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A bunch of suggestions that I kept thinking about for a while now. (Ham's tedtalk)
you read the title, let's get right to the point shall we?
I'll start with the summary of everything, and then go more into detail.
-dmi size cap expansion
-more stamps (thanks ryu)
-changing borders to more than just 'default colors or custom colors', and more 'select your preferred style (futuristic, steam punk, rusty, plain, etc)' (thanks fern)
-changing the background to 'default with pattern or custom colors with pattern', and more 'select your preferred style (pattern, plain, other preset patterns, i'd add a make your own pattern thing too but that might be too hard to execute)
-basically regalia but for your overworld sprite, since alot of things just cant be portray'd correctly and some people would want to make their own stuff themselves to look more accurate
-perhaps more whip weapons, and ones that have potentials too
-maybe a way to link other stuff that isn't youtube like soundcloud for videos that get taken down and the such
-a minigame for each place maybe? like how oniga gets yenten,  give lispool ice skating or something idk (to make the world lively and give me a reason to visit other places tbh)

so, in detail:

Number one, the DMI thing. I'll make it as brief as i can: 256kbs is fucking pathetic for a size, and marching bands and music having around 2mbs of a size limit is weird considering DMIs are more vital and everyone can afford one, unlike music which can be situational and in this case, only used in battles.
So, why? Why is the DMI size limit still 256 when it can obviously go further without that much trouble? It just results in a major quality loss due to compression and in the worst situations, loss of really good facial expressions that could have made a difference and affected the emergence of the rp.

Number two, more stamps- while this isn't a major complaint of mine nor is it as big of an importance as the DMI point, ryu brought up the fact that there is still empty space in the log book once you complete all tasks and stamps and it kinda made me give it a big ol' thonk, so eh, wouldn't hurt to suggest one or two more I guess.

Number three and four, Fern brought up something similar before in this same forum, but I'd like to take it abit Further. I'll be honest, the pattern gets in the way sometimes and the style of the profile image's border can make some colors look weird, but in other cases it looks pretty fucking stylish.
So here's my suggestion: Instead of keeping the 'change type' as 'do you want the default colors? or custom ones?', we change it to 'well there's style 1 aka default, style 2 aka plain, etc etc...' and the same goes for the background. I feel like it might give some profiles alot more identity and flair and can be alot of fun.
Now I could also suggest custom patterns but as you read in the summary, can be abit hard to pull off i feel. But I also have some hope.

Number five, So basically people enjoy iconning sometimes, and those same people sometimes look at the current icons we have and go 'hmm something's missing'. Like a bunch of Kimonos and stuff.
Now that's not saying what we currently have is Bad, just... if you've ever played Dragon Universe you'd know just how much people enjoy having freedom over their overworld sprites because of the endless possibilities that can be pulled of while not restrained by the shackles of 'we don't have that yet'. and I believe that waiting for someone to icon and submit an icon that you'd enjoy (a new kimono for example) would make you have to wait till it's approved and added to the game if ever.

Number six, there's... not much to this one tbh, I've just been playing some castlevania and went 'man I wish they expanded upon the whips in sl2'. So feel free to ignore this one, it's just my dumb brain going 'woah bro what if'.

Number seven, I enjoy BGMs, alot of people do. But sometimes I get sad when a theme I enjoyed having is suddenly pulled off from youtube and I can't vibe to it in my profile anymore. So perhaps a way to link other sites like soundcloud that have some themes that might not be on youtube? I dunno.

Number eight, now I enjoy visiting other places in sl2... sometimes. If it weren't for the fact that some places just feel so empty and lifeless. Giving people a reason to visit other places sounded like the most ideal decision to me, just imagine, ice skating in Lispool or something.
It doesn't even have to be complex, I'm not asking for BeyBlade battles in Alstalsia nor NetNavi battles in Karaten, just... something fun and lively, to bring life back to those places.

That's all, folks! Time for the afterword.
So, this was a thing and a half. I hope my lack of experience and professionalism in this didn't make it too un-comprehensible.
Basically, I enjoy this game for the most part despite it's flaws, but that's why I also want to see it grow past what it is right now, into what it can be, future's now and all that. I hope you all had fun reading this, just like how I had fun writing it. Feel free to comment your other suggestions or to call me a fucking idiot for my weird and dumb ideas.

Thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
Sincerely, that one edgy asshole.
[Image: Elhe3rK.gif]
I'll probably just answer to all of the ones that I have something to say with my own opinion on this.

As far as DMIs go, you can expand the size by donating via Patreon, up to 384 kB, and keeping in mind that we have a decent amount of potential players, trying to expand it past a certain point would be difficult. There's about 100 people online at times, after all, and there's people that aren't part of that number that you need to account for, along with the fact that people can have as many alts as they want by making more keys, and needing to account for the possibility of new players, and so on - that plus other stuff like infinitely expanding houses and 2 MB per person Marching Bands makes it a bit difficult to increase file sizes past a certain point. So, at least in my opinion, it's unfortunate, but likely fairly difficult to increase the file size any further with the waw things are right now.

For borders and backgrounds, different styles might be neat, but someone also needs to make them, probably. Shouldn't be difficult to include them as long as they're there and made properly. This kind of applies to a lot of things that require a visual element, really, something needs to be made first.

For the rest, I don't have much of a comment, really. I wouldn't be against those being included by any means, though it would likely take a while for most of the ideas to be implemented.

give me netnavi battles though
not really but it would be amazing though
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thank you for the reply, and now that i'm free enough to be able to reply back i have afew things to say.
when alot of people have requested the tiny cap limit of DMI size to increase and it's given to them but monetized, that... doesn't sit right with me. Hell, 384kb isn't even that much. You'd expect 384 to be atleast the default or something and 1mb to be the patreon one but what do I know.
as I mentioned before, DMIs are kind of vital, they're not like music. I get Dev monetizing music, but I don't see any justification for monetizing a cap limit increase in that case.
As for the lag and stuff, honestly I think the game can do fine with alittle more cap increasing since... well, the servers and byond itself have both received tons of update since it was first set as 256kbs, it can definitely handle more than that now more than ever and the biggest example of this is how we went from having to relog everytime we loaded a DMI, to just doing it on the fly.
Why make it a huge hassle and require us to have a shit ton of different DMIs to cycle through when you can just increase it with no disadvantages? I firmly believe letting us upload one big DMI in one go is alot less laggy than someone cycling back and forth every 5 seconds through like 3 DMIs because the facial expressions needed in a certain scene isn't available in this one.
[Image: Elhe3rK.gif]
Alright gonna throw my two cents in here,

In terms of increasing DMI size, I don't think this would make any difference at all. Sure 256kb for a single dmi is low but when you think about it, it's very likely that it is set low for a reason. Server bloat is a thing and it's a real nuisance to handle if it becomes too much. Sure if dev can find some way to prevent this go wild I guess but until then, you're just gonna have to perceive with it. And as Sol stated you can increase DMI size via Patreon.

In terms of Icons being submitted. That can't really be helped. Patience is basically what is at play here. If things are submitted just be patient and wait. It'll probably make it into the game at some point.

As for the rest, I have nothing more to say on them at this point other than sure.
[Image: Empress_of_Light.gif]
Most people aren't going to need multiple files worth of DMIs, and if they do it's probably because they're probably rocking multiple that do the same amount. I don't see any problem with monetizing something that isn't essential: I can tell you now, you can live without a size increase, and you can thrive without it, too. Just needs a little cropping.

It isn't about loading problems either, but about the fact that your face icons get stored on a server. Servers have limited file size and an increase for everyone across the board will stack up quick, especially considering alts and such. Compress well and don't go overboard if you're having FI space troubles. That's all.
[Image: 400px-Nihilus%2C_the_Abyssal_Flame.gif]
Ending 145: Disappointed in Humanity
(08-05-2020, 04:01 PM)Alright, Mister Nagare. Time to get to it... Ham Wrote:
Number one, the DMI thing. I'll make it as brief as i can: 256kbs is fucking pathetic for a size, and marching bands and music having around 2mbs of a size limit is weird considering DMIs are more vital and everyone can afford one, unlike music which can be situational and in this case, only used in battles.
So, why? Why is the DMI size limit still 256 when it can obviously go further without that much trouble? It just results in a major quality loss due to compression and in the worst situations, loss of really good facial expressions that could have made a difference and affected the emergence of the rp.

