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Verglas Guide


Verglas is a versatile DPS class with a sole focus on ice as an element and boasts mechanics involving ice atk and ice tiles. 
It carries with it both reliable physical and magical damage, and access to a unique combo system to set it apart from other martial artists, 
a verglas will ramp up over the course of a fight and become stronger and stronger the more ice is laid out on the field, 
giving them access to a wider variety of options over time.

I will be going over both PvP and PvE in this guide, how to build a verglas effectively, and how to use them reliably. 
As well as lay out a few of their combos.

Stats and Build paths

Verglas have a wide variety of build paths, as they can make use of nearly any stat in the game currently and can rely on both auto-hit damage 
and basic attack damage to carry them.I will be going over various verglas stat builds and explaining how they function, generally its not a bad idea 
to split your stats on a Verglas as the class has the damage tools they require, and could easily use the versatility presented from splitting stats rather than specializing.
Building a Dodgy Verglas:
Verglas has many tools to assist dodge characters with and this is what I would consider the most effective build with verglas is, 
though it is much riskier as dodge builds tend to present danger in slipping up, knockdowns and ways to bypass evasion often cause it great pain, 
I would recommend dodge if you are confident in your ability to know proper spacing.
This build will solely be relying on Ice Point Guard for defense, make absolute sure you are never leaving yourself open for
too long by deploying it, as an opponent can make use of this window of opportunity to pump out a lot of damage.
Reapplying Ice Point Guard is generally very easy.
Your stat goals are thus (listed in SCALED amounts):

Strength: Medium - High (45-60)
Will: Low - Medium (30-40)       
Skill: High (55+)                      
Celerity: High (55+)                 
Vitality: Medium (40-45)           
Luck: Medium - High (45-50)    

These stats have shown me a lot of success on my verglas personally, you will more or less find yourself with spare stat points at the end of this,
you can either double down on your already existing good stats like vitality or will, or start investing into other stats that might assist you such as:

(Boosts FP, Critial Evade, Status resistance.)
(Boosts Critical Damage, skill slots)
(Boosts FP, Elemental ATK)
(Boosts HP)
(Boosts DR/EHP)
(Boosts DR/EHP)
(Boosts racial effects/HP/FP/Status Res)
This kind of verglas build will not only be able to auto-hit very well, but it even boasts a fairly moderate basic attack game, against targets with no crit evade 
this is actually REALLY good for you to do at times, as getting a crit can mean leading into a chimera stance combo with a different touch, 
and there are many fists with good on-hit effects, so rev up your bear stance to get that added damage if you ever want to.
On an added note, its important to know when to basic attack, and if its ever worth it to, notable cases being to trigger high evade buffs like miragewalk and disengage.
You shouldn't ever need to basic attack on a normal basis, but the benefits of doing so mostly help you conserve FP while still maintaining damage.
Building a Tanky Verglas:
This ends up being the safer type of Verglas to play, as investing into tankier stats often just has raw value, from existing phenomenally longer in a fight
to also having raw efficiency when it comes to being healed and facing burst damage/basic attacks, as you gain a lot of benefit from using unarmored
you should probably use it, as such you will often find yourself lacking a lot of armor value, this makes you squishier than other tanks, keep this in mind.
Though as an added benefit, having access to Cloth means you can potentially have a resistance to Slash, Blunt or Pierce, more on this in a bit, one more
thing to keep in mind is that Martial Artist is not tailored to tanking sub-stats such as critical evade and status resistance, so you will also be typically
vulnerable to these effects as well, just so you aren't wondering why you're losing really hard to poison and/or that duelist with a sword.
That said, here are your stats:
Strength: Medium -High (45-60)    
Will: Medium - High (40-50)           
Skill: High (55+)                           
Defense: Medium - High (40-50)    
Resistance: Medium - High (40-50)
Vitality: Medium - High (45-50)      
Stats to consider if you have spare points:
(Boosts FP/Crit Evade/Status Res)
(Boosts HP/FP/Status Res)
(Boosts HP)
(Boosts FP/Elemental ATK)
This kind of Verglas will probably not be able to basic attack as well as the previous one, as having no luck often means you don't have critical hit rate.
So as a result you will often want to have more resources to spend from, as lasting longer in a fight typically means that you will eventually run out
of FP, I can never recommend Faith as a stat more than enough, this stat is the PERFECT tank stat as it provides: FP, Critical Evade and Status resistance.
But it never weighs out the raw value of Defense, Resistance and vitality, however it does weigh out WIL if you solely want to remain defensive so 
keep that in mind when you are building your character.
There are many variations to these builds and you will often have to figure out how to hammer out the specifics of them, but these are the stats I generally find
myself the most successful on, as such they can be used as a guideline or even as a strict sheet to copy from and you'll find yourself generally successful.


