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Kyoon Pyo-- Wait, wrong cookie! [Fox's Deception bug]
The trait skill for Redtails seem like it doesn't inflict silence based on STR, nor it uses your LUC to increase the chance of rigging the cookie into bad luck... causing situations like this to happen quite often:

(Full HP heal)
[Image: JNPLuJomS1K4sIUyJJ_i1g.png]

(+3 momentum)
[Image: nr_5txuETlOqBQ_WtXORJQ.png]

My stats at the moment:
[Image: bnd4SukxRqCjE-2Fdaj4dQ.png]
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
None of the images work. Please elaborate on 'doesn't seem to'.
Sorry. Let's see.

"Don't seem to" as in, when you use the 'Force Feed' skill on an enemy, the skill doesn't gain a STR% based chance to inflict Silence, nor it inflicts the negative cookie effect at all.

But you still inflict positive cookie effects on enemies, regardless of your LUC.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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