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Suggestion: Potion Magician (Alchemist/Spell Sword)
[float=]Use a grenade as a lvl 20 Mage, or have Alchemist rank


3 Momentum
Throw Bottle: Potion Skill. Throw your current bottle with mixing status dealing magical damage based on rank.
-Rank 1: 40%Potion Element+ 2 Magic
-Rank 1: 73%Potion Element+ 4 Magic
-Rank 1: 106%Potion Element+ 6 Magic
-Rank 1: 139%Potion Element+ 8 Magic
-Rank 1: 172%Potion Element+ 10 Magic

1 Momentum
Trap Bottle: Place your next Potion Spell in a bottle and hide it on the field like a trap. Range 3+Rank.
-Rank 1: Trigger Area 1
-Rank 2: Trigger Area 2(first use of this skill refunds 1 Momentum)

6 Momentum
Barrage: Hurl your stash of magical explosive potions at enemies in front of you. Your first two thrown are based off your mixing status and deal half the damage. Afterwards throw a potion that deals random water,lightning,fire,magic and acid magical damage one for each bottle in your stockpile. These deal damage based on rank these also have the status effects of any other potion thrown by the Potion Mage.
-Rank 1: 10+10% of Will
-Rank 1: 20+10% of Will
-Rank 1: 30+10% of Will
-Rank 1: 40+10% of Will
-Rank 1: 50+10% of Will


3 M
Sasasha: Enchant Yourself or target party member with an elemental, increasing Water Atk, Vit, Gui However, Hosting an elemental also has its drawbacks you take 1.25 Lightning Damage while enchanted. This effect lasts for 3 rounds. You cannot cast this spell on someone already enchanted with an elemental.

3 M
Bio: A simple dark spell creating a ball of actual sickness throwing it at enemy dealing damage based on Rank.Chance to 50% chance to inflict Poison Rank*4 lv, or Blind.
-Rank 1: 60%Acid Atk +80% Weapon Atk
-Rank 2: 70%Acid Atk +80% Weapon Atk
-Rank 1: 80%Acid Atk +80% Weapon Atk
-Rank 2: 90%Acid Atk +80% Weapon Atk
-Rank 5: 100%Acid Atk +80% Weapon Atk

3 M
Sert: Blend the arcane of water and fire creating a magical steam that the energy those I of front of you it hits sucking out their ether and stamina they lost stats based on Rank. Enemies hit by this lose FP equal to Rank*2. For Duration based on Rank. (If under the Drunken Buff this spell can be drunken the user loses 5 FP every turn and 2 HP while under its effects. They in return gain a boost to all stats based on Rank)
-Rank 1: 5% Fire Atk + 5% Water Atk
-Rank 2: +1 Duration
-Rank 3: 10% Fire Atk +5% Water Atk
-Rank 4: + 1 Duration
-Rank 5: +10% Fire Atk +10% Water Atk

4 M
Mega Exciv: The Alchemist keeps this one just incase its a hidden spell scrolled inside of a bottle. Exciv is a highly volatile spell that can even harm the caster and his allies. It explodes on impact dealing Lightning Damage and Magic Damage based on Rank in range equal to rank+1 The lightning chains to all enemies within range based on rank +1.If under the effect of redgull this spell leaves behind storm clouds that randomly strike at the start of the round with a chance to crit.(If under the effects of Drunken this spell can be drunk to gain immunity to lightning for two turns also increase Lightning based on Rank*5 for 2 turns. You gain the Spell Exciv until the end of battle.)
-Rank 1: 80% Lightning Atk +100% Wep Atk
-Rank 2: 100% Lightning Atk + 100% Wep atk
-Rank 3: 120% Lightning Atk +100% Wep atk
-Rank 4: 140% Lightning Atk +100% Wep Atk
-Rank 5: 160% Lightning Atk +100% Wep Atk
----Exciv: Deal Lightning damage to target in range based on Rank and chain it to targets in 3 Range. If under the effect of the effects of Redgull this can cause interference.
--Rank 1: 60% Lightning Atk +100% Wep
--Rank 2: 80% Lightning Atk +100% Wep
--Rank 3: 90% Lightning Atk +100% Wep
--Rank 4: 100% Lightning Atk +100% Wep
--Rank 1: 110% Lightning Atk +100% Wep

3 M
Isi: A Potion Magician spell that allows them to strike with a potion blade from a distance using and controlling the liquid. Increase basic attack range by Rank with the potion blade and damage on basic attack based on rank. (If potion is supportive increase the effectiveness by Damage%*2)
-Rank 1: 4 Damage
-Rank 2: 8 Damage
-Rank 3: 12 Damage

3 M
Enhanced Fir: A Potion Spell. Cast Fir with a charged potion enchanting it with the spell hurling it at the target. Dealing bonus magic damage based on Rank. If enchanted with Nerhaven it gains the same effects as Fir. Afterwards it drops the potion at the start of the next round the Potion explodes dealing unstoppable magical damage in the AOE.Same as FIR.
-Rank 1: 6 Damage
-Rank 2: 12 Damage
-Rank 3: 18 Damage
-Rank 4: 24 Damage
-Rank 5: 30 Damage