When you are considering gear for your character, you have to think very well about what gear will synergize with it very well, typically martial artists
do like to use unarmored torsos, and usually have no shield, this can change depending on your main class, as shields and light armor may be seen
sometimes, but you should never use heavy armor, as martial artist's greatest strength is the ability to kip up and remove the momentum penalty
of Knockdown, and wearing heavy armor disallows you from using Kip Up entirely.
Moving on I've come up with a list of items and enchants here that should give you a good starting point to work from when it comes to building
yourself a verglas character, I'll be shortly stating what it might synergize better with as well.
Please take a look at the SL2 compiled item list however, as I will not be stating absolutely everything. ( )
Brawler's Glove
(Raw SWA, likely the highest scaling)
(Good SWA, Armor Shred which beats SWA vs tanks, rapid kick stacks the armor shred immediately)
Magical Comet 
(Good SWA, synergy with STR/WIL and mage class)
(Good SWA, excellent crit effect, good base stats, pierce damage)
Spirit Gauntlet 
(Okay SWA, restores FP)
(Good SWA, excellent on-hit effect)
(Good SWA, good on-hit effect, really nice scaling)
Hands of the Giant 
(Good SWA, gives +12 STR)
Buzzing Chakram
(Really good SWA, Ranged Melee weapon, increases range of Verglas special attacks, suited to basic attackers)
(Weathered Body compatible):
Armor of Eyes
(Gives Hit/Negates Flank/Reduces critical damage)
Cloak of Many Colors
(Gives massive elemental resistance)
Ninja Armor
(Highest Evade normally)
Farmer's Shirt
(Good Evade, provides +1 to Verglas' stats)
Sarasha Gi
(Highest Evade if dual wielding, gives Crit if dual wielding same weapon type)
(Non Compatible):
Haunted Poncho
(Highest Evade unarmored for first 5 rounds)
Reactive Armor
(Highest Armor/Marmor for non-Heavy, punishes critical hits/fire)
Priest Robe
(+20 FP, +4 WIL, very good m.armor)
Bloody Palms
(More Damage, effect applies to you too at half efficiency)
Bands of the Chimera
(More Stats, for the greedy crowd)
Dragon King Gauntlet
(More Stats, more scaled STR = More SWA)
Metal Gauntlets+
(Provides Armor and crit evade, tanks like this.)
Nullstone Gauntlet
(Provides magic DR and a small HP bonus)
(You'll never run into absorb messages with this, mostly for PvP, saves the need to winter's bite.)
Firewalkers Boots
(Fire resistance goes a long way)
Metal Greaves+
(Provides Armor and Crit Evade, tanks like this.)
(Provides Blunt Resistance, and KB immunity above a certain weight threshold
Can also knockdown anyone who attempts to knock you down at this weight)
Kickboxing Shoes+
(Highly recommended, Rapid Kick scales insanely well from these as they provide +15 Kick DMG)
Ogata Waraji
(10% Phys DR if you have high CEL)
(Dark Resistance goes a long way too)
(So does Earth Resistance)
Dragon King's Helmet
(More STR = More SWA = More damage)
Mercury Badge
(Highly Recommend, a lot of your strength comes from having a lot of ice, this lets you spread ice very well with heaven kick)
Force of Ice
(Same thing, except you get a temporary kraken buff instead, granting higher Ice ATK but you can only use it every 3 rounds.)
High Mage Cape
(Provides FP Sustain and stats, synergizes a lot better with mage sub-classes)
(Provides Elemental Resistance, very good synergy with cloak of many colors, only works if you have cursed/doomed weaponry)
Spirit Jar
(Provides FP Sustain/HP sustain, must be refilled often, provides benefits to redtails)
Weapons: Avalon/Rebellious/Rustic
Torso: Giant Gene, Boneheart*
Gloves: Iceheart
Shoes: Warwalk/Mirage Walk**
(* - Generally worth it if you hit 90+ critical evade with this.)
(** - Generally only worth it on high celerity characters)

