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Lingering Salt [self-explanatory]
Lingering Damage is a pretty trustable DPS, but after the mage rework, one instance of it started becoming a little too much to bear.
Wind Slasher's lingering damage.

A person with simply high enough inflict and not even WIL can still do and keep doing [52 unresistable slash damage *3 (rounds) Lingering Damage] with the spell, and even more if they absolute death and analyze weakness with the staff of eyes. Is it this meta's new poison? Surprise, can't be cured too.

Soooo, after talking (read: scratching, biting and screaming at each other like two civilized humans) with Oni Princess for a while, we've came with two small 'solutions' to balance this.

1- Lower the damage number to something like 40 or 30.
(I say 40 damage, because this is pretty much the cap on Incise's Lingering Damage, so I deduct this is the maximum damage it should do on someone with 0 DEF/0 armor. [we all know physical damage can be reduced by alternative ways like Waraji and Know No Pain, even if it doesn't target DEF] She, otherwise, said 30 because 52 is 'too much for something that can't be cured', and everybody's overall high HP doesn't justify it being so high, which I also agree.)


2- Healing cleanses/reduces duration.
Make healing spells (Graft, Second Chance, Malmelo, Healing Dyscharge, Phoenix), Silvermists, Cleanse Body and Repair cleanse Lingering Damage. And healing skills (Meditate, Aid, Rebound, Field Medic.) halve the LV and Duration. And leave the numbers high. (Incise may need a buff, or the cap removed, then.)
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
[Image: i_support_this_post_by_daiguard78-d4ol7jh.jpg]
52 lingering damage will almost always be less than poison, and wind based mages are generally accepted as the weakest of the four elemental focuses. This doesn't hold a candle to sear tiles, lightning criticals, or three digit magnetize. I'm not sure of the context, or what kicked your ass with wind slasher, but I wouldn't even put this on the radar of things needing revision. It's good -- but not a whole lot beyond just good.
I agree with Kameron on this matter, Wind has enough to make it fair.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Can't say I'm a fan of giving no-counter DoT's to the Mage class(es).

-Some- counterplay being made for Lingering Damage would be nice. Hell, even using the medical items ir bandages.
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
The counter-play is status resistance.
So, just avoid Wind users entirely. Got it.

Cinder tiles are easy to counter not only by the easily obtained fire res items but the feet enchant that halves the damage outright. Earth damage is also just as easy to outright reduce to near nothing. Lightning has always been strong though so no point in bringing that up at all.

If you dont have 800+ hp 50 a turn with no way to stop it at all(aside from status prevention, which sucks because thats easily countered by dark water thanks to faith), is a bit much. In other words: Spend all your points on vit, san and faith and stop trying to create balance is what you guys just said.
"Snake" Wrote:2- Healing cleanses/reduces duration.
Make healing spells (Graft, Second Chance, Malmelo, Healing Dyscharge, Phoenix), Silvermists, Cleanse Body and Repair cleanse Lingering Damage. And healing skills (Meditate, Aid, Rebound, Field Medic.) halve the LV and Duration. And leave the numbers high. (Incise may need a buff, or the cap removed, then.)

This seems fair, and it makes sense.
[Image: GQJ8dCS.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
Lingering damage is in a fine position, I dont think there needs to be anything to heal it.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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