Well. 256kb can net you anywhere from, on average, 14-25 Colored FIs and about 40-70 black and white FIs or lower quality FIs. Mostly a matter of just properly cropping and resizing them and compressing them in a good manner. This is pretty fine unless you're trying to get literally over 100 FIs for some reason or just used a questionable program to recolor things which added way more bloat to the image than anything else. So, as always. My opinion amounts to "I wouldn't mind an increase but it's really not needed due to the possibilities at the moment."

Number two, more stamps- while this isn't a major complaint of mine nor is it as big of an importance as the DMI point, ryu brought up the fact that there is still empty space in the log book once you complete all tasks and stamps and it kinda made me give it a big ol' thonk, so eh, wouldn't hurt to suggest one or two more I guess.

Number three and four, Fern brought up something similar before in this same forum, but I'd like to take it abit Further. I'll be honest, the pattern gets in the way sometimes and the style of the profile image's border can make some colors look weird, but in other cases it looks pretty fucking stylish.
So here's my suggestion: Instead of keeping the 'change type' as 'do you want the default colors? or custom ones?', we change it to 'well there's style 1 aka default, style 2 aka plain, etc etc...' and the same goes for the background. I feel like it might give some profiles alot more identity and flair and can be alot of fun.
Now I could also suggest custom patterns but as you read in the summary, can be abit hard to pull off i feel. But I also have some hope.

Sure. As long as players can change it manually on their side to be normal in case somehow eyes burn.
Number five, So basically people enjoy iconning sometimes, and those same people sometimes look at the current icons we have and go 'hmm something's missing'. Like a bunch of Kimonos and stuff.
Now that's not saying what we currently have is Bad, just... if you've ever played Dragon Universe you'd know just how much people enjoy having freedom over their overworld sprites because of the endless possibilities that can be pulled of while not restrained by the shackles of 'we don't have that yet'. and I believe that waiting for someone to icon and submit an icon that you'd enjoy (a new kimono for example) would make you have to wait till it's approved and added to the game if ever.

Already said sure to this in the past. Wouldn't care if it was locked behind Regalia memes either.
Number six, there's... not much to this one tbh, I've just been playing some castlevania and went 'man I wish they expanded upon the whips in sl2'. So feel free to ignore this one, it's just my dumb brain going 'woah bro what if'.

Commit more whip.
Number seven, I enjoy BGMs, alot of people do. But sometimes I get sad when a theme I enjoyed having is suddenly pulled off from youtube and I can't vibe to it in my profile anymore. So perhaps a way to link other sites like soundcloud that have some themes that might not be on youtube? I dunno.

I mean. Why not? Not much of a strong opinion on this one since I just download music then upload it to random youtube accounts I have. So never really had an issue beyond twice with it.
Number eight, now I enjoy visiting other places in sl2... sometimes. If it weren't for the fact that some places just feel so empty and lifeless. Giving people a reason to visit other places sounded like the most ideal decision to me, just imagine, ice skating in Lispool or something.
It doesn't even have to be complex, I'm not asking for BeyBlade battles in Alstalsia nor NetNavi battles in Karaten, just... something fun and lively, to bring life back to those places.

Mostly an issue of the players and some of the maps being too big in general. Even if that kinda stuff would be there, players would still need an express reason to be there, both for the integrity of their IC and the player base as a whole giving you a reason to be there rather than waiting in a lifeless area.

LFGing tends to fill the places momentarily with life. But that's about it. Players give people a reason to visit other places and that's about it.

That's all, folks! Time for the afterword.
So, this was a thing and a half. I hope my lack of experience and professionalism in this didn't make it too un-comprehensible.
Basically, I enjoy this game for the most part despite it's flaws, but that's why I also want to see it grow past what it is right now, into what it can be, future's now and all that. I hope you all had fun reading this, just like how I had fun writing it. Feel free to comment your other suggestions or to call me a fucking idiot for my weird and dumb ideas.

Thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
Sincerely, that one edgy asshole.

Alright. Enjoy the 10 years in the jail cell, Mister Nagare.

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