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Mage: Fake Out
Can Mages get a 'skill' or a delayed Swap Position that takes all momentum < 6 and ends turn > that lets you begin to watch an opponent. If said opponent strikes at you, you swap position with them to, effectively, make the attack fail. If they fired a projectile however, they would instead be struck by it. It'd be great for those troll-worthy mages who do said things ICly.
When would anyone fall for that though? As far as I can tell, that's just giving someone a free turn to set up any buffs they might wanna use.
And if they have a weak poke skill, they could just spend 3m to do waste your fake out and get a free hit.

seems a bit difficult to implement that skill and not have it be really bad
If someone goes for a weak poke skill, they wasted 3 momentum. Besides, it could < technically > be used to anticipate and blink out of range to a square within swap position range too, I'd assume that enemies wouldn't be able to see the square exactly. Just a possible general direction.
Or you could setup to sound and perform exactly like skip, except, instead of actually skipping, it does what you suggest. For instance

P1: *uses Fake Out*
Game: P1 Skips their turn
P2: "Cocky aren't we?!"-uses double dao-
P1:"Checkmate!~"-Fake out activates-
P2:"Oh shi-" -shot dead by self-
How would that work againts magic? Given it's almost instant and all.
Also I see this being awfuly abusable by dodgers and people with BoI and such.
Bit too strong for a base class, too. I'd say, anyway.
"Magic" is almost instant to a degree. This is a magic spell. You were anticipating for it and the moment you saw it fly out, you swapped position with them using a spell. It'd be 'abusable' by dodgers, sure. However they're wasting an entire turn to do it to 1 target for a single attack, which they also not get out of the way of if they're still in the range of the attack.

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