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[Mage] Promotion: Force Mage
So, this promo class was .sort. of inspired by DA2 < and DA:I if I could ever play it >. It's a support/status effect class, to a degree. It controls the battlefield by making certain its foes stay exactly where they are. It dishes out mild earth damage, blunt, and even its own sort of "Gravity" damage.

Unlock Prerequisite: 20 Mage, Be enchanted with Galren and Astral Belt at the same time.


Shatter Earth Active Range 5, Circle 2: While the forces of gravity are yours to command, a good mage knows how to strike hard. Clenching their fist, they shatter and upheave some of the earth in a given area. Dealing WIL+RANK Earth damage to targets within and magnetizing them for 3 rounds. This area then becomes hazardous terrain and targets attempting to move through it take RANK*2 unresistable earth damage and become Magnetized as well, for only 2 rounds

Rank 1: 24 FP- WIL+10 Magnetized Level 20
Rank 2: 23 FP- WIL+12 Magnetized Level 25
Rank 3: 22 FP- WIL+14 Magnetized Level 30
Rank 4: 21 FP- WIL+16 Magnetized Level 35
Rank 5: 20 FP- WIL+18 Magnetized Level 40

Gravity Well Active Range 5, Circle 4: Focusing intensely upon an area, you shut your eyes. Just like that, things begin to be drawn into the area. Pulls all enemies within range towards the center of the circle by 2 tiles. If they are magnetized, they are drawn 2 extra squares. If any target comes into collision with an object along their path they take WIL/4+TomePwr+RANK unresistable blunt damage ( This includes other people drawn in ) If they hit multiple targets, this damage occurs multiple times.. Once the drawing effect is finished, gravity intensifies in the area and they become magnetized based on rank and lose Rank*2 Celerity for 3 turns.

Rank 1: 28 FP- WIL/4+Tomepwr+10 Unresistable Blunt damage, Magnetized Level 5
Rank 2: 27 FP- WIL/4+Tomepwr+15 Unresistable Blunt damage, Magnetized Level 10
Rank 3: 26 FP- WIL/4+Tomepwr+20 Unresistable Blunt damage, Magnetized Level 15
Rank 4: 25 FP- WIL/4+Tomepwr+25 Unresistable Blunt damage, Magnetized Level 20
Rank 5: 24 FP- WIL/4+Tomepwr+30 Unresistable Blunt damage, Magnetized Level 25

Crushing Grip Active Range 8: No one is capable of getting away from you for long. Using this on a target deals WIL+RANK magical GRAVITY damage as you crush them with gravity. It causes slow down, reducing their movement by a rank bonus for 2 rounds. If the target is Magnetized, increase damage by Magnetized Level, and instead of slow down, they become immobilized for 2 rounds.

Rank 1: 19 FP- WIL+20 Magical Gravity damage, -2 Movement
Rank 2: 18 FP- WIL+22 Magical Gravity damage, -2 Movement
Rank 3: 17 FP- WIL+24 Magical Gravity damage, -3 Movement
Rank 4: 16 FP- WIL+26 Magical Gravity damage, -3 Movement
Rank 5: 15 FP- WIL+28 Magical Gravity damage, -4 Movement

Forceful Pull Active Range 12: No one is capable of running away either. Use this on a target at range, and use your powerful magic to fling them your way. Deals WIL+RANK magical Gravity damage to the target, if they hit any obstacles < including people > both targets take an extra Rank*5 unresistable blunt damage, and if it is a person, the other person is knocked out of the way. Pulls Rank+1 tiles closer to you, unless the initial target is Magnetized, in which case they move all the way to a square adjacent to you. Every square past 8, however, you lose 10% of your damage and at max range you lose 1 square of pull unless the target is magnetized < Both effects >.

