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Null and Void
I feel like I was going to raise a thread on this eventually but really saw no reason to until now, Null shell becomes sort of problematic because it's a "Erase my everything" effect on only high power, you don't even need to overcharge to erase essentially everything, but the biggest offender comes from it erasing Prayer buffs and argentyle/hikari blessings mostly, I agree fully tbh, those buffs should be excluded from the list of buffs null shell removes.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I ran into something fun which i'm surprised people aren't exploiting heavily yet. Null shell clears the thing that stops you from being marked by claret call, giving ryser MG ghosts effectively unlimited health if you don't carry a multihit.
There's already a flag for this so it was an easy change. Anything besides prayer statuses and food?
Argentyle Buffs and Hikari buffs are both out of battle combat buffs that should probably be included.

Also possibly guard and skip could be included?
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Feels like Guard should be safe from it too, being as it's less a 'buff' and more the system's way of handling the guard action. Besides, that's what cripple arm is for right?
Cripple arm if they're using a shield and sonic shell if you want to remove the guard buff, for the knockdown, if they're somehow knockdown immune that is just carelessness on the gunner's part, either way I'm impartial on it getting removed or not I just thought it made sense.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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