Poll: What class do you find is the least fun to play as?
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7 10.45%
Magic Gunner
0 0%
1 1.49%
3 4.48%
Lantern Bearer
7 10.45%
9 13.43%
Void Assassin
1 1.49%
2 2.99%
3 4.48%
Black Knight
2 2.99%
12 17.91%
12 17.91%
1 1.49%
Grand Summoner
7 10.45%
Total 67 vote(s) 100%
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General Opinion Survey: Least Fun Class
Haaa I think Neus will gut me, but I too wanted to click Evoker. (Instead of LB)

I'll right off the bat say that current damage output, charge mind, invocations, are fine in my eyes. Charge mind has quite a few counters and you sort of don't want to sit back againts artillery. (Read : Evoker )

On the other hand, they have just that. Just pew pew, nuke them dead, your only choice is how painful it is and which element it is. Don't get me wrong, there is plenty of strategy in that. Hitting a resistance is always annoying, especialy if you relied on that one momentum. Sure, I got to utilize giving people ice weaknesses, rarely overloading those pesky Fern- i mean resistant people, but..that's all there is to it.
I feel the class could use bit of field manipulation.

Cue favourite animus, people that manipulate elements use creative ways to hinder their foe, block with the use of stone walls, turn that field infront of you into quicksand (I suppose this is sort of an Ice tile job as it is but you probably get what I'm getting at.)

Ooooon the other hand, this would perhaps be good for a different class to compliment Evoker, so who knows.

There are tactics involved in this class, but not as much compared to others.
For me, the least fun class is the 'Kensei'.

Why? Because technically they have to get close and personal to others, but the moment they do. . .well, they're probably writhing on the ground and in pain. Yup, that's what I said. Gunners? They just run around you then blamblamblamblam! Evokers? Well, they shoot you with their avadakadabra. Hexers? Do I even need to point this out? Monks/Verglas? The moment you get close to them they're punting you and/or tanking your attacks with Body of Issesip. Engineers? Wow! For the first time an engineer CAN beat someone with turrets! GS? . . .Seriously? It'll just be another of those '' Muwahahahaha just as I planned! '' situations. VA? The moment you get close, you're either gonna get backstabbed or tossed somewhere away from them. Lantern Bearer? Well, good luck hitting them while blinded-- oh wait, you're Kaelensia? Good luck wasting atleast 3 M to get back here, oh and good luck dealing damage to me more than I can heal. Paladin? The moment you -- SMITE! Tactician? Well, this one is debatable. Black Knight? Try dealing damage to them with your katana widdle won. Arbalest? You'll get shot away. . .dick. Ghost? Well, the moment you think you're winning, you're actually losing.

And that's pretty much it. They're pretty underpowered unless coupled with a strong class. But then again, this is not a thread about who's the weakest-- but the least fun of them. To me, the reason they're least fun is aside from they're hard to use when faced with those classes, they pretty much lack the proper 'oomph' to get me to want to play as them. I mean sure, they have katanas and all and that looks cool. But. . .their skills are pretty much useless. . .in my case.
The Bear Smith says "(Dang no good dungeons)"
Just a Normal Person says "(( . _ . ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Dungeons. ))"
The Bear Smith says "(Yes dungeons, the best place to grind)"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Smart people call them BDP. ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( But I call them. . . ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( *sunglasses* ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Your mom. ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Get it? ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Cuz lot of people enter and exit! ))"
The Bear Smith says "(*Smacks*)"
OOC DJScias: Anyhow, as long as Dev isn't 'accidently' uploading porn to the server again it'll be fine.
Least fun class? I'll go with Grand Summoner.
Let us begin with addressing its main issue... Summon Storm. With the recent update of youkai costs per turn summon storm has become ENTIRELY useless, invocations already are hard to pull off but pulling off an invocation for 45 focus first, then summoning 6 youkai whom at level 60 each take 17 focus per turn to act? 17* 6 is 102 per turn, don't get me wrong. level 60 youkai are SCARY when ganged up but at the cost of 147 FP for a single turn of use? Next turn it becomes 249... Turn three is 351... At this point most players will have run out of focus, no matter how hard you stack focus regen per turn. if not run out, you'll have less than a hundred unless you're a Lich.
The passives of grand summoner are all great, and astral aegis can be helpful, but all at once, the cost on high level youkai use is a bit staggering... I find it'd be much better if instead of 17 per turn it was say 10 per turn at max level, still taxing but not impossible to hold, since it's not exactly hard for some players to one shot youkai seeing as they're cpu controlled. You'll still tap out fast if you have all 6 out for 4-5 turns but by that point the summoner is most likely pummeled to a pulp by the enemy or the enemy was ganged by youkai.
At its core isn't Grand summoner meant to have large numbers of youkai out and about to fight with the summoner? At most I find myself using 3 to avoid tapping out from intense fp consumption.