Ability Overview

Combos will be covered under Chimera Stance, Verglas has a lot of damaging abilities with a few defensive ones, their utility in a fight
is not all that immensely useful save for one ability so you'll often be playing for yourself, rarely able to set up other teammates with
Icicle Spear's frozen status, keep in mind that without setup a Verglas is extremely close ranged, so you'll often find yourself rushed
down without a chance to setup if you are slower than your opponent. However when you are set up you'll have many opened
damage opportunities presented to you.
Verglas' central and core mechanic is Ice Point and Ice Point Guard so I will explain those first before anything else:
Ice Point:
This ability sets up an ice point on a tile within 4 range, it costs 3 momentum to use, however if you use it on an allied ice tile it will
refund you 2 momentum, effectively making it a 1m cost on ice, very efficient to use when you are around ice, make sure you set
these up when you can help it, if you plan your turns correctly this should come naturally.
It it best to set these up when you know you won't be using all 7 momentum in a turn, so when you're not using a chimera stance combo.
Ice Point Guard:
This ability targets an ice point (Or ice point guard) within 5 range and converts it into a status which gives you evasion DR and the ability to parry certain
other weapon types, more importantly this gives further interaction to other skills, and often opens up better opportunities for you.
You will almost always want this set up on yourself, and reapply it when you spend it/deploy it, it even gives guard.
Be wary as guard will reduce your evade and disable Evasion, you never want to use guard as a dodgy character except under very specific circumstances.
Moving on I will cover the Stances next, which are another mechanic Verglas wants to utilize in a fight to boost their stats with, how stances work is like this:
To shift into a verglas stance you must have the skill associated to it first off (Bear/Fox/Hare) in your innates, then using a skill belonging to those stances will
shift you into it, easy to understand. To stack these stance's stats you have to trigger a unique instance of ice damage against any unit, this makes multi-hitting
generally very worth it to stack these stances fast, when you end your turn, all of your stance's buffs will fall by 5LV except if you are in that stance, but you do
keep their effects via a status, making them all powerful to stack together.
Something to keep in mind for stance stacking, when you use a different stance skill you will shift into that stance after the skill resolves, what this means is that if you 
want to stack up bear stance for instance, you must be in Bear Stance already before you use a skill like rapid kick or icicle spear to stack it, this also means that rapid kick
and Icicle Spear are NOT immediate stacking tools to their respective stances initially, and must be prepared before-hand.
While under each respective stance, you gain a unique basic attack for them, this is Fox Dive, Hare Kick and Bear Paw, all of these are pretty decent to use, but really only
should be used if you have the stats for basic attacking, to explain these skills:
Fox Dive
Performs a basic attack on an opponent in your weapon's range and dives towards their back or sides, placing you airborne before the attack is made, useful for setting up airborne
compatible abilities and triggering certain racials like with Corbie, also moving to an opponent's back before an attack is even made is very movement efficient.
Hare Kick
Performs a basic attack on an opponent and applies kick effects, actually pretty useful with ice point greaves up.
Bear Paw
Rushes forwards 3 tiles and performs a basic attack on the first opponent encountered, knocking them back 1 tile if it connects.
Kicks/Offensive Skills:
Moving onto the bread and butter here, these are the active skills you will be using the most, I'll be covering each individually and what uses they have, this section
will not be covering potential combo strings, I will cover that in my Chimera Stance explanation shortly. 
Rising Kick
This skill will launch you airborne, allowing you to make use of effects that require you to be airborne with, its low range generally
means that it will not be used often unless an opponent is in 1 range, it is a 1 point wonder given how good being airborne is.
