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[Suggestion] Combination Attacks
This has been my wet dream for a while now, but I've been recently been playing a lot of X-Edge, and this idea is inspired from it. Granted, this will probably never happen due to the amount of possible effects and combinations there are, as well as balance issues, but here we go.

The suggestion is basic but large at the same time. Have a Battle Trait that allows you to -set up- a combination attack. This takes up six momentum, and grants you the chance to do a combination attack. There are extremely specific requirements for each base class, and the attack can only be done if two or more players do the -set up- and meet all the requirements for their base class. Once the setup is complete, If the requirements are met by the time the second player initiates the set-up move, it happens. The attack itself can either be a generic super-move for the person who started the combination attack, or an actual combo-attack if both classes are compatible. This specific move will apply depending on the base class of the user's main-class, so a Kensei or Ghost main-classer will have the same requirements and combo-attack.

This attack, if requirements are met and the chances (if any) are fulfilled, can be the most devastating if not prepared for, and are mainly used to turn the tide of battles. They shouldn't have enough damage so that they instantly kill people, but enough damage to be scary for even a tank. However, the requirements are strict enough that not only do you need a full turn to set up the actual attack, but several turns to actually meet the requirements.

Also, please bare in mind I'm new to the game, so systems aren't my thing. Please discuss and fix any issues with anything on my suggestion openly, as well as suggest better ways of dealing with requirements and even the whole idea itself.

Example Moves and Requirements: ( Not a complete list... yet. )

Duelist: Target one Enemy at 1 range. Requires 8 Momentum instead of 6.

Martial Artist: Target one Enemy at 1 range. Requires 90%+ Health, and no negative status afflictions.

Rogue: Target one Enemy at 1 range. Must be behind the enemy.

Curate: Target one Ally or Enemy at 3 Range. Must have a fallen Ally on the field.

Archer: Target one Enemy at 3-5 Range. Must be affected by "Fortune Wind"

Summoner: Target one Youkai at 3 Range. ???

Mage: Target one Enemy at 3 Range. ???

Soldier: Target one Ally at 1 range, or Yourself. Must be at 10% health or less.


Grand Cross
Curate + Mage

A devastating attack, one that combines the powerful might of magic and mercala. Deals Unresistable Light damage to target and every enemy around the target in a 2-square radius ( as half damage ) Equal to both player's WIL, and causes Blindness for 3 Turns for every enemy damaged.

Dance of Death
Duelist + Martial Artist

When two fighters assemble and combine their prowess, they create physical devastation. A deadly dance is done filled with sword slashes and punches and kicks, dealing multiple hits of damage that add up to the Duelist's SKL and the Martial Artist's STR. DEF is half as effective against this move. This knock backs the opponent away from the Martial Artist at the end of the onslaught, knocking them down and weakening them, making them take 15% more damage for 2 Rounds.

I'm all for combo attacks, but your examples are only listing requirements at this stage, with no insight as to how the skills themselves function. We'll need to see that first.
[Image: jzdlBPn.png]
If we do have something like this we don't need a specific combo for every class combination. Instead we could have certain attacks and abilities have a combo 'set up' trait, and when someone does a 'finisher' move on the target it triggers a combo attack. An interesting example would be how kensei attacks cause enemies to be tossed into the air, now lets say someone uses an ice 'finisher'... an 'aerial' type move + ice type finisher = lets say cuts their momentum in half next turn.

Essentially the formula would be: setup + finisher = combo result. If we have just a few types that we can slap on to abilities, such as ones associated with elements or weapon types, we can create a robust system without having to make a long list of combinations for every class duo.

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