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Corvis dark cannon?
Corvis Cannon scales 45% SKI and 30% RES, but Corvis Cannon deals wind damage on airborne targets, not dark damage, I think this weapon should have it's RES scaling swapped for CEL.

Oh also, the weapon itself is kinda weak with it's total scaling, can the total scaling be upped a little too? (possibly to 85% total, like a regular shotgun)


The UL effect is increased, because the weapon's damage is overall pretty low, and for being a boss 10* it is already very hard to get, kinda doesn't feel worth it to have.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I'd rather see the bonus damage be changed to Dark, honestly. Corvis implies corvid implies ravens, and all the ominous implications thereof. That being said, it would make a nice combo with nitrogen drop -> whatever that skill is that lets you shoot everyone in a circle.
Or a mix of Dark and Wind damage? Much better. I'd like to see a gun like that having many different damage instances.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
A little bit of an update, this weapon is still one of the most under utilized boss 10*s in the game, I think a CEL scaling for it's wind theme would drive people to use this again, if no significant buffs were to take place, can the scaling maybe just be changed?;p=10141
I think it was raised earlier that it was originally dark damage but changed to wind, and you corrected that.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
All up for this.
At the moment, the Corvis feels like what could be a good weapon that's had its tendons cut by strange scaling.
Changing it to scale with cel's an option, or having it work with dark instead of wind both work, as have been suggested.
Or even just straight skill to leave it the most open, but that's a tad boring.

Whilst I've figured out a number of builds that could make it work, they have to be pretty specific to be all too viable. Honestly, any of these fixes could make the Corvis a weapon that's used, instead of the niche shadow of what it could be.
Better yet? Make its basic attack a cone that deals dark/wind damage, and deals +UL% extra damage to Airborne targets (split between dark and wind)
[strike]40% SKI, 25% CEL 25% RES
If airborne: Wind damage (UL+2) and knocks back.
If critical hit: Dark damage (UL+2) and removes airborne.[/strike]
Edit: Read below.

And it can get those scalings because it's a 10* item, quite damn rare (drop rates are insane.) and nobody has it. And it's a gun, guns got nerfed so no worries, they're deemed to be bad always.
There you go.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Quote:On Hit: Deals bonus Wind damage equal to 20+UL% of Wind ATK, and knocks back 1 tile.
On Critical: Deals bonus Dark damage equal to 20+UL% of your Dark ATK and inflicts Knockdown.

40% SKI
25% CEL
25% RES

^ fixed it for you
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I really don't think we need anything like that, honestly, let it stay the way it is, just the scaling doesn't fit shotgun builds right now.

A simple scaling change will help the gun's position immensely for now, having it be CEL scaling turns it from a niche boss 10* almost no one will use, to a boss 10* that people might consider using, no one wants them really and it hurts diversity, and the market.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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