If you max out the skill it boasts pretty good SWA on its own, and makes its associated combos meatier.
Point Kick
This skill will launch the opponent airborne, which allows you to make use of effects requiring the enemy to be airborne with, like with
Rising Kick, its low range typically means its better left with 1 point as you wont find yourself using it the most often in bear stance.
This skill is pretty good at setting up other classes or Cold Front, you might find use in it as a Lantern Bearer or if you're using
phoenix talon for instance.
Cold Front
This is probably the best skill bear stance has access to, it deals a pretty decent chunk of damage and knocks an opponent back. If
they collide with an ice point they'll take 100% of your Ice ATK as damage which ignores armor, which is actually really good if you
set up the ice point for 1m, or if an opponent was already in range to be knocked into it. Generally though a chimera stance combo
WILL out-damage this interaction, so it is graded just behind chimera stance in terms of your priority.
Icicle Spear
This skill targets an ice point or icicle point guard (including on yourself) and fires forwards a spear with varying range, depending on
where or how it was fired, since there are basically 2 versions of this skill I'll cover both separately.
If you fire it from an ice point it will traverse 5 tiles in the direction you point it in, this is very good for sniping things at very odd angles
and if your opponent doesn't resist ice or you didn't have to set up an ice point that turn, allows you to follow it up with expand ice.
Keep in mind that this version of the skill uses allied ice tiles as free movement, so its actual distance is 5 + Ice tiles traversed tiles long.
If you fire it from an ice point guard, it will have infinite range, being able to traverse the entire map, the trade off for this is it can no longer
pierce through enemies, stopping at the first one hit. But it will also do 50% more damage across 6 hits instead of 1, this makes it very good
at setting up your stance buffs, making them very quick to stack with this effect. It also inflicts an opponent with lv125 Frozen instead of frostbite, 
which keeps them nice and stuck in place usually and reduces their evade to 0, blinks and teleports can get around that.
Its very good to use either of these versions when you want to snipe an opponent outside of your range, provided they are within its range to begin
with, another use to specifically the ice point guard version is that it disables them from moving, and does a LOT of damage, pairing up well with bursting
an opponent down at a certain health threshold.
Also keep in mind this skill will consume ice points and ice point guards.
Crawling Spikes
This skill is a pretty decent line AoE with okay damage, more importantly it has a certain gimmick to it, any ice point it travels to will cause it to traverse
to another ice point, during its path if it encounters any enemy units it will gain a stacking damage effect, up until it finishes its travelling distance and
then deals damage to the closest enemy to the final ice point, this can potentially triple the damage of the skill should you have the right setup.
This setup can be extremely hard to do and often makes putting out ice points regularly pretty worth it to do casually, as now you have a zoning tool to
work with since no one wants to get hit by the tripled damage effect, this skill should be used as a nuke or a snipe if you have a line of ice points
to work with, but generally you won't be using it against smarter players who will know whats up with the huge field of ice points, at the very least
its threat is enough to zone them away from you though.
Expand Ice
This is probably the bread and butter of Fox Discipline skills, it has the highest potential range of any of Verglas' skills, and even more AoE potential than
anything else it can offer, the tradeoff here is that it requires a very large amount of set up and constant use to get the ball rolling, you will be using this a lot
and I do mean a lot if you can ever help it, it is your primary AoE and jank range tool.
Due to repeat action tracking, using it twice per turn is a very easy way to run out of FP fast, so try not to do that unless you find it worth it.   Smile
If you see a sanctuary up on the field and your ice hasn't covered it, don't bother setting up for this skill, ice tiles cannot penetrate sanctuaries and they exist
