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The PVP Area
awhella not eternia
066: Birth of the Robot Emperor
What is truly "cursed" is how in a month or two post-release, those lands will be claimed by Telegrad or Geladyne the moment they go down, and in the third month it becomes an amusement park or safari for cities to display how dumb cursed people beat each other up for no reason other than things that are fluctuating in their own heads. SL2 is really not the place for something like this. Hell. I'm getting problems even with something as silly dumb as Necrovex, imagine something that will constantly result in bitching over Balance-Fu about how summoner is broken or heals need nerf.

Every. Single. Day.

Even optional content requires people to be willing to set aside differences and play ball. Which why bother doing it when "we're all protags and we always win, therefore if I lose 'heh, i was not at my full power' *swaps to GS/Priest* 'rematch or i call gms'" I'm sure we can, as Eventmins, pull off something like this. I'm not against a lore-sanctioned blackzoned area where violence is permitted and none of the continents want to do anything with it, similar to Law's End. We kinda need it for specific types of RP in Korvara. I'm against at the added systems to it. It feels too 'off the grid' for what Korvara's spirit is.

TL/DR: New map? Fuq ye! New mechanics? meh.


If we're talking about the ruins. I wish more that the place was where the nations plant a flag over and constantly compete among each other in this 'small scale war' for dominance of whatever cool and special resource that is in there. Which indirectly would also promote groups like The Marauders or 'off-nation' groups to try and be greedy about it and hold control over the other nations due to it.

Something that does not benefit players in particular, but benefits a nation itself. Maybe the hidden remnants of a god, a powerful yet generous lich king/mid-island behemoth or some spooky stuff that would definitely have the mutual interest of all four nations. Maybe this power/resource/favor could make farms bloom in Geladyne, or bolster wards and protection upon Telegrad, or turn the Wall into an impenetrable fortress in Duyuei, or calm all the seas of Meiaquar so no ships sink, and it's something that cannot be shared among them, there must always be one nation benefiting while the others get fucked for it.

Something that will always force them to disagree, even if it makes sense to give one of them the 'rights' to it, or 'play by rotation' like you'd immediately expect from what will be a boring ass diplomacy with no conflict.

This would be such a wonderful King Of The Hill game between the four nations, and constantly promote content that makes all four settlements interact with each other.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I like the idea of a PVP area in the game, but not with an area this huge. Maybe it could be something à la duelist kingdom in Yu-Gi-Oh; A event where people must fight each other when encountered. Or like a Battle Factory in Pokemon where rare prizes are incentivized from defeating random players who enter the area.
PVP rules this game enough as is, has ruled it for almost two decades now. Sorry, but I also don't think this is a good idea. Good on paper, will be horrible in practice.
[Image: Y8FFQj7.jpg]
^Mercala's Favorite Apparently
[Image: To2mAPS.png](heh)
Bringing back a suggestion I had forever ago.


Similar to the other events that happened in the mainland, these would be world announced. 4 NPCs (one on each side of the map) let you access an instanced dungeon.

These dungeons have a small path through the cursed lands, puzzles, a few things that could get you thrown out besides just PVP (like "You need X resource to continue"), etc, and prizes all along the way. At the end, though, is a vault or treasure room of some sort. The vault takes time to open, 5-10 minutes or so depending on how long the dungeon is meant to take in general (so speedrunning isn't always the de-facto way to get ahead).

If someone else arrives there in that time, the opening of the vault stops.

It cannot continue until there is only one party in the area. One party could leave. They could agree to split the loot later afterwards. Or, they could fight.

Considering any number of people might go through at the same time, there could be numerous dungeons just like this. They might be linked to someone else's. They might not be just because of an uneven number, RNG, or the other group dropped out much earlier. But it adds that LITTLE splash of PVP into the game for some mechanical reward without making it a huge grind-fest.

Which, if I could just PVP for rewards then I would do what too many people did when Korvara first started and rapid fire combat over and over with agreeing parties like people did for EXP.
You're right, y'all, this is a bad idea. I just wish there was a way to make pvp fun and worth doing, aside from random ganks or massive conflicts. Arena events are cool, but I wish there was something real to be done. Guess it's back to the antag drawing board for me.

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