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Claret Call Disparity
We have to keep in mind that on top of dealing the most damage of any duelist class, it also has the most DR of any duelist class, the most stats of any duelist class, the most versatility of any duelist class being able to cast extremely far range magic with swords and axes, some of the highest scaling single auto-hits in the game (Reaper Scythe and Ghastly Strike come to mind which are fine on their own), and ignite power's effectiveness with fire has died down even a little since cyclone spear was changed a little bit and the ice tile bug was fixed finally, I don't predict Ignite Power getting out of control by changing Claret a little.

I don't wanna turn this into 'radda radda ghost bad' because we've done that to death, I just don't wanna feel like I have to run Ghost on any dagger/bow/fist build to ever exist simply because its 5x better both defensively and offensively than any of my other options, and claret call often comes to mind when I think of it.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Ignite power also interacts with every buff you can imangine, like charge mind for example, it has lot more potential to be broken is is combineable with every skill in the game granted thatbit gives swa, you can turn these harmless 40 into 300 if you try hard without needing to build for, CC always needs to hit first.

@spo with that however I absolutely agree, Ghost is too omnipotent. I believe a better step on cambating what it does would be cutting away at its additontal tank power such as re implenting the "no heavy armor" restriction on wraithguard for example. That can happen simultaneously, I mostly just disagreed with the way you pictured it as the absulote god king of absurd damage, we do have worse in that regard. Not saying CC is weak, heck no. Just a nessecary evil much a busted canon is to atleast have some variety aside from off-tanks and punish that.

That Ghost needs a hit or two maybe even three? I absultely agree on, Its just the over all pircute in the game is tank and swa stacking, which CC is not really a culprit off, its wraithguard when combined with already tanky people.

That its been the top class to go to for anything that does crits, is thanks to fleur and dagger dance not being able to compete cause there little benefit from dualwielding daggers. That problem is old.
I am just already bored of the game cause everyone has the same build with light changes, or they flat out cant compete, or are one of the mentioned more terrible things.
I think cutting the max claret call level in half is a good start. Though.. As Shujin also said, I'm personally more concerned with the tanky combinations the class opens up. Heavy armor and Wraithguard is just ridiculous
[Image: GQJ8dCS.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
That is a good step but that's also overkilling it. Because at that point, I wouldn't need to really focus on stacking it but instead, just run bloody palm, don't get the passive since how much I'll get from bloody palm will be already above half and put that point somewhere else.

So cutting it in half? Over kill for the class itself. I for one don't like ghost, sure but even I know that's a little too much lol.

The problem isn't the CC damage, as it takes a while to even get it to 40 without running certain super stacking skills. The easy way to fix that? Remove it being able to stack with bullets, and have it stack once via mult-hit skills like Elemental Rave, Rapid Kick and so on.

Slow down the stacking than completely murdering it.

The problem ghost has are the grave stone spam and the reduction.

So simply state, it's grants too much reduction and dropping a gravestone gives them alot more damage out of nowhere. it literally makes them into tanks that do a shit ton of damage. Just hitting someone once gives them +30% reduction and a gravestone that makes it so they have that 30% reduction for a longer duration whilst doing extra damage. Sure, you can basic attack the stone but you can't crit or autohit it, which means positioning alone makes it really hard to get away with it. The person can just, literally, drop another gravestone close by but not in your range and all those efforts will be in vein.

Quote:Instead of gunning down CC, I'd suggest giving gravestone, the source of our problems, a CD, like 3-5 turns and remove mult-stacking methods like guns, mult-hit skills and so on. Or just make it stack only to ghost skills and non gun basic attacks.
[Image: BAWqB6P.png]
[Image: fa5d9fd2e3f77f27206bb134638b5f28.png]
Gravstone isn't even the problem Senna, and you can stack claret call past 12 with bloody palms now.

The problem is receiving 40 more damage on every single basic attack, gravestone is just a bonus if your opponent happens to be caught in it.

Compare the flat damage bonus with the likes of flank/evil force/backstab and now you're seeing a clear disparity here.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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