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Ki AwOHSHIT- *dead*
Ki Awoken raises ALL stats by 10. INCLUDING Vitality, which is a stat generally untouched by many effects that boost most stats, such as Installs.

This has a rather large impact on max HP on characters who don't already have very high vit, and sees you taking especially nasty percentage-based damage almost immediately after use, further compounded by the fact that you're not even already close to max.

To give you an idea, I have a level 45 monk with about 300 HP. With Ki Awoken, that number increases to 400. This means taking 20 damage on turn 1, 40 damage on turn 2, 80 damage on turn 3, 160 on turn 4, 320 on turn 5, etc, instead of 15/30/60/120/240, while simultaneously ensuring that they have a much lower percentage of max HP available to them (75% vs 100%) for scenarios in which your HP percentage matters (Ghost, Execute, etc)

Overall, I think the skill is basically fine, balanced out by an activation time (3m prevents you from just toggling it off and back on for free to reset the upkeep, unless you want to devote 3m to it) and a large HP upkeep, but this one aspect of the skill does bother me more than it probably should, considering that heals tend to suck right now unless they're magical or percentage based like Prescription Hi Potions, so it's not like recuperating that extra HP loss is something you can realistically expect to do in a large number of scenarios - running away to Meditate in your average PVE fight is one thing, but not a reliable option in many PVP scenarios or against bosses with Rampage.

I was basically wondering if I was alone in thinking that maybe Vit shouldn't be touched by it. (Or maybe another skill to sink a point into to toggle if it adds to Vitality and Sanctity, because of corrupted actually getting penalties from sanctity.)
*loud burp*
Makes sense, VIT doesn't really do much for you when it's boosted anyway except in rare cases like Rising Game.
I also forgot to list:

- Water Attack (Kind of limited; only Curates and Summoners really ever deal with this, Maybe spellthieves.)
- Vit scaling weapons (Which, much like Water Attack, are few and far between.)

So it does a bit more than I give it credit for. But it's still harmful for the vast majority of builds.
*loud burp*

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