to deny you this huge option, you will often have to find another way to fight through sanctuary.
Axe Kick
The first hare skill, and it is actually a pretty good one, this skill does good damage but it does even more damage if ice point guard is up, stacking
with ice point greaves for an additional 50% Ice ATK damage and an ice proc for your stances, the downside is that Rapid Kick does its job better
in terms of damage, however this is fine as the skill has the ability to knockdown and knockback when you're airborne, pairing well with crane hop.
If you knock an opponent down you're gonna be deploying your ice point guard directly in front of you, keep this mind if you can help it.
Don't be afraid to use this skill in a combo I would advise you, its good for a 2nd step in a hare combo for setting up your buffs.
Face Stomp
This skill has insanely high SWA scaling, and is probably a part of a burst combo somewhere, but its generally not worth it to use if you don't have ice point guard
on you currently, as when it finishes it will cure an opponent of knockdown, however this is fine vs other martial artists because they don't suffer the momentum
penalty anyways. This is also fine if you have ice point guard already up, since that will make them remain knocked down and deploy it on top of them. Since
you're not curing their knockdown that just makes this a very efficient damage skill.
My suggestion is to try and use this skill with other forms of knockdown that are not axe kick, as you want to keep your ice point guard for it against non-martial
artists, as an opponent eating a momentum penalty beats out the damage potential of the skill, you can also just use it for damage if you really really desire to.
Rapid Kick
This is probably one of your most used skills as well, you will want to max it out since it gains more kicks per rank, and it pairs very well with Ice Point Greaves.
Inflicting 25% ice ATK per kick for a total of 150% ice ATK and 120% SWA, making it actually stronger than icicle spear, another good fact to notice is that
the close range version of rapid kick will actually ignore evasion, making it very good vs evasive characters, as it will inflict the full damage.
If you are using ice point guard however that completely changes the skill entirely, if your target is not in melee range you will instead deploy that ice point
guard and kick it as many times as you would have normally, firing ice projectiles that inflict 50% Ice ATK + Kick Damage PER kick, it seems they fly forward
about 5 tiles which is not very far, but it splits up into 3 patterns, going forwards and diagonally from the ice point. You don't need to have ice point guard
to use this version, and instead you can use your ice point guard (Or someone else's) to blast ice into someone's face with.
You will want to use the ranged version of this skill, or the melee version depending on if you have ice point greaves up, in order to proc ice damage ticks
for your stances, and stack them up accordingly, rapid kick will be used very often most likely.
Chimera Stance
Probably one more unique mechanic that Verglas has, setting it apart from other martial artists currently, for a kick in one discipline that you use
you will reduce the momentum cost of following kick skills in a different discipline by 1, this means that you can follow up with a 2 hit combo in a very fluid
and easy to understand fashion, this sets Verglas apart from the other martial artists because it can do full 3 hit combos with autohits only, or make use
of critical hits without the need of Fleur or Twin Dance.
Because of these combos you will often find a huge avenue of options available to you in a fight, as well as open up Crane Hop as a minor mobility option,
so YES you should max out Crane Hop in base Martial Artist, as the 2m movement can follow up 2 skills you normally weren't in range to do before!
I'll explain a few combos that are known to work quite well for Verglas, and their uses/differences from the other combos are summarized.
[1 Range] [Requires Ice Point Guard] Face stomp Combo (Standard - high damage):
Use Rising Kick to get Airborne, use Axe Kick to knock an opponent down, then follow up with Face Stomp, this will cure an opponent's knockdown though.
You can replace the final step, Face Stomp with anything else if you don't wanna cure KD, such as Rapid Kick, Icicle Spear, Expanding Ice, Crawling Spikes
