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Hooked Arrow-head
Hooked Spearhead's "1 range" works at diagonals, meaning that if you pulling shot somebody or quaking bash someone against a wall, and knock them to your diagonal, it will apply hooked spearhead's damage fully 2-3 times, depending on how many diagonal tiles they travel.

Soldier uses Quaking bash against somebody up against a wall with a hooked spearhead equipped.
"Somebody" travels 3 squares to the side, proccing the "1 range" of a hooked spearhead twice because diagonal counts as 1 range.
So what's the fix here? Making it only count diamond range?
Exactly that actually, in the adjacent squares rather than diagonal.
Should be corrected.
Bumping, because hooked spearhead just flat out doesn't work now, instead of the intention to make it work in adjacent tiles.
Should work now.

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