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Vincent Izumi - Family Curse and Power
Applicable BYOND Key - Soio

Character Name - Vincent Izumi

Request Type - Character Power

Request Details -  Vincent's family lineage is cursed, granting him unnatural affinity for swordsmanship and a reactive power which grants him additional strength at the cost of control, a berserking state that only occurs when his life to be threatened. (Such as through reaction to greater injury or an emotional state.)

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - Vincent's mother is Sarah Izumi, a past established character of mine (You may know them as Spo as well) who has long gone her fair share of development, and his father is a zeran. I believe this mix of his family's curse, and a zeran's blood results in a bad mixture, potentially giving him an even worse form of his family's curse.

By extension I am also clearing the way for this curse to be clarified, given that I have very old roleplay supporting it, (Related to Pieter events upwards to 5 years ago) this is a good way to get out there some old cringey stuff I used to do and have refined over the years.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request -

Sarah Izumi and by extension the rest of her family has showcased this curse in the past, on her mother's side for the most part. The curse was inherited in the setting by an ancestor to the Izumi family, back in Gold before its curse ever took place, this ancestor would make a deal with a powerful grimalkin witch, who granted himself and his children unnatural kinship towards mastery of blades, this came at a cost. The 'boon' that was granted also harnessed within each soul to possess it a dark power.

This power would manifest in the user as abrupt surges of strength, causing them to usually lose control in the process of it. The user's hair turns white when this occurs. I say 'usually' as only two members of the Izumi family have been able to control such a state, as it influences the user very heavily, blinding them with rage, both Sarah Izumi and her mother Akiko Izumi (NPC) have been able to master control of such power, allowing them to use it for a situational power boost.

However, Vincent will not be able to control this power, infact it will be much harder for him to than his mother given he has Zeran blood within him, influencing his loss of control with the will to conquer as well. (It should be noted that Vincent is human, his mother being a Shaitan, his father being a Zeran) I wish for this to be the case as well, as I may be able to roleplay something fun for myself during the right moments, eventually he should be able to control such a power as well, but this will not happen without the proper development I assure.

I currently would represent this through roleplay for the most part, but I have situationally prepared a mechanical side of my own too to fulfill the flavor that I like here. Those being Cursed Blood as a trait, as well as Death Knighting as a skill for transformation sake, representing the more 'dark' nature of the power.

Thanks for reading, I am ready to discuss and clarify anything else that is needed of me.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I don't see any particular issues with this request. You're free to roleplay it as you described.

Considering some players already utilize something like this with Ki Awoken and Death Knighting skills there shouldn't be anything to argue too much about. As well as seeing as there is some drawbacks to it versus being a straight up free power-boost.

You're definitely also free to roleplay the cursed blood trait like this as well.
[Image: tenor.gif]
Then I am very much satisfied, thank you for swiftly replying to my request.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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