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[v2.36] Tali Trouble
When you are targeting a line based skill with a tali deployed out on the field, it can be a little jank at times, you would suspect that when you aim Left with a line based skill such as holy arrow or fir that it would also turn the skill to face that direction as if you were casting it yourself, but it does not.

I would like for talis to be able to aim off to the side I am pointing at instead of up at a different angle, pictured is what I mean:

[Image: rQ2uZfc.png]

As you can see here, my tali is far ahead of me, given that my character cannot possible turn left when I aim left it instead aims my line shot upwards instead of to the side at my intended target, this can make some funky angles that give talis many exploitable blindspots currently and actually impacts their interactivity heavily.

To replicate this issue:

1) Equip a line based skill such as Fir
2) Use the appropriate Tali skill at some distance ahead of you (preferably not 1 range)
3) Try aiming the line based skill in all 4 directions.
4) Use the skill to see result.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
This isn't a bug but more of a complication of how targeting works currently. It's possible it will change in the future.

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