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Tune Up For What
Engineer's Turrets are even more abhorrent than they were pre-GR, due to guns now going against Defense.

They only have the accuracy to land shots against tanks, who, incidentally, they do very little damage to.

Being stationary targets that destroy themselves to attempt attacking, I think their weapon could stand to ignore Phys. Def.
While I'd say Engineer could use some updating in general. Turret can definitely use the love and it being an anti-tank weapon would be a step in the right direction.
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]
I made a post soemwhere in the past about the engineer bot stats and how they're all horrid bar like. Medibot (80 will or whatever is ridiculous). They have a shitton of strength, but next to no LUCK to actually crit, and or hit, people with any semblance of dodge.

So yeah. Please, please make engi-bots somewhat useful. Hell even a friggin engineer overhaul might be good
It could ignore physical defense as a temporary measure but I agree with Slydria that Engineer could use some more significant updating (along with Monk, most likely). Since we have Total Control and the AI system is more fleshed out than it was when Engineer was added all those years ago, it's possible they'll get some special attacks/skills for the robots, perhaps with rank. I'm not sure on the details yet.
Completely off-topic (and I apologize, just saw Neus' mention and wanted to reply) but I could think of a few ideas on how to update Monk. Not sure how well they would fair or be received but I imagine it'd make the Class stand out a bit more (and no, I don't mean by making it overpowered to anyone else reading this); if you'd like to know more I can either send it through PM or to (eventually) make a Redux thread on it.

Sorry for the squirreling, please continue.
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Exxy Izzy
I like Dev's idea of possibly looking at Total Control and usable skills for turrets. It'd give a reason to sink more than 1 point in them (10 FP vs 18 HP for enough stats to do a few more damage... surviving - at most - one more hit, if that... and... listen, I'm sorry, but that's NOT worth an 80% increase in FP cost!) For example, the Turrets' standard shots can be as they are now, and they can have skills for defense-piercing shots, and the kinds of shots you see out of other gun types (Firthrower/Ryeser/Jackhammer, etc) to actually do something with their FP!

Here's my own personal suggestion for turret skill rework:

- Turrets have 3 base momentum. Overclock gives an extra 4.
- Turrets' Basic attack is the same as now. Possibly with a slightly longer range, maybe?
- At rank 1, it gets Punching Shot (10 FP, 80% scaled weapon attack but ignores defense)
- At rank 2, it gets Assisted Targeting (15 FP, 115% scaled weapon autohit)
- At rank 3, it gets Searing Spread (30 FP, Toiken's AOE that causes 75% fire attack cinder tiles; remember turrets can't move!)
- At rank 4, it gets Shock Deterrant (40 FP, fires a Ryeser shot in a 3-range circle, hitting allies and enemies alike)
- At rank 5, it gets Missile Pods (60 FP, fires a series of jackhammer-like shots with a 4-range circle that do reduced damage. Maybe 20% x 6? So long as they pierce armor so they can't be reduced to 0 damage)

Possible extra restriction: Perhaps these skills can only be used when within Overclock/Upgrade range from the Engineer, to ensure the Engineer can't just throw a turret halfway across the battlefield to spam shock deterrant, or something.

Feel free to pick this apart mercilessly, as I just came up with it and wrote it out instantly without stopping to really plan it out, and I'm aware it needs work. It may not be a good idea to give it so many skills, or to make their skills that useful while the engineer is still able to act independently. This was definitely more of a "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" post.
*loud burp*

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