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Duyuei Tribesmen (Snakemen Raid)
This is just a general feedback over what they probably need to live up better the fantasy of tribesmen who are well-trained to defend the wall, and feel less like fodder during fights.

Please be mindful I'm talking about padding the NPC's performance during the raid, not the Traits or players.

All of them could benefit from one thing that'd serve to set them up as people who are fighting for their loved ones, and giving their all like any other race could never do:

Quote:Battle High (Duyuei)

Ravenous and reckless, a Duyuein is not afraid to put their life on the line. They gain 1% more Damage, Hit, Critical, Critical Damage and Evade per 1% missing HP.

Additionally, depending on their Tribe, they gain additional effects:

Galjager - The first critical hit in combat against non-boss monster targets will deal bonus Pierce damage equal to 50% of their max HP, but the attacker will become Stunned and Knocked Down. (Reckless Hunter)

Hawu - Will intercept damage for allies within 4 range at a 100% probability, if their maximum HP is below 50%. If this unit is defeated while defending someone, it will embolden all allies, giving them Hawu Rage. (Courage to Protect)

Imala - Healing spells have their cooldown reset at the start of a new round, consuming 10% FP per reset. Additionally gain Mass LV5 every round. If this unit is defeated, it will activate Spirit Pain for 2 rounds. (Spiritual Flow)

Skouge - Spell damage will always ignore evasion and protection, but offensive spells will deal kickback damage equal to 50% of its damage. Gain Charge Mind LV3 every round, if its LV is below 3, consuming 5% HP per LV required. (Blood Price)

Whatcha think?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Epic. I love it. Put it in!
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water

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