If you are not in 1 range, but you are in crane hop range, replace Rising Kick with Crane Hop then move into axe kick immediately, this disables Rapid Kick and 
Face Stomp, but enables Cold Front or Icicle Spear
[1 Range] Phys Combo (Standard damage):
Rapid Kick* to trigger Chimera Stance (Hare) and deal damage, follow this up with Point Kick to knock an opponent Airborne, then cold front them away, this will
even ignore knockback immunity so don't be afraid of using this combo, variations on this combo are recommended if you know your opponent does not
have knockback immunity, such as:
Replace point kick with Crawling Spikes or expanding ice or Cold Front**
*If you are using Crane Hop to get in range, you can replace rapid kick with axe kick to knock an opponent down first.
**If moving Cold front to the second step, follow it up with an icicle spear or expand ice.
[5 Range] [Requires Ice Point Guard] Ranged Magic Combo, high damage:
This combo heavily relies on your ice point guard and will likely leave it open to be attacked or destroy it if using Icicle Spear, so keep this in mind.
You will want to lead off with Rapid Kick, following this up with icicle spear, and then expanding ice afterwards, switch expanding ice and icicle spear
if your opponent is already standing near/on ice so that you don't reduce the frozen LV immediately, this is probably one of your highest damage
combos but expends your ice point guard, so it does leave you open at times, be wary of that, also it stacks your stances really fast as a bonus.
Misc. Abilities:
This will mostly cover all the abilities I missed, but still have their usages
You'll definitely want to max this out if you can, more ice point guard time up, or ice points in general mean you can do more things the 
longer the match goes on for, it increases their duration massively.
Ice Point Greaves:
Its 1 point so you may as well pick it up, its usefulness generally varies from situation to situation, since you ideally want Ice Point Guard up and don't want to
spend too much time faffing around and being an evoker in terms of needing to set yourself up, you generally use this during downtime and spacing, when your
opponent is not in an immediate threat range, you can use this to delay the fight a little longer, and get an advantage with, otherwise, don't set up for too long
or your opponent rushes you down and gets the advantage, or you leave your team to dry by setting up a menial buff.
Winter's Bite
Max this, not because you'll use it a lot, but because the presence of heavy ice resistance or even worse, immunity, reflect and absorb heavily impact your ability
to do anything on the field, often enough being forced to use this skill will lose you a trade, so make sure if you are forced to use it, it is against very heavy
ice resistance, 35%+ is generally when I would start to consider using this skill.
However there is another use to this skill, when you are fighting you might notice some opponents like to use fire, if they are enchanted with Nerhaven that means
they naturally take on a 25% ice weakness, naturally covered by gear or SAN, however winter's bite negates these bonuses and causes them to eat an ice weakness.
This is a HUGE offset for you, as it not only grants you more damage, but hitting a weakness proc even means that you gain momentum, 1 momentum per unique action.
While this does not work for ice point greaves, it works for things such as Axe Kick, Expand Ice, Icicle Spear etc. and can enable a 4-5 hit combo which is suffice to say,
brutalizing to experience.
Ice Skate
Actually not even a bad mobility skill, but you'll only find it useful when you've set up a bunch of ice already, however if you are rocking that winter wonderland, then
you will have more potential movement than even shukuchi might, also you get to knock people down at a certain range with it, 1 point wonder skill if you really want.
To explain, this skill is just not great, it gives your ally ice resistance which is situationally helpful (until they get winter's bit) and gives them immunity to frostbite and the
ability to cross over ice tiles without breaking them, however this is a bit of an moot ability, having the ability to not break ice tiles means you cannot actually trigger frostbite's
effects, making it a completely useless effect on it, this skill is not good, and I recommend spending your points elsewhere until it is.

