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UL6 - More Nemalyth Upgrades
It's just as the thread says.

What do you all think about there being a Nemmy Upgrade for you to make your weapon UL6?

I think we've very cool items like Balrog that never really got to see the UL6 thingy in G6.

I'm also a new player so I'm unsure how huge UL6 was in G6.

K cool thx pls give opinion.
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  • Poruku
I hated UL6 in the Great Six. It was extra work I had do to on each new character I wanted to make. In Kcorvara, the crystal system is much more of a hassle, so I guess it really wouldn't matter either way. If it could be unlocked per key instead of per character, I wouldn't be as opposed.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
I would agree that small incremental required unlocks are annoying, but I kind of did not mind it in g6 as it was easy enough to get. Having this be a simple easy unlock in korvara would not bother me. The shards bother me, the ink kind of bothers me, but something like unlocking lithography decoding does not bother me

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