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Hour Change Monster Immunity
Sometimes when I'm idling in a dungeon the game likes to freeze once the hour changes, and if I don't tab back in to send an action I'll never know the game froze in the first place (the woes of a single monitor). Then when I do get caught up to present I'm three turns deep into a fight.

I've noticed this only really happens when the hour changes, the lag caused by it sometimes locks up my client if I don't attempt to send any actions.

A solution to getting jumped mid-freeze would be for players to have the same immunity they get post-battle and on login to monster encounters when the hour changes until they move.

This would not only solve my problem of getting Za Warudo'd to death but also allow players to roleplay in dungeons without fear of being interrupted by monsters if they wish to continue the roleplay or bring it to a natural halt to resume killing monsters, instead of needing to sprint off like maniacs wordlessly the second monsters repop lest they get jumped first.
[-] The following 2 users Like Trexmaster's post:
  • Miller, Poruku
Sounds like a bandaid solution but fixing Byond is byond anyones capability
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water

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