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Taxation... with representation
Holy HECK. A taxation thread.

So, let's talk.

SL2 has taxes. Korvara has player-run citystates.

My idea was that we could make taxes gained in the city-states relevant territory be deposited to a coffer fund.

Buy 5000 gold worth of gear in Telegrad and pay 500 in taxes? That goes to the great nation of Telegrad! These gold taxes can then be spent on things. Like paying city officials a salary every irl day, or be able to be built up and spent by the leader for various bonuses.

Maybe enhanced LEARNIN is done, so all people in the citystate guild gains +10% EXP, because they're learning! Or they're paying back to the people, giving all citizens a 5% gold increase from murai.

This could either be done, explicitly, on a crafting/NPC level-- so if you make potions in Telegrad, you pay some part of the crafting tax to the city. Or it can be done explicitly by the guild that you are in.
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  • Collector, HaTeD, Maromar158, Shujin, Snake

Could give the NPC shops limited quantity rotating stock based on how much tax revenue the the city has. More tax money = rarer items available in greater amounts. It'd simulate the local economy being stable enough to secure supply trains to said stuff.

[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I'd be all for this.
I wouldn't mind this being a thing for the city guild your in that connected to that city state
So telegrad - Telegrad guild etc. you get the idea..

Perhaps having it set so the tax used for it is put toward crafting the taxes so the crafters pay less as long as there a set amount built up in the tax hold for the nation? I also wouldn't mind it being that the taxes allow for shop keepers to change their wares for the blacksmith, tailor shop in meiaquar, accessory shop in geladyne etc. so that they sell rarer items in place of some of the simple one; though I feel that coding might be harder to do on dev's end, it still a neat idea.
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  • Maromar158

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