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Lore Questions: January (2017)
How long can one keep up multiple youkai? A full day, without consequence?

How far can you control these youkai and familiars? Could you control them from, say, a different continent?
I'm not sure if this has been answered yet, but can a Vampire's soul fuse with armor to become a Dullahan much like any other race's soul that ends up ill-fated to become a Dullahan?
Does the empire consider using things such as Mad Dullahans/Living sword Rituals a crime?

Are there any particularly dangerous monsters that sailors or fishermen need to worry about?

How big are Giga Rexes on average? Elephant-sized? Tyrannosaurus sized? Ooor. . .?

What about Jammer Omegas?

Does Cellsvich have any kind of sewer system?

Can spiritualists exorcise undead monsters without resorting to combat?

Does any country in particular uses Bots in their armies?
By 'not existing', what does the Empire mean for Shaitans? Literal 'non-existence'?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Regarding Alstalsian lore, about how long ago was it that House Arkime came to be (as opposed to the Arkime pirates)?
Does the Domraye 'goddess' Ereshkigal have any relation to the Kigal tome?
How does From The Ashes work, exactly?
"Sawrock"' Wrote:What colors/flags does each country have/use?

Refer to the Noble Houses topics as they come. That information is/will be in there.

"Snakers"' Wrote:If vampires are the children of Huggessoa, and the Gods came during the Enlightenment, does that mean Huggessoa pre-dates the rest of the gods finding the 'prime material' plane of existance from the Void?

Since mortals are said to have been completely artless, nomadic savages, does that mean the vampires were 'uplifted' before everyone else?

Could vampires survive solely on shy snow flower (blue) potions? If not, any particular reason?

Additionally, BLACK.BLOOD sends their requests from cradle.grm, not l-net.grm like everyone else. What is the 'cradle' network?

1) That seems pretty likely, doesn't it.
2) Most likely, but there were only a small number (single digit) of vampires pre-Reckoning.
3) Not a realistic solution, in the long run. The amount of focus a potion gives isn't comparable to the amount of focus a vampire can draw from the same liquid volume of blood. They could be used as a supplement, but not a replacement.
4) A glitch in system, maybe?

"Raigen.Convict"' Wrote:This has been debated for a while... How do 'Bleeding hearts' work precisely? Are they actually bleeding hearts of some magical creature? Or are they shaped that way but just some sort of magical relic you use in some way? (trying to keep as vague as possible and for rp reasons)

They're just a relic, not a literal heart.

"TheCommonNoob"' Wrote:1. Does Lordwain have a real world mirror? Like how Oniga is Japan in a sense.

Edit: Another question.

2. Are Kaelensians capable of having human ears with their respective animal ones (if applicable)?

1) Not intentionally, at least.
2) Officially, I'll say no. That said, I don't really make a big deal out of it when I see it, even if it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

"Snake"' Wrote:Hyoya questions:
1- Does Hyoya have it's own dialect, or is it all shared with Lispool?
2- What is the sword-type preference of a Hyoyain Soldier? Greatswords, Katanas, or?
2b- And armor-type? Heavy, Light, Unarmored?

Ki questions:
3- It has been said once that Ki is different from Focus and even stronger. So, is it similar to Dragon Ball Z's concept of Ki? In which allows the user to perform many inhuman features such as hover/fly for a limited amount of time, punch boulders with their bare fists and throw blasts of concentrated energy?

Body of Isesip questions:
4- Is it possible for a (normal Player Character) to punch through Body of Isesip's barrier in one hit?

Kinu question:
5- Why is Kinu apparently weaker than Ashe? Cockiness or skill?

1) Hyoya has its own dialect, but the common tongue is more often used because that's what is used in Lispool.
2) Hyoyain typically use light, padded armor or no armor, and thin swords similar to but not katanas.
3) Yes, it's another magical whatsit that lets you do things.
4) I'll let the mechanics of the skill speak for itself in that regard since it's a battle skill and not really an RP question.
5) In what way did you get an impression that either one of them was stronger than the other?

"Cat15"' Wrote:Can you clarify a bit more on what vampires are ICly capable of feeding upon? E.g. is it limited only to living beings with relatively 'normal' blood to include animals and many animal-like monsters, or restricted exclusively to sentient/humanoid races with 'normal' blood? If the latter, are goblins included?

