on my balance-fu, I'm a new player.
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