Rank 1: 15 FP WIL+10 Magical Gravity damage
Rank 2: 17 FP WIL+13 Magical Gravity damage
Rank 3: 19 FP WIL+16 Magical Gravity damage
Rank 4: 21 FP WIL+19 Magical Gravity damage
Rank 5: 23 FP WIL+22 Magical Gravity damage

Forceful Throw Active Range 2: Whenever people get to close for comfort, you know how to get away from them. You root yourself to the ground and channel magic to send them hurtling away. You become immobilized and your target become magnetized based on rank, you then deal WIL+RANK Gravity damage and push them back RANK squares. Any target they collide with, along with themself, take Rank*5 damage. If they collide with a magnetized enemy, the secondary target is dragged a square along the path and may cause extra damage < Rank*5 > if they hit something along the way..

Rank 1: 15 FP WIL+10 Magical Gravity damage
Rank 2: 17 FP WIL+13 Magical Gravity damage
Rank 3: 19 FP WIL+16 Magical Gravity damage
Rank 4: 21 FP WIL+19 Magical Gravity damage
Rank 5: 23 FP WIL+22 Magical Gravity damage

Unshakeable Innate: While wearing cloth armor you are unable to be Knocked Down or pulled/pushed < Toggle for self >. While wearing Metal armor you are unable to be Knocked Down, Stunned, Pulled, OR pushed. In addition, while wearing metal armor you are able to lower the BW penalty on it by RANK.

Rank 1: Cloth: Pull Immune | Metal: Pull/Push Immune
Rank 2: Cloth: Pull/Push Immune | Metal: KD/Pull/Push Immune
Rank 3: Cloth KD/Pull/Push Immune | Metal: KD/Stun/Pull/Push Immune

Gravitational Pull Passive: Any targets that you have magnetized cannot go airborne of their own volition. Anything that forces them airborne < Point Kicking your target > still works though.

Lower Gravity Active Support Circle 2 within 3: When in this area, any target is flung airborne at the start of the round and remains that way until they perform an action that is not Airborne compatible.

Rank 1: 10 FP 1 Round
Rank 2: 12 FP 2 Rounds
Rank 3: 14 FP 3 Rounds

Empowered Gravity Passive: Any target that is airborne and targeted by you takes bonus damage based on rank. If they are magnetized, this extra damage is doubled.

Rank 1: +2 Extra Damage
Rank 2: +4 Extra Damage
Rank 3: +6 Extra Damage
Rank 4: +8 Extra Damage
Rank 5: +10 Extra Damage

Raise Earth Support Active: Raising the earth to help you, you can create earth spots in an area, making the combat area more advantageous to you. They last for RANK rounds.

Rank 1: 14 FP, 3 M
Rank 2: 13 FP, 3 M
Rank 3: 12 FP, 2 M
Rank 4: 11 FP, 2 M
Rank 5, 10 FP, 1 M

I will keep updating this as I come up with ideas, please post suggestions and the like!
Almighty Push!

But it's an interesting concept none the less. Astral Belt needed something to make it useful anyway.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: I did literally nothing and have never played YGO in my life.
OOC Black Chaos X: OOC Devourer Of Souls: no one activated zera ritual
OOC Devourer Of Souls: That's fake.

Tengen Toppa [Image: 2zolp55.jpg] !!!
I'd love to see this implemented. I might have more input later on, but just thought I'd show my support because MAGEEEEEEE. I mean, erhem, nice concept.
[Image: Y8FFQj7.jpg]
^Mercala's Favorite Apparently
[Image: To2mAPS.png](heh)
I like it space & time would be a cool blend with this instead of earth
As I said ingame.

Time magic should .never. be introduced to the game. People will think they can bring back the dead, and worse. Anything that reduces momentum, or gives momentum to a person is overpowering at best, broken as hell at worst. This mage doesn't alter 'space' either. Otherwise they would be blinking all over the place.

They manipulate gravity to a degree. That is it.
Maybe if you changed it from gravity damage to just blunt.....

Past that i cant say I wouldn't enjoy trying to fight someone using this class.
[Image: latest?cb=20150618145649]

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