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[Tool] Omen's SL2 Toolkit/Log Converter

For a bit, I've been working on a program to allow you to convert logs into a more human readable format, and now I have a first release candidate for that. I plan to maintain it as long as I'm active in SL2, and if I'm not, it's primary Github is here.

Basically you can load any log file you save from `Help -> Download Latest Chat Log` and boot it up in the program to suit it to your settings. Having a character who runs therapy, logging can be kinda rough sometimes, and I wanted something to make that a lil easier.

Within the program, there's little tooltips that let you know what to do.

Any logs should generally be placed in 'put_logs_here', which will let the program autoload them on start, but when in the program there are ways to open them from just about anywhere.

As with the Calculator, Any suggested/requested features or bugs should be sent here, in PMs, or on Discord. With Discord, if that becomes too much, I will let people here know that.

Anyways, here's your...

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I pushed a new release to fix a human error bug in the program.

If you already downloaded it, just make a folder named "put_logs_here".

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord