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Mixed Martial Arts/ Empty Palm does not play nice with modifiers.
1) With an empty main hand and a gloved hand slot (read: both hands available for attacking with MMA) Sarasha Gi does not seem to apply. It does, however, apply when both hands are actually completely empty.

2) Purity Edge does not apply to Empty Palm attacks. I'm pretty sure it did pre-Reckoning. Both with and without it, the damage, hit rate, and crit rate were identical.

Theory: No weapon info is shown on the character page for bare fists, even with MMA/Empty Palm. So maybe something changed in the damage calculations in the GR that does not properly work with bare fist scaling, as it's possible the weapon data is stored seperately.
*loud burp*
1) Your report is a little confusing; is this with a main hand that holds no weapon and a hands slot that has a fist weapon? Or no weapon and no weapon?

2) I couldn't replicate this; I get the bonuses while attacking with no weapon and a shield, for example.
1) Sorry, Dev. Allow me to break it down a little more to clarify:

Scenario 1:

Empty Hand
Any Hand slot item that still counts as an empty hand for attacking with Mixed Martial Arts (Gauntlet, Bands, etc)
Sarasha Gi did not take effect, despite both "weapons" being the same "type" (Main and Sub hands were both Fists)

Scenario 2:
Empty Hand
Empty Hand (Actually fully empty, nothing in it at all)
Sarasha Gi does indeed give the bonus evade and crit, as advertised.

2) Interesting. I'll need to test further; it's possible something was borked with Mixed Martial Arts, as I was testing without a shield.
*loud burp*
Test again in the beta, it should give you bonus in that situation.

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