Anything with hemoglobin in its blood (see: red). Goblins have green 'blood' so they don't really apply. Again, don't take Banquet's mechanical function as a 1 for 1, since the way it works is mostly for PvE convenience.

"Kojiro Kamai"' Wrote:Void Assassin questions: 1 - Would a VA equipped with Void Veil on skill pool, without actually using cloth material armor, still be exposed by the small layer of void energy?

2 - Also, if the only skills used by the VAs characters are Veil off and Advancing flow, would they still be accumulating void energy? With the danger of getting Void poisoning, giving in consideration how usually hard it is to actually resort to them?

1) Voidveil has no effect when not used with cloth armor, so this question seems a little pointless.
2) Yes, even more so than someone using Voidveil because there's no 'filter' or buffer.

"Spoops"' Wrote:Where does a dullahan 'see' from? If it's from the helmet, where would they see from if their helmet was knocked off or they were a headless knight?

Dullahans have a focal point just above the chest, right around where the helmet would be, where they can see things. If they lose the helmet, they still see from the same point. Really, there's no rule that says a dullahan's helmet is part of the armor. It can be. But they're usually worn to help keep up the illusion that there's someone inside of the armor.

"Sarah54321"' Wrote:How long can one keep up multiple youkai? A full day, without consequence?

How far can you control these youkai and familiars? Could you control them from, say, a different continent?

1) Keeping up youkai is an exhausting activity. I'll liken it to jogging. Keeping up multiple youkai is like jogging multiple times. It becomes easier when one has large stores of focus and is well rested but keeping it up for an entire day is unlikely. You'd be lucky if you could keep one summoned for that much time while in an area with no innately high focus content, like summoning houses, which are very rare and typically mage-made areas like the Shadowless Spire (the Mashiama Stronghold).

2) I'd say about the length of a football field is the maximum.

"noblekame"' Wrote:I'm not sure if this has been answered yet, but can a Vampire's soul fuse with armor to become a Dullahan much like any other race's soul that ends up ill-fated to become a Dullahan?

In theory.

"Reikou"' Wrote:Does the empire consider using things such as Mad Dullahans/Living sword Rituals a crime?

Are there any particularly dangerous monsters that sailors or fishermen need to worry about?

How big are Giga Rexes on average? Elephant-sized? Tyrannosaurus sized? Ooor. . .?

What about Jammer Omegas?

Does Cellsvich have any kind of sewer system?

Can spiritualists exorcise undead monsters without resorting to combat?

Does any country in particular uses Bots in their armies?

1) They are not allowed inside of city walls, but it's not a 'crime'.
2) Sea monsters, wyverns, sea spiders. These are all things you have to be careful about when sailing, but fishermen usually don't have to worry about these things.
3) Depends on the age, but the 'average' Gigas is about 12 feet tall (roughly two average sized humans).
4) These are about 7 feet tall.
5) Yes, it does, thankfully.
6) It depends on the type of undead monster, and it's not like the monster is going to sit there and let you do it. Exorcisms are stressful for spirits.
7) No, Mechanations are not allowed to perform any military activities. Unless you mean Engineer bots, which I don't think are reliable or maintainable enough for anyone to seriously consider.

"Snake"' Wrote:By 'not existing', what does the Empire mean for Shaitans? Literal 'non-existence'?

It means that the Empire doesn't officially recognize the existence of Shaitans as a race, IE they do not human rights and can be imprisoned/executed without due process provided the order comes from someone with that authority, such as the Secretary of Defense.

"Joseph Jostar"' Wrote:Regarding Alstalsian lore, about how long ago was it that House Arkime came to be (as opposed to the Arkime pirates)?

Around the same time as Gold's Curse began. Part of the reason they hung up the pirate hat is because Gold's trade ships became very well guarded because it was so vital for its survival after they lost most of their farming land.

"Snakers"' Wrote:Does the Domraye 'goddess' Ereshkigal have any relation to the Kigal tome?

Most likely.

"Soapy"' Wrote:How does From The Ashes work, exactly?

I'm not really sure how to answer this. I don't think it needs a scientific explanation. They get seriously injured, God power activates and uses focus to heal them back up. That's the best I can explain it.

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