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Hanging possible oversight
So in preperation for possibly making a bunch of suggestion/bug posts in the future, I was looking through some old notepads of mine. One of which was from the great reckoning beta, ages ago.

One of the things I had listed was:" Hanging lowers hit instead of raises it at range." I decided to look into it further today, years later.

So what I found out is: Hanging is affected by the farshot penalty. Which is a lot higher than the hit bonus, unless you have some guile. Which many black knights do not.

As a result, Hanging often lowers your total hit, over tiles. Instead of increasing it.
(Note that these pictures are from hanging level 1, to show the most radical difference possible. Generally the hit subtraction will be around 3 or 4 per tile, because rank 5 hanging is +5 hit per tile, where as the rank 1 hanging is only +1 hit per tile. )

[Image: 20b9e4ae8e.png]
[Image: 95509e9b3f.png]
[Image: de004dc27b.png]

How to replicate:
Obtain hanging on a black knight who doesn't have much guile. Check your hit% from melee range. Then check it from beyond melee range. It will likely be smaller, per tile. Than higher as intended.

This seems like an oversight more than an actual bug, however. My personal recommendation would be to make hanging ignore the farshot penalty. but if that's impossible, you could just raise the hit boost slightly.

Another note is: Hanging seemed to always hit behind my character when it was used against me. Causing eviter and checkmate to never trigger, as well as putting them in prime range to cuthroat me. I'm not sure if the direction you face matters for hanging, or if I was just one to the tenth power unlucky for it to always hit behind me. But, an enemy who is 3 tiles away, and facing me, is able to use hanging. and instead of appearing in front of , or to the sides. He takes the furthest possible route, and attacks behind me. Which stops any checkmate or eviter chance.

Seems unreasonable that it would target he furthest tile next to them, 4 times in a row. So i'm not sure what's up with that.
A workaround right now is to grab wind read from Marksmanship in your talents, it increases your far shot penalty range with melee weapons to 4, making it so that you will mostly never lose hit when using hanging.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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