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Limited Judgement
Divine Judgement has a very limited range, and without being a mage it's sort of difficult to ever be in range of getting this skill off without allied assistance, so I almost never see it used because of it's range, and Divine Judgement is rather necessary to facing anybody trying to wall you out with light resistance, similar to verglas' and winter's bite.

Is there much way that this could be changed perhaps? I'd like to hear a few suggestions as I can barely think of any, Maybe increasing it's base range, or providing some way for curate itself to be able to move with this spell, because most priests don't generally run Evoker or Hexer really.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
It's 6 Range, I don't know if it needs to be any longer.
6 range isn't very long anymore. Most people can easily move that distance or attack from that far.
8 would probably be fine.
Could be global if I might say. It only affects a single target anyway, the duration is not overbearingly long like a Hexer's curse skill, and it is an invocation. Since Priests don't benefit from High Speed Divine Words, it makes them harder to use their invocations without getting silenced mid-way by a cheeky Kensei/VA/Hexer/MG/Ghost/Boxer/Grand Summoner/Bonder/Lantern Bearer, so.

Give it some thought, global would be just right.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I think 8 or 10 range would be fine, 6 is not very large considering that other invocations usually can be accompanied by blink, at least with divine Judgement it cannot be affected by HSDW.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Global...? YOU CAN'T RUN FROM HEAVEN. Enma's is global. Judgement should be global.

We should follow the theme of we can cheat death, but you can't cheat great JUSTICE.
[Image: tenor.gif]

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