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Domino Reso-late
Domino Resonate's effect where if your target collides with another enemy it will knock them away as well, does not trigger.


Target A uses Domino Resonate on Target B
Target B flies back and collides into Target C, Target C will not be knocked down and knocked away.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
This should be corrected.
This is still broken. The effect doesn't pass onto any other enemies.
[Image: 1599085341408.gif]
Needs more details of how you tested this.
I got a friend to stand in front of their youkai and I hit them with domino they collided and were stopped when hitting the youkai but the effect didnt spread to them. We tried various distances. I also tried it on a palpions butterfly it didn't spread the effect when it hit the summoner. Also tried this in various BDPs on enemies. Never seen it proc the extra effect once.
[Image: 1599085341408.gif]
This has been corrected.

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