Opening Round

Something that is often overlooked is how good your opening round is on most setups, Verglas plays a lot like an Evoker or Rogue might, where they have important buffs
to keep up and should be spending their first round doing so, this lets rush down builds get the initiative on you and have a fighting chance vs those buffs, so if you find
yourself pressured, you need to cut out a lot of the setup, but never the most important bit: Your ice point guard.
Often the most efficient way of setting up ice point guard is to use any skill that sets up ice, such as ice jet from summoner, famiuga, miu, really anything works, just don't
use crawling spikes to do it as thats incredibly FP inefficient, if you have no way to set up ice then just set up the ice point normally, it doesn't have as much coverage when
you do that, but you just want it out on the field. You'll then do one of two things afterwards most likely:
If you are a tank you'll just want to drag that ice point to you, simple as that really, you get the defensive buff and a stored icicle spear/rapid kick for usage later.
If you are a dodgy you don't want to pull the ice point to you immediately, as having 4 or less momentum will cause you to gain guarding LV30, which heavily
reduces your evade and takes away evasion entirely, which is horribly inefficient since with unarmored your evasion DR is actually 45%.
So as a dodgy try to fill the action with anything else, set up your subclass, do anything but stay in ice point's range to pull it to you next round with 6+ Momentum.

Class Combos

A lot of questions about Verglas are what to pair it up with as a class combo, I will state ahead of time that there are many supportive classes and many selfish classes.
Selfish classes like to keep all of their attention on performing their class' actions, and make other focus classes seem jank or non-fluid when paired with eachother 
depending on how complicated their mechanics are, or how momentum consuming their setup is.
That said, Verglas is heavily focused on its own kit, but provides support to any other class that can synergize well with ice, such as Evoker despite evoker also being a selfish
class, Verglas is very greedy if you want to focus on its combos, as such its often better to main class Verglas unless you have more powerful abilities available on other classes.
I'll list off a few class combos that use Verglas very well and flow together fluidly, but you should feel free to adhere to whatever fits your character.
Evoker pairs extremely well with Verglas, I would call it one of the best pairs for it in general, but you want to main class Evoker since you gain access to extremely powerful
FP Regeneration which basically makes you unable to run out of FP ever, Absorb Power is a main class skill, get it.
Evoker tends to stick you to a mage type character, you obviously wanna use the powerful arsenal of spells it has, and invocation to even set a 50% ice weakness. So you'll
probably want to get a tome, or a Magical Comet, Evoker also pairs well by giving you Kraken as an auto-enchant, so you don't need to hog an accessory slot with Mercury Badge.
Void Assassin
Oddly enough this class actually pairs well with Verglas, mostly because Void Assassin's support to other classes through impure element and absorb veil end up serving an
FP hungry, ice ATK hungry class like Verglas very well. If you run Void Assassin you probably will want to invest into an accessory called Frosted Dog Collar, this inflicts ice
damage on you at the start of every round, powering up your stance and triggering impure element (Ice) to give you ice ATK equal to your void energy, which can be as much
as upwards to 60 Ice ATK, massive gains.
This class combo I could end up describe as being very strong, but mostly only in PvE scenarios, given all its purpose is is to supplement the pure offensive power of Verglas,
and usually provides no utility outside of Rogue wind skills and absorb veil, for some reason it just doesn't work out nearly as well even though it provides the most damage.
Void Assassin's base class rogue also provides support to dodgies, western wind for mobility and northern wind for critical, you probably wanna main class Verglas as MA's
main class skills outweigh most of Rogue/Void Assassin's skills.
Demon Hunter
Disclaimer: This class combo will wreck your skill slots
If you can move past that, it is actually a very strong class combo, since Demon Hunter supports dodgy and tanky characters both very well, and gets you access to a free
airborne, as in it costs 0m and 0 FP, as well as 0 momentum movement to set up combos on folks other than the one just in range of you, if you couple that movement with
