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Poison vs Dev Logic
Could a few races get a certain trait that makes them immune/resistant to Poison damage, since their body doesn't really have the means to conduct it or they're naturally resistant to diseases and such? I'd suggest something like this:

>> Artificial Physique - A living puppet with no bodily fluids. Reduces all healing by 20%, but grants immunity to Poison damage.

This would go for Mechanations and Liches.

>> Vile Connoisseur - Your body was made for naturally consuming unhealthy things. Reduces HP/FP recovery and duration from food by 50%, but grants 30% Poison resistance.

This would go for Homunculi mainly, and maybe Vampires as it's stated in their lore that they tend to resist diseases better.

And beyond that. While this seems imbalanced in a sense, I'd prefer for players and monsters to get ways to bypass Poison immunity/resistance, than races that make sense to have those not get their cookies because we don't have the former. So! Future proofing for a few things too, maybe, sorta.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Poison immunity is rare and coveted, if so many new ways to shield against it were added there would need to also be like an item to ignore poison immunity, as you said. But I feel like you can still rp the poison as melting the circuits of a mech for instance, etc
Having more sources of poison immunity is not something I am not overly fond of myself, poison is such a mixed bag of viability already that just introducing full on immunities to one build archetype doesn't feel very fun for that side.

If you were to make a poison build and just remember 'alright well I'm fucked if I ever run into a Glykin, dullahan or wyverntouched' but now that extended to many more popular races, well I wouldn't be quite enthused about that either.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Something I've never really understood is why Dullahans got a pass on poison immunity but Mechanations don't. Yeah, Dullahans are just suits of armor with a core (soul engine) that constitutes their being, whereas the only living part of a Mechanation is the Llarian Scar, and that's just a magical rock.

Liches are the most nonsensical one though. If you can justify a being of pure focus getting poisoned how are Dullahan immune? Even outside a balance standpoint this one really boggles me, since any logic you can apply to a Lich would also impact a Dullahan, unless you want to say Dullahans somehow don't have any focus at all in them and lack any kind of material vessel susceptible to corrosion (in this case this would be their armor).

Poison is stupidly potent as it stands, since almost no one is able to run enough status resistance to avoid your average Hexer from landing a Lvl 30+ Poison that at best eats away 'only' 270 HP over 3 rounds or potentially 810 HP over 5 rounds if spirits and Menov's are involved for the paltry cost of 6m. On paper this doesn't seem terrible until you realize Poison is only mitigated by Poison resistance or immunity, so it shreds through DR and Evade if the status manages to land.

More to the point of the topic: it'd be nice if at least some resistance could be given to races that logically would be less susceptible to Poison (the lore for Poison makes it sound like it corrodes anything physical like some kind of acid so I'm just working off venom-esque poison logic here) , though I understand introducing too many means of mitigating Poison with no way to bypass resists/immunity may be problematic, but if it's something like 30-50% Poison resist that wouldn't completely break builds reliant on Poison for damage given it bypasses nearly all other forms of DR.

As for prospective ways to overcome resist/immunity, stuff like Hexfang or Menov's Fang could have some resist reduction/negation attached to it but Poison in its current state is already overbearing as it is. The only reason I don't think Poison should get anything like this is that it already ignores Phys/Mag DR and Armor entirely, Poison resistance or immunity of some kind is the only way you can mitigate it and the only sources are:

Immunity: Glykin or Dullahan
Resist: Phase Python (up to 30% for players), Wyverntouched (Scaled San*2%), Naga (Scaled San%)

I might be forgetting some but the options are slim, and without race restriction Phase Python's passive skill is the only method players have to get Poison resistance. Giving a few other races resist won't be the end of Poison.
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