11-10-2024, 02:15 AM
Applicable BYOND Key - The mom sexer
Character Name - Mordrain Meade (Kaminah Monk)
Request Type - Unique character appearance
Specific Request - Several birth defects/mutations that set the character apart from other reapers, as well as an age that makes him older compared to most Korvaran characters.
Request Details -
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request -
Character Name - Mordrain Meade (Kaminah Monk)
Request Type - Unique character appearance
Specific Request - Several birth defects/mutations that set the character apart from other reapers, as well as an age that makes him older compared to most Korvaran characters.
Request Details -
- Excessive horn growth, causing the growth of several deformed horns across his head and face, as opposed to the simple set of two most Reapers have. This excessive growth has led to Mordrain being blind in one eye from a young age, and has since gone blind in the other due to simple old age.
- As his alias implies, he uses to the same method as the monks described in the description of the Kaminah Robes to see, despite being blind in both eyes.
- Meade is 190 years old, and is rather close to simply passing of old age, due to the reduced lifespan of Reapers outside Lazarus.
- Meade suffers from a hypertrophied Pituitary gland (not as if he knows this; the man is so old, he probably still thinks of medicine in terms of humours), and as such grew up to a staggering eight feet and five inches tall. However, though decently fit, he is nonetheless built somewhat lean; this, combined with his old age, rarely if ever puts him at significant advantage over most other humanoids. He has used his meditation, Ki, and Solmancy to alleviate (though definitely not eliminate) the complications of his massive size and age.
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request -
- Less of a lore thing and more of a justification for his massive height, but the largest man in real-world history, Robert Wadlow, was 8'11, his size attributed to a hypertrophied pituitary gland as well.
- The description of the Kaminah Robes implies that 'beyond sight' is attributed to some form of spiritual method the monks use, not the robes themselves. If I am mistaken, and this technique is indeed tied to the robes themselves, I will be more than willing to try and obtain Kaminah Robes ingame purely to justify his IC Beyond Sight.
- As far as I'm aware, there's no concrete lore for mutated/defective Reaper horns. However, as both his parents were from pre-federal Telegrad, it's not unthinkable to imagine some arcane contaminant in the magical forests of Telegrad caused some kind of defect whilst he was in the womb.
![[Image: orDF4cJ.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/orDF4cJ.jpg)