2 M
Bottle Absorption: Similar to those who steal spells If you take lightning, Fire, or Water damage reduce it by Rank*2% and convert that to focus increase Potion spells based on Rank afterwards for 3 Turns.
-Rank 1: +1 Power
-Rank 2: +2 Power
-Rank 3: +3 Power
-Rank 4: +4 Power
-Rank 5: +5 Power


Stockpile: Increase the max amount of potions by level/15
-Rank 1: Learn Skill
-Rank 2: This does not take up a skill spot

Bottle of Flames: Potion mages actual place fire into bottles. Increase the fire damage dealt by flame potion by rank.If Mixing status is Ether it becomes Fire. If Mixing status is Lightning it becomes Destruction. If Mixing Status if Water it becomes Gas.
-Rank 1: Potions Skills with Flame active inflict Burn based on Power as Level.
-Rank 2: Potion skills with flames active create cinder tiles.
-Rank 3: Potion skills with flames active inflict magical burn which cannot be absorbed, or resisted.

Mystic Water Bottle: Potion Mages literally enchant magic with focus while in a bottle. Increase Water damage by rank. Toggled on when you use Mix Bottle the bottle is mixed with water. If Mixing status is Ether it becomes Water. If Mixing status is Lightning it becomes Storm. If Mixing Status if Flame it becomes Gas.
-Rank 1: Create Darkwater Tiles
-Rank 2: Inflict Weakness to Lightning 5%
-Rank 3: Inflict Weakness to Lightning 10%


2 M
Charge Potion: Increase the damage of the next potion skill by 20%+Rank.
-Rank 1: 10% Will
-Rank 2: 20% Will
-Rank 3: 30% Will

1 Momentum
Mix Bottle: You can use this to mix an ether potion with an elemental one. After using Mix Potion your Potion and your Mixing status change recover 2 FP. Storm Potions Apply both Mystic Water Bottle and Lightning bottle Effects with potion skills. Gas Potion Applies Both Flame and Mystic Water Bottle Effects with potion skills. Destruction Potions Applies both Flame and Lightning Bottle effects to status.
Rank: 1 Learn Skill

1 M
Drink Bottle: Grants the Drunken Status. After you have the drunken status you can use potion spells on yourself for personal buffs. But lose health based on Rank every turn and gain focus equal to that.
Rank 1: -15 HP +1 Duration
Rank 2: +1 Duration
Rank 3: +20 Focus

3 M
Over Stock: You seemed to have overstocked on potions. Refill a number of potions based on rank.
-Rank 1: 2 Bottles
-Rank 2: 3 Bottles
-Rank 3: 5 Bottles

1 M
Bottle of Lightning: A bottle filled with lightning the hardest for a Potion Mage to control. Simply opening a Bottle of Lightning to mix requires very careful control. Chain lightning damage based on Rank to all but the Potion Mage inside of two range. This potion can be mixed with the others without being toggled on and off instead being used.
-Rank 1: 25% Lightning Attack
-Rank 2: 50% Lightning Attack
-Rank 3: 75% Lightning Attack

3 M
Coat Weapon: Coat a Sword Spear or Dagger with your current mixing status. Dealing damage based on status type when basic attacking add damage based on rank.
-Rank 1: Potion Element Atk 40%
-Rank 2: Potion Element Atk 56%
-Rank 3: Potion Element Atk 72%

2 M
Potion Blade: If the potion mage has a hand with no weapon equipped and a Bottle. They gain Holding Bottle for 3 Turns, the Potion Magician can select a potion from their inventory to use and if they have potion blade Equipped they are Refunded Momentum based on rank. The Potion Blade Status changes depending on the potion type. If you use Mix Potion the blade type changes to your Mix Status.


2 M
Potion Render: If enemies in range of 3 have a potion in their inventory you activate it(random if multiple) for yourself but its effects are decreased based on Rank. If it does not restore a status you can place a copy of it in your inventory. You gain Rendering: If you are under the negative effect of a status and you have a potion that can cure it, it is applied at the start of your turn for no cost.
Rank 1: 40%
Rank 2: 52%
Rank 3: 64%


Potion Bag: You seem to keep a bag of spare potions and bottles.
-Rank 1: 1 Item Spot +1 Gui
-Rank 2: 1 Item Spot +1 Gui
-Rank 3: 1 Item Spot +1 Gui
-Rank 4: 1 Item Spot +1 Gui
-Rank 5: 1 Item Spot +1 Gui

Potion Magic: Grants the ability to power spells giving you 2 Bottles at the start of every bottle and starting Max level.
-Rank 1: Grenades do 40 bonus damage at the cost of 5 Focus.

Alchemic Marvel
-Rank 1: First Time using Mix Potion during a turn cost no momentum.
-Rank 2: Increase Potion items effects by 5%[/float]

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