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Natasha De la Rue- Character Request
Well that never really went anywhere, so I guess I might as well try again?
Character Abillity: Celestial Requiem

Description: The Celebrity is known for her extremely powerful Galdr, so much so that she is known in Korvara with no equal. Galdr in general is a very Versatile kind of magic that can affect everything that is living or Focus itself to various effects. Be it to bolster or lower the Moral of Soldier, soothe anger, let plants grow, cause rain-..Etc. The effects depend on the user's mastery of Galdr and how much it goes against the true nature of a being and its willpower to resist or how much it already speaks with them.

The Celebrity is second to none in that, able to manipulate or amplify emotions to devastating levels. A Warrior boosted by her Voice, will fight for his cause relentlessly above what they would normally be capable, while a Soldier opposing to her will begin to falter, regret and lay down his sword or hesitate. 

What do I actually want?:
Similar to how the mystic is extremly good at their stuff and healing, I want her to have something going for them that makes her "Valuable" to other people. There is currently the talk about War and how its ruled. For example, I think it would make sense when her "Motivational" songs would give big boons to the receiving army. So that she can make a difference without actually being invovled in PVP.
Further she would be able to be used in Events as someone who can possibly soothe rampaging Monsters, or help ease evil spirits anger to make it easier for others. 

I do not want any Mechanical advantages for myself, she is a 'tool' for others to use if they play their cards right with her. Basically like a trumpcard that helps even weaker nations to defend themselves against something, without any direct buffs for myself! I want her to be a VERY useful supporter for others.
Push since still relevant.
Seeing as I was the one that more or less approved The Mystics special abilities as a unique OTHER role, I think I can allow this as well for you.

The enhanced/powerful galdr is fine and if you can manage to get eventmins to apply special buffs/debuffs in PvE/PvP for you they're free to do so as long as they aren't insta-win tier powerful.
[Image: tenor.gif]

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