"Sarah54321"' Wrote:What happens if Glykin blood hits vampire blood? Or any other type of blood. I know it's pure, I'm just curious.
Nothing special. It only harms them if they try to ingest it.
"Soapy"' Wrote:How feasible is it to cast spells without a focus, such as a tome? Are there any particular drawbacks or limitations to it?
Can actual undead (such as Cladis Mortem Null) be possessed by spirits?
Are necromancers able to control their undead, either directly (like puppetry) or indirectly (such as voice commands)?
Where is Lei-Yu from?
Where would someone expect to find Chinese/Korean names and features, in general? Are they all just bundled into Oniga, or what?
1) Casting a spell without a catalyst makes it much harder to shape and direct, so it's a lot weaker. It is possible, in theory, but that delves into sorcery.
2) Technically anything can be possessed, but they can't possess and control the undead because they're mindless.
3) Depends on the kind of necromancy. If you're creating zombies, no, they won't listen to you. If you're animating skeletons through something like puppetry, then they don't have a will of their own.
4) Lei-Yu is originally from the south-western part of Gold; he's a student studying enchanting. But after the curse began, he could no longer do so for free except as part of the Mage's Guild.
5) South Oniga is where most of those names originate.
"Snake"' Wrote:Can Oracles have, in some rare occasions, visions of a past that does not belong to them?
Can they see the difference of the time in their visions by the color of the environment? (Sort of something grayed out for past, and more vivid for future)
1) No, they can only see the future.
2) No, they have no idea of any time frame other than what they can determine from the content of the visions.
"Ranylyn"' Wrote:Khanna says "... huh. Food for thought. Is it still cannibalism if... say... a serpentkin eats a corrupted, or a human eats a kaelen, or something? I mean... you know what, nevermind, forget I asked."
Orange Girl says "Awkwaaaaaaard."
It may be awkward, but now I'm legit curious. Are the differences between the races enough that it's not actually considered cannibalism, or is it universally considered so because of the humanoid shape, even in the case of doriads?
I think that depends mostly on who you're asking. I would personally consider it such.
"noblekame"' Wrote:Jammer questions!
How do jammers reproduce?
In the case of a jammer alpha that splits up every time it is struck, how does one consider a jammer to be dead?
Do jammers vary in size withing their same category? I.E. pebble sized jammer alpha, vs storage chest sized Jammer Alpha.
What do Jammers usually eat as food?
Is there anything that would prevent someone from holding a jammer? Besides the Beta's obvious acidic properties.
And for the final question. Do Jammers taste like jelly, or jello?
1) Jammers of all types will eventually fuse into something called a Jammer Queen, which has several large cores inside of it. The queen while eventually generate new cores from itself, which will drop from its body and become new jammers later.
2) When the core is smashed, though they stop moving long before that.
3) Yes.
4) Any organic matter that they walk over that gets stuck in their bodies and can't escape, which they then dissolve. Typically wounded animals.
5) Unless the jammer flips out, not really. Although holding them for too long is not advised.
6) They taste like water, unless you're eating the outside, in which case it tastes like water that's been on the floor.
"Yashatari"' Wrote:Since no march thread exists yet...
I'd like to know, What is murai made of?
I remember from the first game you could counterfeit murai, But i am unsure if this is the same universe since certain enemies don't exist in SL2.
To furthure ask this, When you sell a bar of gold to zeo, it's worth is 400, and we know hes buying at half cost.
This tells us that Murai is worth less then gold like IRL.
Asagos are worth 1 cent per and this would make murai 1/100th of a penny, Considering the part with gold, I doubt it's related.
There's also the part where this could be before modern time, when everything was far cheaper, but also had more worth.
(Like dimes in the early 1900's)
To summarize the question, What is Murai made of and what is it's general worth?
2) Murai authenticy can be verified by the Asago Corporation. You could probably counterfeit small amounts and fool street merchants, but you wouldn't be able to deposit it in your bank, for example.
3) Asago costs don't have any IC meaning. They're barely an IC item, really.
"Snake"' Wrote:It is said that Void Assassins who are reckless with the usage of Void can end up contracting Void Poisoning. How can a Void Assassin specialized in casting the Void Arts ward off the effects for a better use of the magic without instant or early drawbacks?
Nullstone accessories? Specific arcane wards or clothing? The Voidveil itself offers protection?
Don't use it too often is about the only way. Void energy is dangerous. It's like playing with fire. In moderation, it's easy to control, but if the 'flame' gets too big, it'll start burning your hands.