Skyburn or Gain Air or something similar, you can move for 1m and still be airborne for Axe Kick, allowing Axe Kick > Ice Point > Cold Front as an actually efficient combo.
Demon Hunter's base class Soldier provides a lot of benefits, the main one being 75 more HP, yum, you probably wanna main class Verglas either way here, as know
no pain reduces armor by a certain amount, so having lower armor is a lot more efficient if you can supplement it with percentage DRs like weathered body.
This class is a pretty good match for Verglas, given you are almost always surrounded by ice and Ignite Power increases SWA by a flat amount according to the amount
of allied ice tiles around you (ONLY if you are kraken enchanted or equipped with mercury badge), you'll end up doing a lot of damage, you also gain a lot of support for
using spears and the firebird skills associated to them.
Firebird's base class duelist has a lot of perks that basic attackers love, and I did say before that verglases can often basic attack with little/no impact on their flow.
You'll gain a lot of crit, spear/sword skills to use, disengage for a powerful evade buff/minor heal, and eviter for a better parry than Ice Point Guard, main class will
probably hardly matter here, its more so for what you prefer, given your ability to combo without fleur, that is a flavorful option to you surprisingly.
This class will be perfect for you if you're trying to make full use of basic attacks, on top of having Fleur and a stacking damage debuff on foes you attack, you'll
also stack that debuff extremely fast thanks to rapid kick's 6 multihits, if you are main classed with Ghost then you also gain Wraithguard, a very powerful DR.
Ghost's base class, Duelist has all the perks of firebird I mentioned above, however I will say main classing ghost is more worth it since fleur is stronger if you're
focused on basic attacks mostly, and wraithguard is a pretty potent DR.
Bonder encompasses everything Verglases love more than Grand Summoner, you have access to a plethora of great basic attacking options, the ability to enlist
the aid of up to 3 youkai, all of the ice flavored ones being pretty decent, and get some pretty nice FP Regen thanks to base summoner, the strengths of bonder
really add to Verglas quite nicely, I would recommend main class bonder over Verglas due to the existence of shared pain and install, as they are both strong effects
to just have over Weathered Body and Combination Fighter.
Summoner itself is harder to comment on, the base class is not impressive due to the whole thing surrounding youkai, and it would take too long to explain how all
that works, my suggestion is stacking FP Regen as usual.
If only this fits here because boxer isn't the best class for it anymore due to turn order changes, and because destiny is strong. This will probably be your favored class on
a destiny'd Martial Artist, because Monk provides a lot of support to other classes while not intruding with its own unless you choose to, Power-up provides great FP Sustain,
Aid provides you the ability to heal yourself or an ally, you get stats to share with Woki, you get the ability to even make yourself invulnerable with Body of Isesip.
Main class monk here, as Verglas has no main class benefits, and they both share the same base class.

PvE Strategy

In PvE you'll mostly be focused on doing as much AoE as you can, try to learn how to use the IPG version of rapid kick vs multiple enemies and how to line it up
with crane hop, otherwise you'll be doing a ton of heaven kick and expanding ice, and I do mean a ton of it, a force of ice or mercury badge or kraken is heavily
recommended for PvE content, against bosses you'll want to use the higher damaging combos I stated earlier for the most part.
I would not rate Verglas as one of the best PvE classes due to its tendency to eat FP a lot, but with good food and moderate FP Regen, you should manage just fine.


Q: Should I focus on FP Regen as a verglas?
A: Yes, use the Grimalkin Prayer buff if you need to for up to +5 FP Regen.
Q: Can I use an opponent's ice points or ice point guards to my advantage?
A: Yes, you can steal an opponent's Ice Point or Ice Point Guard for yourself, but only if deployed.
Q: How do I deal with spirit mirror?
A: Cry and waste momentum triggering it not in a straight line of yourself, don't inflict yourself with frozen, don't do it.
Q: Why does this guide look so messy?
A: Spoiler tags aren't working properly.
(will fill this in over time.)
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
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