And that whole rant didn't even toutch upon some of the other issues in the class. Soul chains does give a great set-up to judgement blade, but what does soul chains ALONE do for the grand summoner? Nothing except stopping the enemy from recovering health and Focus at the cost of one youkai being down for those four turns. PLUS only having 4 (or 3 depending) remaining momentum to do anything else unless you used your first half of your turn moving in range to plant it on the target placing yourself directly in range to get attacked when you just gave up your install protecting you. Personally soul chains doesen't do enough as a skill in itself since unless your enemy moved into your range you aren't going to get judgement blade off or get to attack before the opponent can do whatever they please which usually involves hitting your nearly defensless self for massive damage. You may argue "But what about Astral Aegis?" well, with the intense focus costs we can't really have that many youkai out meaning at best most grand summoners will be getting only a 15 defense and resistance buff from 3 youkai when it's very easy to sidestep that and aim directly for them then just flee or fight until the youkai either die or they tap out from lack of focus.

The usefullness of Reihou is also very limited seeing as it's an invocation, but the effect is worth it. Though it assumes that people won't simply ignore the youkai and aim for the summoner while they invoke this skill to heal any youkai that are unsummoned and injured. Even mobs at times tend to ignore youkai and aim for the player.

Encourage in itself is an extremely nice buff, no real issue there.

No real argument on Spirit regeneration, good dungeoning tool.

Aegis Shift has only this minor issue, it's more effective with more youkai summoned. But that FP cost per turn removes that usefullness entirely making this skill worthless and have absolutely no reason to be used.

Impact Call has no real issues, useful for spacing if the opponent is getting too close.

Impact Dismiss is interesting and as for right now doesen't really have any issues for it as it can be used as a last second save with a vengance for a low health youkai. But again, the summoner is always focused instead of the youkai.

Evoke Mastery is good for a style of Grand Summoner focusing on blasting the opponent with evoke spells and statuses rather than summoning for a risky yet beneficial style. No arguments there.

Bottom Line of this. Pull back the costs on keeping youkai summoned, or add in something specifically for grand summoners to help aleviate this issue so the class can actually be used like it's MEANT to be, it makes zero sense to have a majority of the skills in this class with so much potential all be neutered by the same issue. If not reducing the costs of youkai per turn then at least maybe add in some kind of passive that reduces said cost only for Grand Summoners.

Oh and one more thing that will top off any complaint anyone has for least fun... GRINDING YOUR YOUKAI OR FARMING GEMS! Sure youkai can hit level 60 but they level one level at a time meaning no matter how much exp you get in a fight, that youkai will only level once making early levels hard when you want to power-grind them, not to mention gems having only a 3% find chance from nodes. Then later the grind for them is so long and tedious, and it's necessary for the class.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=4230#p4230 Wrote:RoboCat » Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:37 am[/url]"]Welp I messed up my single vote by clicking Arbalet thinking it was the favorite class thread. My intended pick was

Eh... How the hell is Kensei not fun? Dorks wielding a Katana are practically 70% of the server.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
"The OP" Wrote:1) Do not respond to other users' opinions in this thread. I'm not looking for debates, just data.
Void Assassin.

It's not that I think this class is bad. I actually love it! The thing that's not fun, however, is the everlasting fear that Void Poisoning will catch up with you.
How shocking. Pun intended.

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