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Missing Gods
A few deities worshiped by player characters are still missing as prayer options for the Devotion talent, namely Huggessoa and Hyatt. Additionally, there's a bit of a gap for Onigans who aren't gambling addicts. Perhaps Ryart or Bai Kai, or something based on their spirit-focused religion. Possible prayer buffs/tools I've come up with are:

Huggessoa -+(LV*2) Status inflict, +(LV*2)% vampirism effect on all damage (hp recovery from damage done), if vampire +(LV*3) extra essence gained when successfully using Banquet
Prayer Tool: Funeral Veil

Hyatt - +LV STR, +LV duration to cinder tiles, if Hyattr +(LV*3)% Fire ATK scaling added to Fire Breath
Prayer Tool: Burned Embers

Ryart - +(LV*2) hit, +LV power to katanas
Prayer Tool: Mini-Braver Replica

Bai Kai - +LV Wind ATK, +(LV*2) evade
Prayer tool: Transparent Scale
[Image: 34838e9c78aaab4cfa3e2dabd2135899.png]
Huggessoa would be better like...
Quote:Reduces all healing(*) by (LV * 2)%, Increases Dark Resistance by (LV)%. For Vampires, increases HP Regen by (LV * 2). (Not affected by Stillness, Darkness.)
Prayer Tool: Wretched Blood vial(?).

(*) works like Parasite Infection, all healing in general. Just for reference.

I don't quite agree with Vampiric on-hit because Huggessoa's subjects are forced to feed on life to live their anti-life, a defect that was not quite intended by him, and both him and vampires don't take pride on feeding.
And I've decided to put healing reduction because the fidels are supposed to be 'living' the anti-life (dying), healing means life, so he hates it and you're subjected to it too. In exchange for a little bit of immunity to your patron's 'friendly' element.

The rest I don't quite agree for being a bit too strong, for giving too much benefits for no drawbacks. It should have some drawbacks if they give enough benefits, to balance. So I suggest a small tweak or something.

Just keep in mind prayers shouldn't be an uber-game-changing thing to the point of being mandatory to be used. It's merely an option one can choose to have or not. (#downprayermeta)
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I think that OP's suggestions are good as they stand. Blessings in general do not provide drawbacks (as of yet), and the race-specific boosts are in-line with what we currently have. Power level also matches up, if that's a concern.

I also think that we shouldn't make Huggessoa's blessing penalize healing just for the sake of a paltry amount of Darkness resistance. Seriously, even Vampires would be hard-pressed to find benefit with that blessing.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
+1 for sources of Vampiric (X%) that non-melee characters can use.
I don't see why all damage should become Vampiric just because you prayed to a God that isn't supposed to be well-known (I have trouble seeing a ritualistic behavior, i.e. praying, being associated with a God that prefers you to be concealed/discrete).

Lastly, it provides more wonkiness to already-wonky things (think of "Vorpal Fellgrant," I could list another example or two).

I would prefer seeing Vampires/Hugessoa "worshippers" to get something else entirely than this.

I would also recommend Hyatt worshippers get something -other- than increased Cinder duration if something other than just increased STR (+5) or +15% (at max) Fire Attack is needed (as this isn't theme/niche-worthy due to other methods of achieving such and I imagine it would conflict with the Talent duration boost on-launch if it wasn't pointed out). Although I have a slight concern in that I imagine the status would end up taking the STR increase from the Prayer Status itself into account when factoring the damage.

But this is coming from someone who isn't directly involved with the game at this point, so feel free to throw this out the window.
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Exxy Izzy
I'm open to the idea that my original buffs could be tweaked, but I agree with Chaos' that adding drawbacks to prayers isn't really a thing right now. One could also make the argument that perhaps Mercala's prayer should give -10% damage to the living, but it's a door that hasn't been opened yet. Additionally, I wouldn't like to see dark resist added to a prayer buff simply because it's already far too common compared to any other elemental resistance. I don't believe that as stated it's any more 'mandatory' than some existing prayer buffs.

My first thought was actually to make vampiric a vampire-only aspect to it, but that would further add to the many ways to OOCly figure out that someone's a vampire. Additionally, I couldn't think of a fitting stat balance for the rest of the buff that would keep it balanced with current prayer buffs. Dark ATK + status inflict would work, but that's already on Zera's blessing. Which might be fine, but as far as I'm aware Dev's kept each one unique so far.

Towards the concern that Huggessoa worship should likely be discreet, perhaps it could be a wemote rather than the normal emote. It's been suggested for all of them for the sake of reducing spam, but in this case it'd be more for IC reasons.

Moving on to Hyatt, I'm sure that Dev could make it stack with the talent. I'm sure that other things could work in its place, but I couldn't figure out anything appropriate. Perhaps STR alone would be enough? Fire ATK combined with a STR buff would make sense, but would probably be far too much total Fire ATK total from a single source.
[Image: 34838e9c78aaab4cfa3e2dabd2135899.png]
I'm all for the Ryart and Bai Kai god loyalties mostly, would be good to see a god loyalty that isn't for a specific race.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Your wish will be granted next update.
I think it'd be pretty cool if Ryart did something extra for Humans, if he didn't already.
What about Argentyle and the nameless God?

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