05-25-2015, 09:41 AM
I like the fishing contest overall but there's a few things I'd like to nitpick/offer suggestions about.
1: Allow for shared positions in case of ties.
A problem we saw during the contest was that 50W seemed to be the largest fish possible, so then whoever gets 50W first automatically wins outright.
This was a little disappointing for the two people in second and third who also had 50W fish, but even more so for the ones who got 50W but didn't even get a place.
So I think a good idea would be to tweak it so if multiple people in a top position have the same weight fish, they share that position.
2: Not just Sea Badges but Experience and Murai rewards too!
I think it would be a nice incentive to also get experience and money rewards, just to keep people interested in fishing contests after the initial shine wears off.
3: The Sea Hunter weapons.
These weapons aren't that desirable in my opinion because the weapons are a little too situational with their effect.
I think the weapons would be more appealing and generally useful if the effect were more like this:
4: More Rewards for Sea Badges.
More things to try and grab means more reasons to participate!
1: Allow for shared positions in case of ties.
A problem we saw during the contest was that 50W seemed to be the largest fish possible, so then whoever gets 50W first automatically wins outright.
This was a little disappointing for the two people in second and third who also had 50W fish, but even more so for the ones who got 50W but didn't even get a place.
So I think a good idea would be to tweak it so if multiple people in a top position have the same weight fish, they share that position.
Quote:I.e. Everyone who got 50W in this instance would all be 1st Place and each receive the rewards related to it.
2: Not just Sea Badges but Experience and Murai rewards too!
I think it would be a nice incentive to also get experience and money rewards, just to keep people interested in fishing contests after the initial shine wears off.
Quote:E.g. Participation: Level*50 or 10% TNL EXP, Largest Catch W*2 Murai.
3rd: Level*100 or 25% TNL EXP, Largest Catch W*4 Murai.
2nd: Level*200 or 50% TNL EXP, Largest Catch W*8 Murai.
1st: Level*400 or 100% TNL EXP, Largest Catch W*16 Murai.
3: The Sea Hunter weapons.
These weapons aren't that desirable in my opinion because the weapons are a little too situational with their effect.
I think the weapons would be more appealing and generally useful if the effect were more like this:
Quote:Deals 15% additional damage against seafaring monsters.
On Hit: Inflicts Level 15 Hunted for 3 Rounds.
4: More Rewards for Sea Badges.
More things to try and grab means more reasons to participate!
Quote:E.g. 'Coral' for 5 Sea Badges.
'Driftwood' for 5 Sea Badges.
A 'Wood' variant of the Coral material.
'Great Bait' for 5 Sea Badges.
Always lures large fish.
'Heart of Tannin' for 100 Sea Badges.
'Heart of Leviathan' for 100 Sea Badges.
'Magical Hook' enchantment for 150 Sea Badges.
Catching - Accessory Enchantment - +10% Murai gained from battles (stacks).
'Super Rod' for 250 Sea Badges.
A professional rod for a professional fisherman.
6 seconds to complete a catch compared to the usual 3 seconds.