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Kadouha/Arcane Potion Bug
I'm unsure which this is following but I'm very sure either one of the scalings is not properly working right, or Medium Arcane potions aren't working right. I'll put the debug info in a Spoiler but I am pretty sure I should have a bit more of a damage boost then just 16 damage.
Debug: Kadouha - /obj/skill/kadouha
Debug: Checking cost negation effects.
Debug: MA_COMBO_FIGHTER: initial(X:from_class) VS /obj/class/Monk and Utility VS Offensive
Debug: Total Power for Kadouha / Swift Palm Stance was 238.
Debug: magic was in flags
Debug: Hit Rate of 283 VS Dodge Rate of 76
Debug: MA_COMBO_FIGHTER: initial(X:from_class) VS /obj/class/Monk and Utility VS Offensive
Debug: Total Power for Kadouha / Swift Palm Stance was 238.
Debug: magic was in flags
Debug: Hit Rate of 283 VS Dodge Rate of 76
Debug: MA_COMBO_FIGHTER: initial(X:from_class) VS /obj/class/Monk and Utility VS Offensive
Debug: Total Power for Kadouha / Swift Palm Stance was 238.
Debug: magic was in flags
Debug: Hit Rate of 283 VS Dodge Rate of 117
Debug: MA_COMBO_FIGHTER: initial(X:from_class) VS /obj/class/Monk and Utility VS Offensive
Debug: Total Power for Kadouha / Swift Palm Stance was 238.
Debug: magic was in flags
Debug: Hit Rate of 283 VS Dodge Rate of 14
Debug: Received on_defeated for Seeker Flame.
Debug: Movement: In a battle and no tactarg or tac_move.
Debug: Movement: In a battle and no tactarg or tac_move.
Debug: Movement: In a battle and no tactarg or tac_move.
Debug: Before Use Skill called. Swift Martial Redtail, Swift Martial Redtail, Medium Arcanic Potion, 1
Debug: Before Use Skill called. Swift Martial Redtail, Swift Martial Redtail, Medium Arcanic Potion, 1
Debug: 0
Debug: Kadouha - /obj/skill/kadouha
Debug: Checking cost negation effects.
Debug: MA_COMBO_FIGHTER: initial(X:from_class) VS /obj/class/Monk and Offensive VS Offensive
Debug: Total Power for Kadouha / Swift Palm Stance was 253.4.
Debug: magic was in flags
Debug: Hit Rate of 283 VS Dodge Rate of 76
Debug: MA_COMBO_FIGHTER: initial(X:from_class) VS /obj/class/Monk and Offensive VS Offensive
Debug: Total Power for Kadouha / Swift Palm Stance was 253.4.
Debug: magic was in flags
Debug: Hit Rate of 283 VS Dodge Rate of 76
Debug: MA_COMBO_FIGHTER: initial(X:from_class) VS /obj/class/Monk and Offensive VS Offensive
Debug: Total Power for Kadouha / Swift Palm Stance was 253.4.
Debug: magic was in flags
Debug: Hit Rate of 283 VS Dodge Rate of 127
That says nothing useful for debugging purposes.

What are your stats? What is the fist's scaling? What is Medium Arcane Potion's effect? What is Kadouha's current scaling? Are you using Ki Awoken? Are you using any non-offensive skill before Kadouha? What increase did you expect from using it?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
That's what I was told to show, so that is my bad. The Medium Arcane Potion is the same as all the other's just is 4 rounds and swaps my Fenri's 60% STR to 60% will. I am using Ki awoken and Woki with my Fenri before applying the arcane potion, and I have 94 scaling with it. After I apply an Arcane potion I have 105, but I'm pretty sure if 140 SWA/140 Light Attack is boosted by 30% because 30 Ki, should be a bit more then just 19 damage increase. Least I would imagine it would be doing a bit more if it was properly scaling, unless my math is just incorrect.
Oh. I have 30 Strength during the time and 60 Scaled Will. But my Fenri does drop to like 14 power or maybe 15 if it rounds up? cause it starts with 29 before dropping to 14/15 when using the Arcane potion. I also have 60 Scaled Skill.
Well, let me know if you or someone else gets some confirmation that something is bugged.

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