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[Feedback/ Suggestions] Tomb Investigation Quest
"[url= Wrote:Breakaway~totheweird » Mon Apr 11, 2016 3:08 pm[/url]"]What would you do in regards to that specific portion of the storyline, then? If I can make this aspect well-rounded, what details am I missing? This thread is meant for what other people would like to see (and critiques). Otherwise, I wouldn't have slapped it on the forums.

Lay it on me.

I would present an alternative route (or routes) depending on how/if they fit with the direction of the story (which I have no clue as to what you and Chaos have intended for the event series so that part is ney-impossible for me to really give a proper say). I'd possibly break the remaining participants into smaller groups that are easier to co-ordinate until later in the plot, use them to explore the alternate routes (in-part on the forums if allowed to help give added schedule flexibility to the event series).

With that being said, I wouldn't out-right change the fact something like "the weapon" has already been mentioned because it's overall detrimental and sloppy to make post-edits, also it's an avenue that deserves to be explored by you, the story-teller at least once. This is as much of an art as music or painting is so it's important to test things/plot devices/common story arcs to put your own spin on them, even if they may not pan out well in the end.

. . . I'm not sure if I'm hitting the on-topic mark anymore, Bria. Sorry if I went off-trail. x_x
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
No, you're fine. I think I see where you're coming from. I'll definitely consider what you said here, and apply it to any future plans.

More than likely, we'll have to utilize the forums for certain parts (for example, traveling to a continent that isn't made [coughEgwyncough]). The issue is that most people aren't big on forum RPs. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. At some point.
[Image: 21b2ouq.png]
My suggestion for exploring a continent not yet made without alienating those who dislike forum RPs... maybe a house, with many staircases/floors that are 'edges' and lead to other areas in egwyn/the target location.

That way you could make it as big as you want (depending on if dev actually put a limit on house size somehow) by having 'exits' on the edges that lead to a different part.

The main problem with this approach is the fact that you need to have someone willing to design all of this, and is good at design, and maybe if there's something about houses that i don't know that would stop this.
"[url= Wrote:Mrgnjr » Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:20 pm[/url]"]My suggestion for exploring a continent not yet made without alienating those who dislike forum RPs... maybe a house, with many staircases/floors that are 'edges' and lead to other areas in egwyn/the target location.

That way you could make it as big as you want (depending on if dev actually put a limit on house size somehow) by having 'exits' on the edges that lead to a different part.

The main problem with this approach is the fact that you need to have someone willing to design all of this, and is good at design, and maybe if there's something about houses that i don't know that would stop this.

The only real limitations would be the amount of space on each floor and how many Extra Levels the "Map Maker" for the events would have available. It would call for completely empty/fresh Extra Levels or for them to sacrifice already made floors/areas and re-design for the event(s).

But yes, great idea to consider. I'd just recommend to keep the events to one 'instance' at a time and pray to whatever God(s) you believe in we don't need to re-visit an area that the house owner already wiped for the next if we went this route. . . This could work out extremely well depending on the circumstances. *hides his house*
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
Just an FYI, with a group this big some people are going to feel left out. Hell, my character is -always- left out. But he had a purpose in the event, even small. And that is what made me happy. Remember, characters are not there to be the star of the group despite their standing withing the community ICly and OOCly, but they are there to... well, solve a problem. It's best to tailor the story to everyone involved, really. As long as people aren't acting like a one-know-it-all, then there's benefits that everyone can give out if the GM is willing to play it off.

An item that suggest that -said- item will be the key to actually finishing the event is not a bad choice, but don't make it the literal master sword. Make it only a key. Maybe it shuts off the invincibility of whoever is combating the group, or so!

The -best- way to look at things is like a book. You're writing the story. Except there is no definitive main character. In retrospect, the only main character should be the player's own, because the author is the person writing their own story for their own character. It's like a collab of mish mash. A better way to say it is that you're writing a story in someone else's book. Or multiple people's books. You can't make someone else from said story the main character, because it's not that character's story. It's the story of -your- character. An event is not an event if it just happens RKO style, it needs to be fleshed out like any other book, series, or what-not.

( The above is called Collaborative Writing. It's a thing. I actually explained this to my english teacher in collage and she thinks it's cool! )

Once you have a story, then the application comes in. Since we are playing a -game-, everyone here wants to have fun. We have fun roleplaying. We have fun adding things to our character's stories. We want big things. We want to fight. We want to do this and that. In a sense, events are a gateway to those big roleplays that we have fun going through. But the event itself has to be tailored to everyone. Going through a cavern with a bunch of traps, magic, goblins, necromancy, runes, wooden construction, steel barriers, magical barriers, exc. will require not only one person, but many people to go through. This is a very simple way to include everyone.

All in all, make sure to keep slight control of the event but let the string of fate flow freely. Make sure to have everything setup in a way of a story being told, not just something that is out of the blue. And best of all, make sure -everyone- has fun.
In addition to the house allowing the floors, you could also use signs for narration, and for telling people to wait in a room for narration and inform event personnel which room they're in that needs someone there for the story.

I also agree with GameMaster85 about a literal weapon given to one person being the wrong way to go about an event with such a large grouping.

Houses also allow you to limit the speed of an event, as you can lock/unlock doors, and even hide the keys, other useful items and/or notes in crates, chests, etc...

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