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No thank(you for your patronage)s.
Might be overly petty here...

However, I can't be the only person that dislikes when the popup, well, pops up - thanking us for our patronage.
Even if it doesn't waste more than two seconds, I find it extremely vexing at times.
I suggest we remove it - unless it is needed for a specific reason.
Specifically what pop-up?
i think they're referring to the 'Thank you for your patronage [Ok]' pop-up that appears when you make a purchase from shops.
Yeah, that one.
Obviously we should swap all shopkeepers with a greeting 'HUELCOME, STRANGER.', and then 'WHADD'YA BUYIN'?', and then if we decide to exit, 'IS THAT ALL, STRANGER?' and if yes 'COME BACK ANYTIME...'

[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I agree, I think it shouldn't be a popup at all. It shouldn't really be a thing, for it gets pretty annoying, and it makes buying and selling stuff a pain.

Yes, I get it. It's polite for thanking me for patronage, but I did not donated crap to them. I just want to sell my stuff, go back to selling stuff, and leave. 'specially with my own cooking box. I don't wanna hear it say "THANK YOU ADVENTURER-SAMA FOR BUYING FROM THE POCKET KITCHEN OWO" just ugh. Stop.
Ingame, I am:

Matilda Perugia - A Karatynn.


A type of "ccubus" that is a form of a succubus, but instead of feeding off of sexual energy, she feeds off of Coffee. She also is a morning person, so always expect your coffee to be made, with breakfast and your coffee pot being stolen or molested.

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