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Reversi Scroll Not Applying Properly
Got my hands on a Reversi scroll part for Stone Dragon and applied it to my tome.

After equipping the tome and going into battle, the lightning damage/effect conversion was not applying, leaving the target spell in its normal state of doing earth damage.

After relogging, the reversi scroll applies correctly and even applies if I remove the tome entirely and enter new fights. This doesn't change until I relog again without the tome (w/ scroll) equipped.

Removing and re-equipping the tome has no impact on the spell's state, leaving it in whatever it was immediately after logging in.

I went through multiple consecutive fights while using and not using the tome and scroll in question and it only changed states when relogging, not based on leveling up, multiple combats, or equipping/unequipping.
This has been corrected in 2.88 v6.

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