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Another Razor Rune Idea
Considerng the current state of rune mage a lot of their high end damage comes from rushing runes, this can directly attribute to the way razor does damage, it claims it's a "Resonate" but it does damage in passing.

If possible I'd rather keep it a resonate where of course if the round starts or it's focus tuned it does one instance of damage with perhaps SWA damage starting at SWA*.5 at a rune level of 1, going up .1 for every rune level to an utter maximum of SWA*1.6 per pulse and trigger, I think 2 with a chrono trigger.

If however that is deemed too much and one would rather change it to be at most 100% SWA damage at what would be a level 12 rune with chrono we could also do it where razor rune does not do large damage in itself and instead applies lingering damage as a purely trigger effect *So only when the rune is incapable of doing any more damage*

This would play into rune mages ability to apply status effects and would ultimately reduce a lot of the hate around rune mage, because currently people become very upset due to some abusers who will make a rune and serve to see the end goal of just using solo rush->all turn->all rush with razor rune which CURRENTLY would make it rush for roughly 800 damage, bout 100 damage per tick 4 times before DR twice.

And I get that, I sometimes don't want to rush my completed rune at all because I hate that the rushing of the runes doing more damage than this big rune is exploding, even if I'm not personally abusing the rune and typically rushing a fully powered chrono rune to explode the razor itself makes me reel a bit from how much its doing compared to the rest of the rune. I do think if you spend 5 turns making a rune it should be strong but I disagree that rushing a rune should be a means to do damage.

I'd like to see all turn and solo turn acquire more range for aiming runes, but for that to even be an option we need to make all rush and solo rush no longer lethal.
Rune mage suggestion... Approved!
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
My biggest problem with Rune Mage at the current moment is the amount of momentum efficiency that is presented with Razor Rune, where in you can build a super rune and slide it across the map at funky and weird angles to make up for the fact that you're sitting like a duck setting it up, it is 1000% worth it to do this so long as a razor rune is in the mass pile of runes you're toting.

How it currently plays out is setting up as many runes as you can within 2 turns and sliding it towards someone, then it deals like 5 or 6 ticks of 80-100 slash damage all at once when the rune can't actually explode thanks to Chronos Rune. Then the rune mage will use focus tuning afterwards to explode it all anyways after they're finished with it.

You can't really counterplay this thing, if you don't have smasher you're completely fucked already, but say the rune mage packs on smoke for 2 rounds, thats 2 rounds where you are forced to eat tons of damage. The Rune Mage is probably tanky enough to where you can't kill them before they straight kill you. And thats assuming you could even close the gap between you and them.

You can't run away from the thing since the Rune Mage can literally slide it across the map and control it from the other side, and then you run into the conundrum where even if you do run away, what are you going to do to your opponent afterwards?

I feel like pushing a rune through someone and getting tons and tons of damage is unintuitive and unfun to play against, I would love a different effect entirely, if it was at least lingering damage you can solve that with a cleanse pot or by rushing down your opponent.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I agree, and personally I feel that the rush skills should NOT deal damage, by any capacity. I just damage tested my runes and at max power which requires 5 turns of set up, 3 of which were setting up all of the runes for the big chonker rune.

After those -five- rounds my elemental rune did 667 damage to prinny, so before MDR.

Most builds can match it if it were just that, and then the status effects are nice and do some work and sometimes too much work, HOWEVER.

Razor rune did 112 damage crawling towards prinny to deal that 667, and rush moves 4 spaces for 1m, and there's 2 rush skills, so you can use razor rune to deal 112*8 damage a turn with no drawback, that's -more- damage than my elemental rune which at that point is now GONE from exploding, and I don't feel like runes should be doing that, I don't feel like you should be abled to deal damage without losing the rune, or at the very least having to spend 3m to tune it for a one time damage, or end turn for another one time damage.

Point is, razor rune is extremely unhealthy, and forces the conceipt of counterplay which rune mages are already prepared for, as a result...People get angry with it, we have people who eagerly abuse razor rune as it stands.

I did another damage test, how much damage can i do in one turn with razor rune, the answer was 37*4 with swiftcraft 5 runes and a rush.

The following turn I added a glowing rune and a warding rune, so it went up 2 levels +1 from chrono leveling up, and was now doing -23 more damage per tick- dealing, now, 60 damage per tick by turn 2 with extremely minimal effort, the damage race razor provides with all rush and solo rush are rediculous and I'd like rune mages to be more trap oriented and not "Haha I throw a saw at you"
So to add great context to my post, dev please consider this as much as possible.

This screenshot is in great detail the damage razor rune when built up can do, the build up alone is intimidating no one just wants to approach a rune because of stuff like this right here

The target had 62 resistance to that, and yet the rune ripped them asunder for 500 damage, sparing me 3m to do whatever i want, including kite.

This screenshot is an elemental rune built the same way that is lost the same turn it is used with this power, I made sure to be minimal with the razor rune since the above was already a demonstration.

I didn't even do half the total damage of the razor rune, with a rune that's not gone after the entire set up. This is unacceptable for a rune to not have any scaling effect but deal quite litterally over 1000 damage to someone without resistance stacked up.

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